Loving Day, oh my!


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So today is "Loving Day". So stated due to the date June 12, 1967 when the Supreme Court of the US overturned a lower court ruling against Mildred and Richard Loving.

You see Richard was white and Mildred was black and in 16 states inter-racial marriages were illegal.

So Loving Day is the day when inter-racial marriages were made legal.

But what they don't tell you.

Mildred was 'with child' when she was 14 and Richard was 20, that was evidently not a Federal or State, Supreme Court or lower court concern. They started 'dating' when she was 11 (he 17).

So today would we be concerned more about the inter-racial aspect or what a man is doing impregnating a young girl? I think it would be called statuatory rape, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would oppose it. Instead they have an annual celebration around this affair?

Loving Day, oh my!
Doh! :eek:
So today would we be concerned more about the inter-racial aspect or what a man is doing impregnating a young girl? I think it would be called statuatory rape, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would oppose it. Instead they have an annual celebration around this affair?
Twisted. :(

{Do you think the court might have ruled differently if Mildred was white and Richard was black?} :eek:
Well, to be fair, by the time of the 1967 decision, Mildred was in her late 20s, so it must of not been that much of an issue. Heck, even when they finally married, she was 18 or 19, and they were charged soon after that. The fact that she was 14 when impregnated is a seperate issue. The main jist of the celebration is that interracial couples could now be married without judicial repercussions from states that previously banned it. I'm sure there were legal issues with other mixed couples out there, the Lovings just happened to be the one's who made it to the Supreme Court, with some assistance from Attorney General RFK, who was big on civil rights, whom Mildred had written a letter to.
I do not think we can draw a double standard from that. Society has moved on since then and though we might find the man guilty of grooming and rape today it was not an issue back then. We have fewer children, (which means we value them more), now and are more affluent and better educated. These things combined have led us to want to protect our children and their childhood to a degree never considered before. As Path of One pointed out in another thread to you Wil, there are many very good and proper reasons why it is better for our children that they receive these new protections. The main ones being physical and emotional maturity. I think it is good that "Loving Day" is celebrated as a victory over racism and bigotry. So "Happy Loving Day" everyone!!!

I do not think we can draw a double standard from that. Society has moved on since then and though we might find the man guilty of grooming and rape today it was not an issue back then. We have fewer children, (which means we value them more), now and are more affluent and better educated. These things combined have led us to want to protect our children and their childhood to a degree never considered before. As Path of One pointed out in another thread to you Wil, there are many very good and proper reasons why it is better for our children that they receive these new protections. The main ones being physical and emotional maturity. I think it is good that "Loving Day" is celebrated as a victory over racism and bigotry. So "Happy Loving Day" everyone!!!

Okee dokee, so we leave Mohamed alone, and slavers, and crusaders, we let by gones be bygones and move on from here. I am for that.
Okee dokee, so we leave Mohamed alone, and slavers, and crusaders, we let by gones be bygones and move on from here. I am for that.

The suicide bombers have stopped? The fundamentalist evangelicals have given up trying to pimp creationism? The Christian Right have eschewed war in Iraq? I think not. That fight goes on.
Hey, I'm glad that interracial marriage was finally legalized. {Why in the heck was it ever made illegal in the first place? It's not as if the issue hadn't been addressed before--Othello, from hundreds of years earlier than 1967, comes to mind.}
Hey, I'm glad that interracial marriage was finally legalized. {Why in the heck was it ever made illegal in the first place? It's not as if the issue hadn't been addressed before--Othello, from hundreds of years earlier than 1967, comes to mind.}

Even further... Solomon and the Shulamite :)