Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

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  • Hi Phyllis! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of yummy treats and purrrrfectly happy furred friends.

    Yummy luna moth treats rec'd and devoured Phyllis! Ah, so now I know the connection with the spiritual colors! Lavendar-lilac are also among my favorite shades. I have not been making quilts, but my sister is convinced that I could sell my tote bags on E-bay. Not sure I want to get into that though. Next I am going to learn how to sew pajama pants. They are so comfy and look easy to do. So, what do you think about spiritually colored PJ bottoms? ;-)
    Hi Phyllis,
    I love your leaping kitties! I think your page here is delightful. Rats, I should have brought a gift! Well, later I'll be preparing spiced cider and rice crispies treats so I'll bring them by for you to sample.

    Cheers, luna
    Actually my own Dad disagrees with me. He's probably right in saying the language can keep improving.
    Shakespeare and the other great language changers have made their changes and left. Its like, the language has flexed so much that its very hard to come up with anything new. Babies speak Shakespeare every day, even without learning his plays. I don't know if there's any room left. I never enjoyed poetry much, anyway.
    Her hair was trailing on the ground she stepped on it and walked around but painfully some hair pulled out and that is how she got her shout!
    He's been going "too far" since he discovered a disdainful look causes the food to be replaced with another option! (that's about since he moved in 4 years ago!). I also think there's something addictive in his treats cos he's getting very "specialised" in his demands!!!
    In the supermarket the other day we stood and looked at all the cat food and declared "He doesn't like anything any more!"
    Is this just our cat????!!!
    Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine, her palace in the rain, drew the curtains, raised a shout, soon the sun was coming out *cute*
    The kitty brigade (and friends) are invited to hang out at the Cat (and other critters) Lovers social group! :D Interfaith forums - Cat (and other critters) Lovers.
    Me neither Phyllis. Costs us too, but you will scratch you head on this one. No losses during SAR calls, nor during the storms...but a week or two after, during "training" missions, that is when things go terribly wrong, and last month's rescuers become statistics with head stones sitting over them...
    I think we should make a social group for cat lovers and everyone has to share pics of their cats.. think it would fly?
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