Skating on the thin ice of hot life...

Reminds me of Noah's ark and the dove but with ice. Also reminds me of a hockey game that I went to once where the players seemed to be walking on the water only it was frozen.
He musta been wearing his yak trax sandals to maintain footing. This article gave me some vision of Jesus in a surfing stance.

I've read other discussions where the word which was translated as on could have also been read as along or something.
i would have liked to see it, but my computer wouldnt bring it up, perhaps you could talk me through it.......... (but dont destroy the mystery)

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today.
The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.
Looking at temperature records of the Mediterranean Sea surface and using analytical ice and statistical models, scientists considered a small section of the cold freshwater surface of the lake. The area studied, about 10,000 square feet, was near salty springs that empty into it.
The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 –1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.

And i always thought he had a team of well trained turtles for that trick :rolleyes:

ok, ok, my memory of the story is a bit muddled over the years...... but................. wasnt he on a boat....... surely they would have noticed the ice, cracking etc when he left the boat???? and then did this "ice" support his weight all the way back to land. (or did the boat pickhim up again) . (told you i was a little rusty on the story)
ok, ok, my memory of the story is a bit muddled over the years...... but................. wasnt he on a boat....... surely they would have noticed the ice, cracking etc when he left the boat???? and then did this "ice" support his weight all the way back to land. (or did the boat pickhim up again) . (told you i was a little rusty on the story)

Nope it was turtles. And they feasted on (mmmmmmmmmm yummy!!) turtle soup afterward. Honest!!
As intriguing as this possible explanation is, it does not factor in all the elements of the Gospel account.

1) The ship that the disciples were on was in the midst of the Sea of Galilee (according to Matthew 14:9) when the incident occurred. The Sea of Galilee is some 33 miles across. Even accounting that there could be a sheet of ice floating underneath, for Jesus to venture all the way from shore on that sheet at an assumed half distance of give or take 16 miles is rather unreasonable, particularly under heavy wave conditions.

2) Even if Jesus did walk on 16 miles of ice, it certainly would not be weather conducive to be sailing around on a ship amidst icy waters. Surely the disciples would not have stayed in such hazardous conditions, especially at night into the fourth watch. Not to mention that being dark, it would have been extremely dangerous to go walking into the ice.

3) The conditions at the time of the incident doesn't seem to have been particularly cold anyways. Jesus just finished feeding 5000 people that previous evening in a grassy field, following a healing session. There is no indication of inclement weather at the time of the feeding.

4) Jesus wasn't the only one to walk on the water that night. When He approached the boat, Peter asked permission to come out of the boat and walk toward Him. Why would Peter feel inclined to ask permission? If the ice seemed stable to hold Jesus, then Peter could have just hopped out on his own accord. Furthermore, once Peter got out of the boat and started walking toward Jesus, as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus and loked around, he became afraid and started sinking. Did the ice sense that Peter was afraid and opened up? And then when Jesus took Peters hand, He was back on top of the water. That is certainly not normal behavior for an ice sheet.
Hi Dondi,

I completely agree that it is unreasonable to believe that Jesus walked on a sheet of ice. But lets face it, its still more plausible than him having walked on water.

First I love the ads that this thread has encouraged "Broadway on Ice" etc.

Second I get some enjoyment out of the attempts to make the stories logical.

Third it all reminds me of the one where a hermit is on an island and the water carries the sound from the neighboring island where he hears chants and prayers. The chants get stuck in his head whereby he finds himself often chanting. The chanters hear his chanting across the water and get in their boats and go over to see him, and correct him, as he is chanting wrong.

A few days later they hear him again, again chanting wrong. It is blasphemy to them, so again they sail over to correct him.

The next day while they are in meditation they hear, splash, splash, splash, splash rhythmicly getting louder. They turn and see him running across the water towards them. As they stand thier with their mouths agape the hermit says, "I'm afraid I've forgot part of the chant again, could you remind me?"

I thought this just a cute joke until I heard the ice explanation.