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I'm a Quaker and I'm curious to know why God doesn't speak to Muslims any more? Does submitting to the will of God cut you off from conversation with God or are you simply not listening?

peace and blessings,

I'm a Quaker and I'm curious to know why G-d doesn't speak to Muslims any more?
What makes you think G-d does not speak to Muslims? I spoke to a Muslim from Jordan just the other day who had very clearly been in touch with G-d.

Interesting that as a Quaker you are willing to talk about G-d. The subject was never broached at the Quacker meetings I've been to.
Quaker Meetings differ depending on the particular leadings of those present. Some find G!d language helpful and others do not.

I am interested to know more about the role of prophesy within Islam, since I (perhaps mistakenly) understood that the conversation with God was essentially a closed book with the recitation of the Qur'an.

peace and blessings,

I'm a Quaker and I'm curious to know why God doesn't speak to Muslims any more? Does submitting to the will of God cut you off from conversation with God or are you simply not listening?

peace and blessings,


salam quakeyjese,

I m sorry to answer you with questions:D:

1- What do you mean by speaking with God? conversation with Him? Do you mean that we can speak with Him directly:confused:? listening to His voice:confused:? Can you explain more?

I have heard that some people say it is impossible for God to speak to us directly, that it is always mediated by an angel. But that is not my experience.

I have heard the voice of God and the speech of angels and they seem different to me. I was open to the voice of God at a time when I was very distressed and it told me to accept the reality of the death of Jesus on the cross (I didn't really believe in God before that), or face the risk of suicide.

But that was at a very difficult time and nowadays I have to listen very carefully to hear the still small voice of the Counsellor that Jesus promised (John 16:7-11). I also sometimes hear an angel speak to me.

I am interested in the role of prophesy in the founding of our religions. For Christians it is difficult to accept the message of Islam because it conflicts with what is gone before. Christ fulfilled the sayings of the prophets that went before him, so the conflict is not so great. But how are people to accept that Muhammed was God's Messenger? Did his message fulfill prophesy or must it be simply accepted at face value?

peace and blessings,

I have heard that some people say it is impossible for God to speak to us directly, that it is always mediated by an angel. But that is not my experience.

As Muslims we believe that Allah (swt) has spoken directly to the Prophet Musa (Moses) (pbuh).

Yes Angels have spoken to man but so have Jinn, I would be careful about making assumptions about who or what I am hearing.

For us to suggest that we have directly heard the voice of Allah (swt) would be considered folly at the very least.

I won't get in to a discussion about prophecy because I believe they can be made to fit just about any scenario you wish them to fit but I would probably nip over to the Judaism board and discuss the messianic tasks that the Prophet Isa (Jesus) (pbuh) did not accomplish before suggesting that he fulfilled prophecies of the prior Prophets.
When God spoke to me it sounded Earth-shakingly awesome. There was no mistaking it as anything but God. I experienced it as audible but no-one else could hear it. There was a kind of authority that made it distinct from any other kind of hearing voices.

Peace to you.

Muslims can talk to G!d The Most High all the time. He answers people in various ways. In the Noble Qur'an it is said that G!d Almighty listens to prayers and anwers them.

A person may have a conversation with G!d formaly in Islaam (through obligatory prayers), or you simply can talk and He hears you. There were many times in my life where I would just sit in the quiet of my home and talk to Him. I always know that He hears me, sees me, and that is all I need. I can cry in his presence, I can pray in his presence, I can tell Him all that is happening. He understands any language, everyone. G!d All Merciful states in the Holy Qur'an that we are never, never alone because He is always present!
Regarding your experience and you believing it was G!d Almighty's voice, all I can say is that with G!d anything is possible.

However, according to my religion and many other monotheistic traditions, it has always been chosen humans who heard G!d's voice: the prophets and messangers, may they all be blessed.

I would be careful about hearing stuff and believing it to be G!d The Merciful! But then, it is between you and the Creator.
Prophecy has ended, because Muhammad (alaihi salatu wa salam) is the final prophet, there will be no prophet after him. Thus the revelation is complete and perfect. However, Allah will still communicate with His servants through the form of dreams, visions, inspiration. However, He will not reveal any new scripture or law, because Islam is complete. Many pious Muslims receive inspiration and communication of Allah, even to this day it is possible if Allah wills. For example, the second khalifa, Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was such a person who constantly received divine inspiration and dreams from Allah. These days, it is something rare because the Muslims have become lax and corruption has spread everywhere, there are very few truly righteous people. Thus this blessing has all but dissapeared. Insha Allah it will be revived.
Dear friend Abdillah,

Thanks for clearing that up; that is what I was misunderstanding.

No more prophets since your scripture is complete, but still possibly guidance on following it?

peace and blessings,
