Palin, God, and War

Sarah Palin is using words similar to Bush to fish for Christian voters who are splashing around in shallow water.
Might make an interesting thread from multiple angles.;) earl

Sarah Palin: Iraq War 'God's Will' - Political Machine

Hmm, how strange? Now this same link goes to a slightly different story than what I found originally-liked the original one better as it wasn't such a diatribe. But what it quoted about our national leaders sending over the troops on a "mission from God" is the same quote that got my attention. Thought it might be interesting to mull over the implications of any leader making an assumption about such a thing. earl
Hmm, how strange? Now this same link goes to a slightly different story than what I found originally-liked the original one better as it wasn't such a diatribe. But what it quoted about our national leaders sending over the troops on a "mission from God" is the same quote that got my attention. Thought it might be interesting to mull over the implications of any leader making an assumption about such a thing. earl
Next few years should prove interesting...
Q, the original story was laid out in a much more matter of fact way but apparently the quote re the Iraq war was a comment she made at a Church service earlier this year. Even as a liberal I would take umbrage at the way that second story was written.:) earl
Q, the original story was laid out in a much more matter of fact way but apparently the quote re the Iraq war was a comment she made at a Church service earlier this year. Even as a liberal I would take umbrage at the way that second story was written.:) earl
Just got to the point where I am "shoeless Joe" in center field, pitcher's about to pitch and batter is ready...;)
I hate diatribes so I protest my post.:D The "liberal media" pulled a fast one on me and (seriously) I'd rather the whole dang thread were deleted if that can be done. earl
I don't know- the article I got was really short and mostly just quotes by her.

All I could think of was... eek. I want to go hide under a rock that this is America.

Why do so many want to abandon democracy for theocracy? Can people not see that theocracy, no matter what you call God, is theocracy? One minute these people are condemning Iran and such theocratic states, but the next they are wanting to institute a similar regime. The lack of logic, consistency, and attachment to democratic ideals is just plain scary.
Path the short one wasn't the original which was a tad less editorial.:) earl
Well to get at the basic thing that caught my attention, which Path sort of alludes to with her comment about theocracy, is the notion a political leader wants to claim that that war-or any war-somehow represents the "will of God." I think most of us with a spiritual belief system of any sort might want our leaders to be informed by spiritual values and experiences. But it becomes problematic needless to say to claim to reliably know that will. The "God delusion" here is the slippery slope that can lead an individual and/or their followers to slide into putting words in God's mouth instead of listening for God's words in their "ears." By the way Luna, that's some avatar. SL, while I didn't like the tone of this second piece, I would not actually call the piece a political hack job as it was in large part about showing her views reflective of a right-wing nature. earl