Reason to 'invade' Myanmar?


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a figment of your imagination
Should someone go to the UN over Burma?

Insist on actions against the state?

At a minimum carpet bombing of relief supplies?

Tricky stuff. A hundred thousand dead, 1-2 million in peril, if someone reacts against a regime which has been an issue for decades how will the world react to the force which goes in to 'fix' the situation?

Now I'm not, have not been in favor of the Iraq situation. But I can draw some parallels. Saddam killed millions of his own people, tortured and ruled with an iron fist millions more. Than Shwe has been at odds with human rights violations for years and by proxy is now killing his own people by not allowing aid and aid workers.

In Iraq when 'we' took out the head of power and the civil war/power struggle between Kurds, Shia and Sunni which has been largely quelled, we now have Shia power (who haven't ruled for 500 years) so there is an internal conflict between two factions over this...

If "we" (whoever) were to go into Myanmar, in order to assist those starving, dying, rid disease etc. And encounter resistence from the junta...who knows what would happen.

Interesting tidbit...reports say the regime which is refusing aid assistance has told its factories what to begin producing, its distributors what to begin moving, and its suppliers to provide all aid AT COST. So maybe more is being done internally than we know of??

damned if you do, damned if you don't, I can just say I am glad I don't make these kind of decisions!
i wonder why "we" dont have the same sense of urgency to help these victims of this natural disaster as we do to take over the oil fields etc.
or am I being too blunt
i wonder why "we" dont have the same sense of urgency to help these victims of this natural disaster as we do to take over the oil fields etc.
or am I being too blunt

At the risk of seeming the Devil's advocate, let us not forget there was quite a long run up prior to this Iraq incursion, beginning back in the previous administration. Of course, that is usually forgotten when it is convenient.

I pray whatever action is taken, by whoever is going to take it, provided the government is cooperative and appreciates the assistance; happens *much, much* sooner than it took leading up to the current Iraq situation. Otherwise, there will be a whole lot of needless suffering and death.

There is a difference between a New York hurry and a Chinese hurry; the people of Burma need help in a New York hurry, Iraq was invaded in a Chinese hurry.
At the risk of seeming the Devil's advocate, let us not forget there was quite a long run up prior to this Iraq incursion, beginning back in the previous administration. Of course, that is usually forgotten when it is convenient.

Come now, you have to go Juan, too, 3 administrations back..... to Papa Bush. Dont try and lay it at the door of Clinton. Under Bill Clinton most of the world was actually beginning to respect the USA, no Bush has ever come close to that.

Come now, you have to go Juan, too, 3 administrations back..... to Papa Bush. Dont try and lay it at the door of Clinton. Under Bill Clinton most of the world was actually beginning to respect the USA, no Bush has ever come close to that.
I still respect my vow, Tao. You will not seduce me into such a discussion.
Would you be truly or correctly represented by others in the absence of your words?

Sometimes, sometimes not. I have never attempted, nor would I, to put words in anyone's mouth. Juantoo is a man I have great respect for here despite that often the only agreement we ever reach is to disagree. But we do not come here to massage each others ego's, we come here to talk and debate about this common interest we all share.

Sometimes, sometimes not. I have never attempted, nor would I, to put words in anyone's mouth. Juantoo is a man I have great respect for here despite that often the only agreement we ever reach is to disagree. But we do not come here to massage each others ego's, we come here to talk and debate about this common interest we all share.

If you don't put words into anyone's mouth, then why do you say their silence conveys you information? How is it that you know everyone's intentions and interests here?
If you don't put words into anyone's mouth, then why do you say their silence conveys you information? How is it that you know everyone's intentions and interests here?

It is you that gives it definition not me. It is you that puts forth an implication not me. As for your last point, work it out for yourself, it is not rocket science. This place is after all called Comparative Religion.

It is you that gives it definition not me. It is you that puts forth an implication not me. As for your last point, work it out for yourself, it is not rocket science. This place is after all called Comparative Religion.

I agree that assumptions and assertions are not science... or rocket science... though a hypothesis is common in science. More specifically this is a thread in the politics and society section with the topic, "Reason to 'invade' Myanmar", in which you seemed to have an interest to discuss US presidents. Juantoo3 it seems had a different interest, and so did I. :)
Assumption again!! I had no desire to discuss US presidents. I only set out to correct a glaring error that appeared to attempt to put the blame for Iraq on Clinton. Perhaps, since you are able to think for Juantoo you might also believe only a democrat President can be blamed ?
