does God really care about us ?



we live in a world full of cruelty and injustice.
many religions teach that the sufferings we experience are Gods will.

God never causes what is wicked .
Far be it from the true God to act wickedly,and the Almighty to act unjustly says JOB 34; 10
God has a loving purpose for humans .
That is why Jesus taught us to pray ....Our father in the heavens,let .....your kingdom come .Let your will take place . as in heaven,also on earth matthew 6;9,10
God cares so deeply about us that he has gone to great lengths to make the fullfillment of his purpose a certainty JOHN 3;16

See also Genesis 1;26 -28
James 1;13
and 1 peter 5;6-7

would you not agree that it is good to see what the bible has to say ?
we live in a world full of cruelty and injustice.
many religions teach that the sufferings we experience are Gods will.

God never causes what is wicked .
Far be it from the true God to act wickedly,and the Almighty to act unjustly says JOB 34; 10
God has a loving purpose for humans .
That is why Jesus taught us to pray ....Our father in the heavens,let .....your kingdom come .Let your will take place . as in heaven,also on earth matthew 6;9,10
God cares so deeply about us that he has gone to great lengths to make the fullfillment of his purpose a certainty JOHN 3;16

See also Genesis 1;26 -28
James 1;13
and 1 peter 5;6-7

would you not agree that it is good to see what the bible has to say ?
yes it is great to hear what the Bible has to say. But as we know most don't have a clue.

thank God theat He has chosen the foolisth things of the world to confound the wise, God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.
Just as Jesus uses parables in His days to keep the multitudes blinded He uses His wisdom to keep them blinded today.
yes it is great to hear what the Bible has to say. But as we know most don't have a clue.

thank God theat He has chosen the foolisth things of the world to confound the wise, God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.
Just as Jesus uses parables in His days to keep the multitudes blinded He uses His wisdom to keep them blinded today.

lmao, nice Dude god is, creating something so flawed then keeping it blinded to boot. I cannot get how you can rationalise your own words to define anything other than a hateful, spiteful, cruel and vindictive brat.

Yes ,God does really care about us, that is why he sent his son to us all
john 3;16
Just as Jesus uses parables in His days to keep the multitudes blinded He uses His wisdom to keep them blinded today.
i think the bible informs us that it is the god of this system of things, that is blinding people to the GOODNEWS

If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god (SATAN)of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. 2 CORINTHIANS 4;3-4

We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one
1 JOHN 5;19

God really does care about us ,
but there is much darkness about too.

draw close to God and he will draw close to you :)

lmao, nice Dude god is, creating something so flawed then keeping it blinded to boot. I cannot get how you can rationalise your own words to define anything other than a hateful, spiteful, cruel and vindictive brat.

I know this. God covers my ass. God holds me accountable for my actions. God grants me my hopes. God has a sense of humor that floors me. And the most important, God answers me in the strangest but most profound ways.

God talks to us all the time. We just need to find the point to listen...
Sorry Q, much as I would love to agree with you, and sincerely I wish I could, nothing you state is out with the remit of human compassion and love without any recourse to any supernatural creature. We are born loving. It is our way. Why not accept full credit for it....and enjoy it!

Sorry Q, much as I would love to agree with you, and sincerely I wish I could, nothing you state is out with the remit of human compassion and love without any recourse to any supernatural creature. We are born loving. It is our way. Why not accept full credit for it....and enjoy it!

Too many times, I should be dead. Way too many times. Too many lives I should have lost, but they weren't, and I had nothing to do with it, even though I was there and part of it.

Too many things happen that I thought would be the end, only to be the beginning. Too many answers to questions in the strangest times and light. What a sense of humor God has, what a gentle touch. He even saw fit to bring a girl from half way around the world, just for me...

If you could but see through my eyes...:eek:
We are born loving. It is our way. Why not accept full credit for it....and enjoy it!

The first sentence quoted above misses one word to make it realistic: self.

It would then read, "We are born loving self. It is our way."

And we do take full credit ---- for being, as if we are the source of life, being number one.

What religion does is point to ("give credit to") the ONE Source beyond self, and says, love GOOD and TRUTH more than yourself, and love others like yourself, more than you love the world.

Only then will your joy become full.



A second thought:
human compassion and love without any recourse to any supernatural creature

It remains a curious thing in the affairs of man, that such prime (acknowledged, non-fictitious, "real life") examples of human compassion and love such as Mother Theresa of Culcatta never could dispense with "recourse to a supernatural creature (sic)." Properly, only the natural order of creation contains "creatures", while faith holds that the supernatural domain, or spiritual realm, gave forth (birthed) the natural, and than any capacity for affection and compassion in any creature would be an investment in it by its Creator --- a Source of Life beyond itself, that is, Love Itself, Compassion Itself.
The first sentence quoted above misses one word to make it realistic: self.

It would then read, "We are born loving self. It is our way."

And we do take full credit ---- for being, as if we are the source of life, being number one.

What religion does is point to ("give credit to") the ONE Source beyond self, and says, love GOOD and TRUTH more than yourself, and love others like yourself, more than you love the world.

Only then will your joy become full.



A second thought:

It remains a curious thing in the affairs of man, that such prime (acknowledged, non-fictitious, "real life") examples of human compassion and love such as Mother Theresa of Culcatta never could dispense with "recourse to a supernatural creature (sic)." Properly, only the natural order of creation contains "creatures", while faith holds that the supernatural domain, or spiritual realm, gave forth (birthed) the natural, and than any capacity for affection and compassion in any creature would be an investment in it by its Creator --- a Source of Life beyond itself, that is, Love Itself, Compassion Itself.
Unfortunately you can't deal in "matter of facts" with one who is "matter of fact", when he is emotional.


Sorry Q, much as I would love to agree with you, and sincerely I wish I could, nothing you state is out with the remit of human compassion and love without any recourse to any supernatural creature. We are born loving. It is our way. Why not accept full credit for it....and enjoy it!

Tao, we are as tough as nails, and as hard as nails (even the angels recognize that). But inside, we hurt, and angels can't fix us, but God can. Just as we are, God can fix us. Paul is a perfect example. (ok, so he was blinded for a few days...didn't change his personality any, now did it?). Same Paul, different purpose for life...

That's what happens to us. Same us, different purpose in life. We become what we are meant to become. We affect people we never dreamed we would touch. We leave the signature of Love on everything we do. Being Christ's man, is not a bad deal at all...

Still get to be tough as nails...just soft of heart...
Too many times, I should be dead. Way too many times. Too many lives I should have lost, but they weren't, and I had nothing to do with it, even though I was there and part of it.

Too many things happen that I thought would be the end, only to be the beginning. Too many answers to questions in the strangest times and light. What a sense of humor God has, what a gentle touch. He even saw fit to bring a girl from half way around the world, just for me...

If you could but see through my eyes...:eek:
This states the issue. So all those that died in the tsunami, or the hurricane, or the flood, G!d didn't care about.

G!d saved me cries the woman in New Orleans, but didn't save her children? Or didn't save the neighbor??

When we imply that G!d picks and chooses, that G!d hoists one out of misery and condemns another we are humanizing G!d, creating G!d in our image.

Does G!d have the capacity to care??

If G!d did it would be a different world. Preachers go around all the time indicating to people G!d loves us all and cares for us all, so much he sent his only begotten son. And all it takes for you to survive the flood or hurricane is to declare your faith...well plenty declare and drown, and many perceive it be an insult to us all when someone claims G!d saved me, but let the one next to me die...

my guardian angel was evidently watching over me whilst yours was sleeping...
This states the issue. So all those that died in the tsunami, or the hurricane, or the flood, G!d didn't care about.

G!d saved me cries the woman in New Orleans, but didn't save her children? Or didn't save the neighbor??

When we imply that G!d picks and chooses, that G!d hoists one out of misery and condemns another we are humanizing G!d, creating G!d in our image.

Does G!d have the capacity to care??

If G!d did it would be a different world. Preachers go around all the time indicating to people G!d loves us all and cares for us all, so much he sent his only begotten son. And all it takes for you to survive the flood or hurricane is to declare your faith...well plenty declare and drown, and many perceive it be an insult to us all when someone claims G!d saved me, but let the one next to me die...

my guardian angel was evidently watching over me whilst yours was sleeping...
You're asking of the mind of God?, from me? All I know is my personal life. I don't understand the mind of God any more than you do. But I do know this. He is personal for each and everyone of us.

We all will die Wil, it's just a matter of time. In the mean time we all have jobs to do. And we have a mission to reach out to people, to let them know they are not alone, God is with them, and talking to them, and reaching out for them.

That is the ultimate in life...God on our side.
That is the ultimate in life...God on our side.
Interesting, I guess he wasn't on Lincoln, or Kennedy's side. Nope not Martin Luther King's either. Nope not on the side of 3000 on 911 or 3000 at Pearl Harbor... Interesting where that logic takes us...
Interesting, I guess he wasn't on Lincoln, or Kennedy's side. Nope not Martin Luther King's either. Nope not on the side of 3000 on 911 or 3000 at Pearl Harbor... Interesting where that logic takes us...
Lincoln served his time, and won. Kennedy served his time and won. King served his time and won. You're a pessamist, and I am an optimist. That's why you do what you do, and I do what I do. You see nothing but the bad, and I see the good (I also see the bad). But the Good tells me that God is right there with us. And that means, we have a chance.
Lincoln served his time, and won. Kennedy served his time and won. King served his time and won. You're a pessamist, and I am an optimist. That's why you do what you do, and I do what I do. You see nothing but the bad, and I see the good (I also see the bad). But the Good tells me that God is right there with us. And that means, we have a chance.
So the 3000 in the towers served their time and won. I am not a pessimist, I am discussing your assertion that surviving indicates G!D is on your side.

the logic falls apart yet the argument continues.
So the 3000 in the towers served their time and won. I am not a pessimist, I am discussing your assertion that surviving indicates G!D is on your side.

the logic falls apart yet the argument continues.
Human logic fails in the sight of God.

Or do you think you are above God and his infinite wisdom? That in itself (on a Christian forum), is illogical.