What attracts me to interfaith…

I think it is the variety of reasons people have faith. Their societal upbrings, their families belief, the culture they were raised in, how often they’ve been exposed to the world, their travels to other cultures/countries.

And then there is the Comfort level they have in their belief. It is like an old baby blanket it contains so much more than the fabric from which it was made. But it is a whole cloth, it is not just the fabric it is what the fabric means to them.

And the fact that my beliefs are not different, they are mine, they are what make me. I stand on them, I live in in them, in them I live and breathe and have my being. I walk in their midst as I strive to be all that I see that they are.

And then I take all that a step further and believe that others are similar, we all have Notions and our ego wants our Notions to be more right so if that’s not wrong for me, that’s not wrong for you either.

Love you all, and don’t wish my belief to harm your belief or your being

wil 7/03/2023

View Thread: https://www.interfaith.org/community/threads/20552/