Good bye



Hi all

I've just learned that my language is not right for the forum. The day I have to lie to further political correctness rather than be truthful in order to reveal its harmful nature is the day it is time to go.

All the best to those I've enjoyed conversing with

Sorry, Nick.

I do not know what it is about, but we've just met, and I am sorry to see you go. I enjoyed your Simone Weill quotes.

The day I have to lie to further political correctness rather than be truthful in order to reveal its harmful nature is the day it is time to go.
I don't exactly know what the impetus of this statement is but what I do know is:

I don't believe anyone is asking anyone to lie. What we do appreciate is civillity, even though all don't participate in it. And then as we see folks who have a large capacity for thought and words we start expecting more from them, expect them to take a high road and not perpetuate tit for tat/name calling contests.

But all in all you may be correct, this forum may not be for you. I know there was a time when I ws in a similar boat and took month or two sabbatical from here. Was simply tired of bumping my head against brick walls. It didn't take long before I realized twas I that was building the brick walls.

Every sand box has its rules, written and unwritten. And unless that sandbox is in your backyard, we learn to conform a little if we wish to play.

I've oft appreciated your posts, and then also been turned off by other posts. Nature of the beast me thinks. Wish you well in whatever you eventually decide.
Hi Wil

I see I cannot leave giving this impression of some sort of PC insult. This is not the case. Let me explain it so you or anyone else will not retain this impression.

You may consider a forum as a sandbox but I do not. I consider it as a means for people to exchange ideas that my be important to them. For those like me, what is the benefit of a lie? To lie in a sandbox is meaningless since it is a play group for kids. For an adult it can be meaningful to see beyond the conditioned lie.

I received the following letter from staff:

Dear Nick_A,

You have received an infraction at Interfaith forums.

Reason: Inappropriate language
Your language is not appropriate for this forum. Please read the code of conduct and follow it.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by The Dude
It's not uppity women so much as vain women who think that they are Goddess like. If I had a nickel for every time a woman expressed the sentiment that they are like God because they give birth I'd have quite a few nickels.

I don't recall ever hearing a man liken himself to a God other than in jest.

Like I said maybe this whole Goddess worship thing was tried before but it failed because of all the swelled heads of the competing wannabe goddesses.

But it isn't easy to be vain if others are celebrating an attractive intelligent woman. The best way to eliminate the problem and restore personal vanity is by calling them c*nts. This not only furthers personal female vanity but lengthens the male penis.
All the best,
Interfaith forums

First of all Francis mentioned the Penis a few posts previously and I put it into a different context. Secondly the rules demand to use *s in respect which I did so in truth there is no language problem.

However there is a politically correct problem and that is the crux of the problem.

The political correctness element demands that we ignore the truth in the attempt to establish a politically correct lie. The thread in question speaks of the goddess. I am making the point that in order to boost ones own image in the attempt to acquire goddess stature, it is necessary to destroy quality. I've been explaining the same with the Sarah Palin is a C*nt tee shirt designated as fashionable during the campaign. Pointing this out is shocking and disturbs the artificial peace of PC thought

If one truly wants to understand how something like secular goddess stature is created it is necessary to take a cold hard look at how nasty we are in order to create it.

Political correctness prefers to stick ones head in the sand and pretend this natural expression of human nature doesn't exist and seeks to ignore it in favor of wonderful thoughts appropriate for a sandbox.

I know full well the harm this ignorance causes. As well as in history, I witnessed it myself during the congressional debates over recognition of the Armenian genocide when the most vile things were said in order to prevent the truth from coming out. This sandbox technique that prefers imaginary wonderful thoughts to the value gained by intentionally allowing oneself to be open to the truth of the human condition is not for me. I've seen the horrors it causes.

The note to me is nothing but intimidation to live in la la land appropriate for a sand box. It is not my way. When indulging in fantasy I prefer the company of a cute blonde and good scotch. When dealing with the question of human nature that has lead to the suffering of so many, I prefer the attempts to be honest about it rather than supporting the lie that makes one feel good.

Enjoy a sandbox. I prefer sites willing to sacrifice the PC speech of la la land for the sake of supporting witnessing the human condition normal for those having experienced that life in reality is not a sandbox. To do so requires admitting these things about ourselves that do not feel good but are necessary to do if we ever seek to outgrow them.

I've seen the horrors of adults relying on sandbox mentality and cannot in good conscience support its attempts at intimidation so consequently must leave. Ya can't fight city hall but you don't have to live in the city. I hope you now understand.
They take tough line on rude words here. I have had warning for using a normal word that rhymes with rastagate never mind words that rhyme with grunt. Personally I am amazed it was not for your playfully repetitive and wholly racist use of the word that rhymes with bigger.

You have one infraction. You leave because of that its your problem. Just be thankful it aint me who does the ruling, not because I would ban you, but because I would tell you exactly what I think of your racism. You harp on about the Armenian genocide, and I has sympathy for that, but then revealed yourself to be like so many people who say they feel 'oppressed', full of hate.

I have no sympathy for you.

I got an infraction for posting the Seven Words in response to George Carlin's demise. It's no biggy. That's no reason to ditch the forum, unless you are looking for a reason.
Obscentities not permissable on a public forum. Whatever next.

Hi Wil

I see I cannot leave giving this impression of some sort of PC insult. This is not the case. Let me explain it so you or anyone else will not retain this impression.,,,I've seen the horrors of adults relying on sandbox mentality and cannot in good conscience support its attempts at intimidation so consequently must leave. Ya can't fight city hall but you don't have to live in the city. I hope you now understand.
I do understand. We are trying to build a civil city. Do all the inhabitants behave in a manner to which we'd always like. So we've developed methods of telling them so.

The he said, she said and continually upping the annie till we launch a nuclear strike is what we are trying to avoid.

A note, an infraction, a warning...a nudge back on track. If you can't abide we'll miss ya. This is a place to grow, we hope all can use it as that. A fertile medium for growth...others may have a more organic word for it, it is all about intention and perception.
Will, I must be brutally honest with you. First I did not use profanity but followed the guidelines as established in the rules of conduct.

Please also note that swearing is not permitted - this is not an adult site. If you really feel the need to swear then censor the f****** words yourself. Use st*rs or bl_nks to censor the words. Lesser slang words are acceptable, but vocabulary general not deemed acceptable for family viewing should not be used. If you don’t censor yourself, then the forum software and or the site staff may do this for you.

I've always used the *. This wasn't about language but about intimidation. I was introducing a harsh reality that is politically incorrect to discuss in a sandbox mentality. Until people are able to equate c*unt with n*gger. as equally offensive, intimidation rules the day and why asults must stand against it.

Even today someone decided to hang a dummy of Sarah Palin by the neck. This is a normal attempt by a fool to destroy quality.

Mannequin Dressed as Gov. Sarah Palin Hangs from a Noose in West Hollywood, CA

However, what would happen to me if I hung a dummy of Obama in a similar fashion. It would be a national scandal. The reason is selective morality. This is a horror that must be faced by adults rather than pretend it doesn't exist..

A note, an infraction, a warning...a nudge back on track. If you can't abide we'll miss ya. This is a place to grow, we hope all can use it as that. A fertile medium for growth...others may have a more organic word for it, it is all about intention and perception.

Nothing grows when supporting the lie of political correctness. Growth only begins when admitting the truth of what we do. It takes adults and not the sandbox mentality to see it for what it is and not be afraid to use the words to describe the horrors of what is happening. I will not live this politically correct lie. I know the horrors that result from it and refuse to either participate in it or be intimidated by it.
Will, I must be brutally honest with you. First I did not use profanity but followed the guidelines as established in the rules of conduct.

I've always used the *. This wasn't about language but about intimidation. I was introducing a harsh reality that is politically incorrect to discuss in a sandbox mentality. Until people are able to equate c*unt with n*gger. as equally offensive, intimidation rules the day and why asults must stand against it.

Even today someone decided to hang a dummy of Sarah Palin by the neck. This is a normal attempt by a fool to destroy quality.

Mannequin Dressed as Gov. Sarah Palin Hangs from a Noose in West Hollywood, CA

However, what would happen to me if I hung a dummy of Obama in a similar fashion. It would be a national scandal. The reason is selective morality. This is a horror that must be faced by adults rather than pretend it doesn't exist..

Nothing grows when supporting the lie of political correctness. Growth only begins when admitting the truth of what we do. It takes adults and not the sandbox mentality to see it for what it is and not be afraid to use the words to describe the horrors of what is happening. I will not live this politically correct lie. I know the horrors that result from it and refuse to either participate in it or be intimidated by it.

lol, you like honesty...ok...well here is a bit of honesty... YOU would not know the TRUTH if it came and shafted you up the back one. Happy?

I've been to a forum that was much worse than this. I got a warning from a moderator within a single posting, and was told I was flaming and insulting another person. It wasn't even meant to be a personal post. I said very little about that person.

But the thing is, it was just one post. It never developed into a conversation. The other guy never replied.

I haven't left. I'm still there. I don't post very often in that forum. It'd be wrong to say I don't have some discomfort when I post there now. But I don't feel like leaving.

That's the case of over-reacting moderators.

Then there's the case of moderators who allow people to aggressively and pettily attack other people's beliefs. What I find on such forums is people being unruly, undisciplined and uncivilised. They allow atheists, Christians and Muslims to say why their beliefs are better (and to be insulting) and put-down the other's. It's a war-zone. These moderators don't do their job properly.

I have found CR (now Interfaith Online) to have had both civility and reasonable moderators. It doesn't allow us to run amok with unruly posts and nor does it treat us like school-children. I think there's a good balance between the two.

I've been told off once or twice before, publically and not privately when I first signed up by Admin. Since then I've survived without another warning. I can't say that I always agree with what the moderators do, other than what "I, Brian" does. Brian used to do quite a bit of moderating. I don't see him doing that much now, but he used to do a lot of it and I liked his style.

Francis King has been here for quite a while, and she'll probably get away with it because of the fact that she's been here for a long time. I agree that the comment on the "penises" wasn't really appropriate, but I guess she was just angry. Maybe you should send her a PM about it.:)

There's nothing forcing you to leave. It's less likely for you to fit in if you leave and then come back with a different screen name. The moderators are probably a bit loose on people who have been here for a long time because we've got to know them.

But for now, have some patience. If you haven't been banned, just keep talking. Have you spoken to Brian Turner? I had a quick look at the "Right Speech vs. Politically Correct Speech" thread and Brian never said anything there. Never mind what the other moderators say. Don't take their word for it. This is Brian Turner's site. Only what Brian says is official. Until you and the rest of us hear from him, your concern about right speech isn't a done deal, so just wait.

If you're worried about "right speech," and hopefully I've got the concept right, but it seems that Tao already does that and if he's still here, there isn't that much stopping you from staying.
Hi Saltmeister

There's nothing forcing you to leave. It's less likely for you to fit in if you leave and then come back with a different screen name. The moderators are probably a bit loose on people who have been here for a long time because we've got to know them.

But for now, have some patience. If you haven't been banned, just keep talking. Have you spoken to Brian Turner? I had a quick look at the "Right Speech vs. Politically Correct Speech" thread and Brian never said anything there. Never mind what the other moderators say. Don't take their word for it. This is Brian Turner's site. Only what Brian says is official. Until you and the rest of us hear from him, your concern about right speech isn't a done deal, so just wait.

If you're worried about "right speech," and hopefully I've got the concept right, but it seems that Tao already does that and if he's still here, there isn't that much stopping you from staying.

Have you ever considered what you are willing to lose of yourself in order to fit in? How many conditioned people can know what they are losing? Most, especially when young, do not have the courage not to fit in. Rebellion just becomes an acceptable form of fitting in based on denial of conventional societal influence.

If the issue were really about language, it would be one thing but as I've proven, it isn't. It really is about politically correct intimidation . Each person must come to decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to fit in. I cannot sacrifice what I've learned from my knowledge of Christianity and Plato's cave that would prevent me from discussing examples of the reality of the human condition.

This issue is minor as compared to this old truism but if you appreciate its meaning, you will see why a person must stand up against subjective politically correct intimidation at whatever level if they've acquired any knowledge of the human condition.. It is a spirit killer.

“First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.”

Martin Niemöller, German pastor and a Nazi regime dissident, 1946.”
Hi Saltmeister

Have you ever considered what you are willing to lose of yourself in order to fit in? How many conditioned people can know what they are losing? Most, especially when young, do not have the courage not to fit in. Rebellion just becomes an acceptable form of fitting in based on denial of conventional societal influence.

If the issue were really about language, it would be one thing but as I've proven, it isn't. It really is about politically correct intimidation . Each person must come to decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to fit in. I cannot sacrifice what I've learned from my knowledge of Christianity and Plato's cave that would prevent me from discussing examples of the reality of the human condition.

This issue is minor as compared to this old truism but if you appreciate its meaning, you will see why a person must stand up against subjective politically correct intimidation at whatever level if they've acquired any knowledge of the human condition.. It is a spirit killer.

Oh Nick, don't you see the irony in these words? Do you really think what you know as self is immutable? I sympathize with you feeling dissed and maybe you also feel hurt, but that doesn't change the fact that what you have made is ephemeral.
Oh Nick, don't you see the irony in these words? Do you really think what you know as self is immutable? I sympathize with you feeling dissed and maybe you also feel hurt, but that doesn't change the fact that what you have made is ephemeral.

Thanks for your input. What does this have to do with changeable concepts of self? They are always changing. I'm referring to a process and how one reacts to a process. Do I accept politically correct intimidation that denies what is necessary to express which is that secular self esteem is achieved through the destruction of objective quality. To become a secular goddess based on image requires the destruction of inner female quality of "isness." These expressions always change but the dynamics are always the same.

You call recognition of these dynamics as ephemeral or transient which makes it somehow right to intimidate in favor of PC image creation. I call recognition of these dynamics necessary to prevent what Martin Niemöller warns us of. When mods are allowed to intimidate in this way, it is against what so many in the past have rightly warned us of and it is natural for some not to desire to support it in order to "fit in."

It isn't a matter of being dissed or hurt but just doing what is ethical when aware of the horrors that result from such intimidation in real life.

What on earth are you on about. Examples please. Lessons cannot be learned if examples cannot be pointed to broad statements are simply no help.