A New Threat to Interfaith Scholarship


The Quran does not endorse the killing of apostates.

Then I am up one on you.

I dont care what the quran says. I dont need a book to know what it right & wrong.

Then the people in your religion, who make up your religion are wrong. Funny how people dont follow their own perfect religion yet claim to be right.
@ Bandit

Did you know that the Quran forbids each and
every single one of these actions?

Again, I did not put any words in your mouth.
I quoted you directly from your post.

Certainly... as soon as you prove that Charlemagne existed.

You first.

it does not matter what your book says. you have proven nothing.
@ Bandit

Then the people in your religion, who make up your religion are wrong.

And now, we can finally agree on something. :)

Funny how people dont follow their own perfect religion yet claim to be right.

I know... this is most distressing for people who have to defend their own religion because of the actions of the members of their same religion... Reminds me of that song by Buffalo Springfield... For what its worth:

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

---------------- Now playing: Buffalo Springfield - For What its worth via FoxyTunes

I dont need a book to know what it right & wrong.

And you are free to do so of course. You believe in the power of human reason and rationality. You are not alone... much of philosophy over the past half a millennium agrees with you. It started with Hume, he is considered the first. But I always thought Kant was more on the money when he rejected the validity of human rationality. But that is a whole other subject of course.
1.I never said the thread was absurd. you did.

2.I never said islam is not a valid religion. you did.
3.you are putting words into my mouth.

what I said is, I dont care about islam or what you defend. The fact that you feel you need to defend a religion as valid tells me there is a problem.

4. I never said anything about stamping out the religions. YOU DID.
My word was "voluntarily"
I was in reference to the fighting & childish arguments that people in religion thrive on over & over & over-
5. I never said ALL disagreements. You did.
Come to think of it, this little conflict is all due to religion!


Wow. that is awesome how that works. people say that you say things when they are the ones who say it, then try to coward out of being the one who said it. said said, say say she said he said, they said, they said, you said.

when did I say all these things? That is right, I didn't.
when did I say all these things? That is right, I didn't.

Post # 11

Paragraph 1

"The newest threat in interreligion is the same as the oldest threat and that is, that it is a facade, with the most deceptive wall of all being that it is done in a controlled, solicited environment or else like any religion -it does not work."

Post #18

Paragraph #1

"I understand & I am the same as I don't expect any difference either. I just found the whole interfaith scholarship thingy a bit over the hill for me to accept then tossing in some threat to the schemeas if it is a valid religion to itself made for an interesting drive by."
@ Bandit

And now, we can finally agree on something. :)

I know... this is most distressing for people who have to defend their own religion because of the actions of the members of their same religion... Reminds me of that song by Buffalo Springfield... For what its worth:

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

---------------- Now playing: Buffalo Springfield - For What its worth via FoxyTunes

And you are free to do so of course. You believe in the power of human reason and rationality. You are not alone... much of philosophy over the past half a millennium agrees with you. It started with Hume, he is considered the first. But I always thought Kant was more on the money when he rejected the validity of human rationality. But that is a whole other subject of course.

No. people are following the islam religion & those in authority are in fact murdering innocent people because the religion says so. AGAIN- the fact you are defending your perfect religion tells me it is NOT perfect.
No. people are following the islam religion & those in authority are in fact murdering innocent people because the religion says so. AGAIN- the fact you are defending your perfect religion tells me it is NOT perfect.

Where does it "say so" ?
Post # 11

Paragraph 1

"The newest threat in interreligion is the same as the oldest threat and that is, that it is a facade, with the most deceptive wall of all being that it is done in a controlled, solicited environment or else like any religion -it does not work."

Post #18

Paragraph #1

"I understand & I am the same as I don't expect any difference either. I just found the whole interfaith scholarship thingy a bit over the hill for me to accept then tossing in some threat to the schemeas if it is a valid religion to itself made for an interesting drive by."

and? is this not a controlled environment? You assumed I said islam is not a valid religion but I never said what you said I said. It is not written the way you are saying it. Next time why dont you ask if that is what I said when I clearly did not.
The reference I put is to interfaith scholarship. YOU are the one who brings up islam all the time.

it is like you have this paranoia over your religion.

@ Bandit

you tell me where they got it from.

Who knows? But it sure isn't in the Quran.
If you say it is, then your the one who has to prove it.

You assumed I said islam is not a valid religion but I never said what you said I said.
My mistake, I apologize for my error whole-heatedly.
Bandit and c0de. Guys! Cheer up!

c0de: you don't have to be having this conversation. This is an interfaith forum. There are other guys here. Bandit doesn't rule this world, this interfaith universe. He is not part of the elite, the upper class here. You may feel all alone in this, but nobody else is opposing you either.

Bandit: Do you have to respond to what c0de says about his religion being pure and undefiled? I usually just let statements like that just slip. A person proud of his religion will say something to uphold his pride. I would do the same whether it's my religion, my country or my profession. Now I'm going to have to defend him even if I don't believe what he believes.

Now here you are with extraordinary things to say about religion. I'd be expecting the fundamentalists to be here any moment. Do I have to defend you too?

You know what Bandit? This reminds me . . . of an incident that happened about two or three years ago with Wil. You are behaving just like you did two or three years ago.

Normally, you were calm and peaceful. But you were pretty sick of Wil back then because he didn't interpret Scripture literally, that if it talked about a tornado it wouldn't really be a tornado but a metaphor for something else. So all of a sudden you exploded!!!!! You pretty much went crazy and asked him how he'd feel if he got hit by a REAL TORNADO!!!! That post you made was pretty long and you were fuming real bad. Well, actually, you told us you weren't really angry, you were just making big statements about things.

I don't know if you and Wil remember, but I do remember that part with the REAL TORNADO and people saying you were normally quite peaceful. What's happened to that peaceful side of you?

Yeah, I was there. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.:)

I'm just reminding you.

@ Saltmeister


Your mediation and sensible words are always appreciated.
I wish I did not have to be having this conversation either.
Your mediation and sensible words are always appreciated.
I wish I did not have to be having this conversation either.

About that incident two or three years ago, Bandit was a fairly peaceful guy (or girl). That outburst at Wil was a one-off. I didn't see him that often not long after. I might have seen him occasionally. I thought maybe he had disappeared off to other forums on CR (now Interfaith) that I didn't explore and stopped visiting the Abrahamic faiths section.

I had the impression he was religious back then. Maybe I'm wrong, but that outburst over literal interpretations certainly gave me that impression.

But what I'm saying is: I don't think he's normally like this. I think someone happened to push his buttons. Back then two or three years ago, he saw something he didn't like and went crazy. Apart from that, he'd be as peaceful as a calm sea.

Or maybe, he's really changed . . . :eek:
@ Salt

Apparently the same thing happened with Bill Maher. I remember he used to be agnostic like 6 years ago when I used to watch his old show. Now he's like almost fundamentalisticly atheist.... I know the crazy religious people give such bad impressions of religion through their misguided actions, but at the end of the day, I think, a person can only lose his faith due to his own internal issues.
Bandit and c0de. Guys! Cheer up!

c0de: you don't have to be having this conversation. This is an interfaith forum. There are other guys here. Bandit doesn't rule this world, this interfaith universe. He is not part of the elite, the upper class here. You may feel all alone in this, but nobody else is opposing you either.

Bandit: Do you have to respond to what c0de says about his religion being pure and undefiled? I usually just let statements like that just slip. A person proud of his religion will say something to uphold his pride. I would do the same whether it's my religion, my country or my profession. Now I'm going to have to defend him even if I don't believe what he believes.

Now here you are with extraordinary things to say about religion. I'd be expecting the fundamentalists to be here any moment. Do I have to defend you too?

You know what Bandit? This reminds me . . . of an incident that happened about two or three years ago with Wil. You are behaving just like you did two or three years ago.

Normally, you were calm and peaceful. But you were pretty sick of Wil back then because he didn't interpret Scripture literally, that if it talked about a tornado it wouldn't really be a tornado but a metaphor for something else. So all of a sudden you exploded!!!!! You pretty much went crazy and asked him how he'd feel if he got hit by a REAL TORNADO!!!! That post you made was pretty long and you were fuming real bad. Well, actually, you told us you weren't really angry, you were just making big statements about things.

I don't know if you and Wil remember, but I do remember that part with the REAL TORNADO and people saying you were normally quite peaceful. What's happened to that peaceful side of you?

Yeah, I was there. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.:)

I'm just reminding you.

well, I am not out to be liked or to please everyone. I talk with Wil quite often & have no problem there, so what is your point?

so what is the difference between a pretend tornado & a real tornado? in your opinion of course.
About that incident two or three years ago, Bandit was a fairly peaceful guy (or girl). That outburst at Wil was a one-off. I didn't see him that often not long after. I might have seen him occasionally. I thought maybe he had disappeared off to other forums on CR (now Interfaith) that I didn't explore and stopped visiting the Abrahamic faiths section.

I had the impression he was religious back then. Maybe I'm wrong, but that outburst over literal interpretations certainly gave me that impression.

But what I'm saying is: I don't think he's normally like this. I think someone happened to push his buttons. Back then two or three years ago, he saw something he didn't like and went crazy. Apart from that, he'd be as peaceful as a calm sea.

Or maybe, he's really changed . . . :eek:

So, does this mean you want to have a bickering session with me? People are entitled to change. We all do.

So what exactly is your concern about me? Is it that I dont put any claim to these religions? My church claims christian, but I do not...that does not mean I can't still go there & fellowship & share certain things with people I have known all my life.
@ Salt

Apparently the same thing happened with Bill Maher. I remember he used to be agnostic like 6 years ago when I used to watch his old show. Now he's like almost fundamentalisticly atheist.... I know the crazy religious people give such bad impressions of religion through their misguided actions, but at the end of the day, I think, a person can only lose his faith due to his own internal issues.

Life is so deeply influenced by internal issues . . . :rolleyes:

But being agnostic isn't an extreme position as far as I know. How did he undergo such a transformation?

In the past few years I've operated under the belief that if you start with strong sentiments in your mind (sentiments that you see as noble), you'll end up switching polarity with opposite sentiments of but similar strength. ie. If you work hard at being a good man you get sick of it and become corrupt. Therefore it's better to start off being slightly corrupt so you can gradually transform yourself into a good man later in life.

My idea with faith is to start off with weak faith and allow it to develop gradually. Otherwise you end up with a nuclear meltdown or a "shorter battery life." (so to speak) If you start off trying to be strong, eventually you will burn out.

With regards to my own internal issues, I've had issues with these "strong sentiments," strong opinions, powerful feelings, sentiments that are opposed to what I know I should be doing at the present time. It started off in high school with me trying to be a high achiever, striving to get the best grades. I had an operating principle that I used to maximise my productivity. Maximum productivity was the goal. I would sacrifice my social life to get the kind of academic performance I wanted. I was extremely zealous and fanatical. I was dedicated to the cause. I did, actually, sort of invent a kind of "religion" or "ideology" to inspire myself.:D I made me feel powerful. I felt like a machine. I even felt like I was mentally stronger than the ordinary person with my philosophy on maximising academic productivity. I realise now it was an unrealistic thing to believe.

When I started my undergraduate degree, I realised I was "out of touch" with reality. I wasn't very sociable. I was socially inept. I tried to adjust, but found that I had wasted so many years not being sociable that when I did try to interact socially I felt awkward. I underwent a tremendous amount of mental and emotional changes, and by the time I finished the degree, I had burnt out.

You can really mess up your mind when you allow powerful sentiments and feelings to control it. At some point in your life, they will make you feel powerful, strong and proud. But when there is some change in the external environment and you realise you have to change, you find yourself with a storm raging inside your mind. At the end of the process, the newly formed person is even worse than the original!

A person who starts off being radical ends up being radioactive!:D