Derailment-proof Thread

If you keep trying to prove Murphy's Law, will something keep going wrong?




you know... I was cleaning up earlier... And I couldn't believe how limey the lime washing up liquid was... Looked at its contents... Made with real freaking limes.... Tastes terrible though... But I then went and got out our juice drink, which also happened to be lime... Washed my mouth out with that and it tasted great... Looked at the contents..... Made with artificial flavours.... Think, just think about it.
Son, I say, son, it's time you learned you a trade. How about escortin' this here jug on over to the distillery over yonder to be filled, and then bring it back over here and we'll discuss this matter in more detail.
Son, I say, son, it's time you learned you a trade. How about escortin' this here jug on over to the distillery over yonder to be filled, and then bring it back over here and we'll discuss this matter in more detail.

My favouritest ever line by Foghorn was when he'd managed to get himself blown up (by a bomb I think; y'know like you get on any farm). When the dust settled he walked back on, totally bald and commenced picking up his feathers off the floor and re-applying them whilst saying (in his usual calm manner of course) "Fortunately all my feathers are numbered for just such an occasion."

Classic! :p:p:p

If we talked about a train jumping off the tracks, would it derail this thread?
There is no spoon--err-rail.

Son, I say, son, it's time you learned you a trade. How about escortin' this here jug on over to the distillery over yonder to be filled, and then bring it back over here and we'll discuss this matter in more detail.
Strong enough to bend the rail--err--spoon?
lol, i am laughing so hard, right now
those new fandangles cartoons have NO idea, do they. LOL

I think my favorite loonie tunes cartoons were the ones with Claude the cat and the little puppy, kind of a prequel to the road runner-coyote schtick. The cat was always up to no good about the puppy, but the puppy was happily ambivalent to it all in a Odie to Garfield kind of way. Except the puppy would sneak up behind the cat and bark, and the cat would jump and stick to the ceiling every time, which made him want to get even with the puppy all the more. I don't think the cat ever did get the puppy.

I also seem to recall a huge bulldog and a kitten that would knead and snuggle into his back. That bulldog put himself through hell and back for that kitten. Talk about a metaphor for life.

And neither one of these had any spoken dialogue, it was all pictures and sound effects and music. Sometimes simple is sufficient.
I think my favorite loonie tunes cartoons were the ones with Claude the cat and the little puppy, kind of a prequel to the road runner-coyote schtick. The cat was always up to no good about the puppy, but the puppy was happily ambivalent to it all in a Odie to Garfield kind of way. Except the puppy would sneak up behind the cat and bark, and the cat would jump and stick to the ceiling every time, which made him want to get even with the puppy all the more. I don't think the cat ever did get the puppy.

I also seem to recall a huge bulldog and a kitten that would knead and snuggle into his back. That bulldog put himself through hell and back for that kitten. Talk about a metaphor for life.

And neither one of these had any spoken dialogue, it was all pictures and sound effects and music. Sometimes simple is sufficient.

OMG we must be twins, juantoo3, i know that one, its my fav.
Morpheus was way cooler than Trinity. Morpheus ftw.