Unknown god.

17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Prayer the unknown god.... (Peruvian)... Really liked this wished to share....
O RULER! Lord of the universe,
Whether thou art male,
Whether thou art female,
Lord of reproduction
Wherever thou mayest be!
O Lord of divination
Where art thou?
Thou mayest be above,
Thou mayest be below,
Or perhaps around
Thy splendid throne and sceptre.
O hear me!
From the sky above,
In which thou mayest be,
From the sea beneath
In which thou mayest be.
Creator of the world,
Maker of all men;
Lord of all Lords
My eyes fail me for longing to see thee
For the sole desire to know thee.
O look down upon me
For thou knowest me.
The sun--the moon--
The day--the night--
Are not ordained in vain
By thee, O Deity!
They all travel
To the assigned place;
They all arrive
At their destined ends
Whithersoever thou pleasest.
Thy royal sceptre
Thou holdest.
O hear me!
O choose me!
Let it not be
That I should tire,
That I should die!


may wanna actually move this sorry... Sacred texts said it was a pagan prayer!!! It's actually an Inca prayer.... to Viracocha...
Very cool. There is a prayer to an unknown god in the Rg Vedas as well- I'd have to look it up, though. I haven't read the Vedas in years.