Establishing the truth!



Are there others who care simply to contribute their time and energy to compile and develop knowledge unbiased by any sect, belief, or science?

If there was a model that retains integrity to the truth over any other priority; are there others who would entertain the duty to contribute to our future?
Oh we've been anxiously awaiting this Bishadi!

You've done well, your patience is admirable, 187th post before you open the reveal. Of course it has been dealt out in dribbles in previous posts but it appears we are about to open pandora's box!
Oh we've been anxiously awaiting this Bishadi!

You've done well, your patience is admirable, 187th post before you open the reveal. Of course it has been dealt out in dribbles in previous posts but it appears we are about to open pandora's box!

Please no biblical or theological representations. The philosophy of this thread is to allow each a voice in representing true physical evidence.

Such as;

"pi is not a constant issued by mankind but a representation to a phenomenon existing within nature.'

and if many of the truths of reality can be combined, then maybe the words to be written for the next generation can be, without the ignorance of fools.

All that is being asked is can there be a peaceful, compassionate gathering of input within this site and its contributors to remove the pandora box of current learning?
All that is being asked is can there be a peaceful, compassionate gathering of input within this site and its contributors to remove the pandora box of current learning?
So are you telling me you don't already have the answer? Are you really looking for contributions or simply ready to roll out what you have discovered for our edification?

Does anyone believe that pi was made by mankind? Sure the number was, as we designed the numbering system used. Just as we are utilizng a method of writing with 26 characters in many combinations we call words that we can often use to communicate. Should we toss those manmade symbols and definitions in the garbage along with all the science that has been discovered in our 'current learning'. Where is the line?
So are you telling me you don't already have the answer? Are you really looking for contributions or simply ready to roll out what you have discovered for our edification?
there is nothing of an I that is important; a contributer.... that is it!

Does anyone believe that pi was made by mankind? Sure the number was, as we designed the numbering system used. Just as we are utilizng a method of writing with 26 characters in many combinations we call words that we can often use to communicate. Should we toss those manmade symbols and definitions in the garbage along with all the science that has been discovered in our 'current learning'. Where is the line?

Other than the 'tude, the logic is perfect. As you are correct,

'mankind created all words in which to share in artculate associations'

That's 2 real strong realities of fact!

1. Pi is a ratio to describe existing patterns in existence.

2. Mankind created words.
Namaste Bishadi,

Pardon me for the 'tude.

So you are saying that we are starting from scratch, not pulling from previous knowledge or dissertations, not pulling from other religions or science and we are to establish the truth.

That and you have no truth to lay at our feet, no illimunation from previous thoughts or posts in which you wish to enlighten us.

No 'tude dude, just trying to insure we are on the same page.
Interesting idea. What if I were to say "evolution accounts for the variety of life on Earth" ?

sorry, bish, you lost me again, cos on a different post you said you werent into math and now you are spruiking "pi" ????? I cannot see the relevance of this..... (is it just me??) how about sin, cos and tan?? dont they get a mention??? (sorry, guys thats about my extent of high school math).
oh, thats right, this is about "Establishing the Truth"................ well, out with it then...................whats your poison????
Interesting idea. What if I were to say "evolution accounts for the variety of life on Earth" ?

Makes sense.

Since evolution is a description of a process of nature. Then maybe identify a progression in math, let's say maybe phi, to share how this could exist. :rolleyes:

But as a one line sentence maybe some other ideas for the term to represent its true context... ?!!?!?
Sorry Bishadi, I dont do me wobbly knees and a headache.

But given that that former statement is true can I state. "Our ancestors were bacteria" ?

Interesting thread. Do I understand correctly that the premise is to view reality or actuality as it is rather than as we think it is?
But what proof would one have on that if we have to reinvent the whole wheel?
Well if we compare human DNA to the most primitive bacteria we are aware of on Earth it shares close to 20% of our DNA. The code for such bacteria being shorter and less complex than human it is the basic coding for cellular construction and function. That 20% is, if you like, the foundations on which a more complex set of coding can evolve. Now if that 20%, or even 1 or 2% was actually carried to Earth from the Plieades cluster or elsewhere it would not surprise me. But regardless of that possibility being true or not the DNA structure of both ourselves and bacteria is a powerful argument for stating evolution theory to be fact. Bacteria are the most numerous (by volume, weight or number), organisms on the planet and as essential to the survival of higher organisms as liquid water. The Earth would not for a moment feel any loss at the passing of all humans, or even mammals, it would carry on regardless. But remove the bacteria and all life would die. Yet not one holy book pays homage or even gives mention to these simple, tiny creatures that make it all possible. How can any book that professes itself to be the truth make such a glaring omission and be called credible? If we have living gods then sure they are the bacteria. All hail bacteria!!

Greymare, please reread the post regarding the math. Apparently you may not have comprehended what was conveyed; the basis is grounded in, but that is not what is important to sharing. Meaning I do not care to publish to the system, to be accepted. It is the comprehension and understanding in words that is most important; the people. And why each item posted simply represents physical truths. When the time is right and the form cannot be used for ill regard, then the ‘name’ can be put into writing. But to share items in a form such as the progression of evolution within an environment; them ratios are nothing unique and it would take a real sharp puppy to drill that backwards and find MET.

Interesting thread. Do I understand correctly that the premise is to view reality or actuality as it is rather than as we think it is?
That more than one position of observational assessment is utilized; priority one, is honesty. Nothing of belief, unproven idea or complacency can be the foundation of fact.

But given that that former statement is true can I state. "Our ancestors were bacteria" ?
Since the natural evolution shares the progression and increased associations for development of life to continue within an environment, then you have a pretty idea of the path.

But what proof would one have on that if we have to reinvent the whole wheel?
Because people think life is either created (theological) or the per se scientific group is now governed by business and rather than return to the basics such as ‘how life exists’… they are chasing the dollar and developing ‘things.’

i.e….. it is literally norm for people to actually believe living things share information as electrical (electron exchanges/chemical).

i.e….. what is heat? Meaning on the single atom, what is heat to that atom? It sure and the heck is not an electron exchange.

To return to basics, it is real easy to see that all of the sciences will be affected in such a beautiful way. Grounding facts is the absolute requisite.

Yet not one holy book pays homage or even gives mention to these simple, tiny creatures that make it all possible. How can any book that professes itself to be the truth make such a glaring omission and be called credible?
‘honor thy mother and father’……… it’s in many a book but not a one understands why the line item (commandment) is a literal truth. In the east ever note how the various critters each share traits or characteristics of men’s instinctive reactions. i.e…. astrology; the horse, the dog, the roster…. Etc…

Who else can share a universal truth?

The best one yet is ......... "mankind created all words"....

How about the advice of socrates: "One cannot live in peace of mind without at the same time being in harmony with reality.” "
YouTube - I have a theory!

Bishadi,,,,,,, out with it man.

- c -
Not sure I understand what you mean.

I have never been a utube kind even as others have asked that a video be made for others to observe...

What is you question...... ? Maybe it is;

Is the world about to change based on knowledge? Absolutely!

If you wish to share the material in the UK, plagerize all you like..... in fact, take it all and you put your name on it...... if it will assist others to understand, take my house(s) car(s) and everything I own as I care only for one thing. Our future!
Not sure I understand what you mean.

I have never been a utube kind even as others have asked that a video be made for others to observe...

What is you question...... ? Maybe it is;

Is the world about to change based on knowledge? Absolutely!

If you wish to share the material in the UK, plagerize all you like..... in fact, take it all and you put your name on it...... if it will assist others to understand, take my house(s) car(s) and everything I own as I care only for one thing. Our future!

No, Bishadi, there are no questions other than what are you really pursuing?
But you have already returned a very interesting answer........
I don't work on theories, only what is and the what is is that recently I have found myself in the very uncomfortable position of harnessing the power of opposing opposites. Something like two serpents intertwined until we come to the agreement of the Ahhhhhhh factor and then rest in each others coils as our own. Oh my God, life is so much more than Monty Python.......

Now, if I can be so crazy as to release this to the world, surely you can tell us yours.......... :p

- c -
Well if we compare human DNA to the most primitive bacteria we are aware of on Earth it shares close to 20% of our DNA. The code for such bacteria being shorter and less complex than human it is the basic coding for cellular construction and function. That 20% is, if you like, the foundations on which a more complex set of coding can evolve. Now if that 20%, or even 1 or 2% was actually carried to Earth from the Plieades cluster or elsewhere it would not surprise me. But regardless of that possibility being true or not the DNA structure of both ourselves and bacteria is a powerful argument for stating evolution theory to be fact. Bacteria are the most numerous (by volume, weight or number), organisms on the planet and as essential to the survival of higher organisms as liquid water. The Earth would not for a moment feel any loss at the passing of all humans, or even mammals, it would carry on regardless. But remove the bacteria and all life would die. Yet not one holy book pays homage or even gives mention to these simple, tiny creatures that make it all possible. How can any book that professes itself to be the truth make such a glaring omission and be called credible? If we have living gods then sure they are the bacteria. All hail bacteria!!


I'm not sure how to tell you this, but, I cleaned the kitchen this morning and used an anti-bacterial cleaner...

i feel so ashamed, so very very ashamed...