A New Threat to Interfaith Scholarship

Some contemplations, let's say he didn't exist and he is the messiah. Ie the story is what saves you. Entertaining the belief of I and the father are one, entertaining the belief that heaven is a perspective and in your midst quit looking high and low, but within, entertain the possiblity of loving your neighbor will change the world.

Second half...so what if G!d is man made...man being his lowly self can't be so arrogant to believe these insights came from within, that we are capable of directly connecting with all knowledge all thought all inspiration, so we make up mythical figures, we are channeling man, or G!d told me. Because if I come down off the mountain with these 10 laws who is going to listen to me?? But you'll fall for the burning bush or the 9 armed sixeyed, mouse with an elephant head or...

So I'm not saying they made it up, bu their psyche made it up, because it was the only way they can believe they accessed the ethers.

that would make him a fairy tale messiah...so being 'saved' is just a fairy tale, kind of like prince charming, snow white & 7 dwarfs...the kiss is not real & the deadly poison apple is not real so jesus & moses are fairy tales does that mean mohamed & budha are fairy tales too?

the hebrew religions don't bring very happy endings since it is more about throat cutting. Maybe the pumpkin needs a later curfew so they can get along with each other & get happy without the carvings? Fairy tale view would resolve the problems & issues, me thinks. Perhaps that is where the iinterreligon-religion should start. ROFL!

@ Bandit

I dont give two cents about islam or what you defend.

Lets examine your position now shall we? Your assertion that my thread is absurd is based in the assertion that religion itself is absurd. But for you to make this assertion in a forum called "interfaith forums" and in the specific section of "Abrahamic Religions" ... is itself absurd.

And as for your claim that all disagreement will disappear if religion is stamped out, well, that is just a completely unqualified statement and defies logic. Look at the world in the past few centuries, how many of the conflicts are based in religion? Most are based in political ideology and economics.
@ Bandit

Lets examine your position now shall we? Your assertion that my thread is absurd is based in the assertion that religion itself is absurd. But for you to make this assertion in a forum called "interfaith forums" and in the specific section of "Abrahamic Religions" ... is itself absurd.

And as for your claim that all disagreement will disappear if religion is stamped out, well, that is just a completely unqualified statement and defies logic. Look at the world in the past few centuries, how many of the conflicts are based in religion? Most are based in political ideology and economics.

I never said the thread was absurd. you did.

I never said islam is not a valid religion. you did.
you are putting words into my mouth.

what I said is, I dont care about islam or what you defend. The fact that you feel you need to defend a religion as valid tells me there is a problem.

I think if we really wanted to get into it, a good 70% of the conflicts start due to religion. Probably more. Religion is loaded with politics & religion is loaded with fear & threats & murder.
Yes I am convinced if religion were to ever disappear, the world would be a much safer place.

This 8 year war between Iraq & USA is due to religion starting the conflict because they feel it is ok to fly planes into buildings as part of their religion. Up until only the last 225 years -politics & religion have been the same basic course.

It would not matter what forum you put it in, I would not change what I say about it.

as for your bolded statement, you again are putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about stamping out the religions. YOU DID.
My word was "voluntarily"
I was in reference to the fighting & childish arguments that people in religion thrive on over & over & over- I never said ALL disagreements. You did.
Come to think of it, this little conflict is all due to religion!

This 8 year war between Iraq & USA is due to religion starting the conflict because they feel it is ok to fly planes into buildings as part of their religion. Up until only the last 225 years -politics & religion have been the same basic course.
If I may correct you Bandit, that would be the war in Afganistan. We currently have no real idea what the war in Iraq started over...and it'll probably take decades to narrow the field down to a couple ideas...but it surely wasn't radical islamic agression.

@ Bandit

I never said the thread was absurd. you did.

Allow me to quote from your very first post on the thread:

"The newest threat in interreligion is the same as the oldest threat and that is, that it is a facade, with the most deceptive wall of all being that it is done in a controlled, solicited environment or else like any religion -it does not work."

In your later posts, you made your case even more blunt. I could quote you again if your still not satisfied.

I never said islam is not a valid religion. you did.
Actually, I asked you a question because I read these words of yours:

"I understand & I am the same as I don't expect any difference either. I just found the whole interfaith scholarship thingy a bit over the hill for me to accept then tossing in some threat to the scheme as if it is a valid religion to itself made for an interesting drive by.

My word was "voluntarily"
So you feel that religion should not be stomped out, but should just die.... (my mistake).

I think if we really wanted to get into it, a good 70% of the conflicts start due to religion. Probably more.
This statement is based on your opinion, not a statistical fact as you are suggesting.

Religion is loaded with politics & religion is loaded with fear & threats & murder.
Yes I am convinced if religion were to ever disappear, the world would be a much safer place.

This 8 year war between Iraq & USA is due to religion starting the conflict because they feel it is ok to fly planes into buildings as part of their religion. Up until only the last 225 years -politics & religion have been the same basic course.
I am a Political Science & History major and not one of my professors has ever taken this line which you are taking now. Underlying all of these conflicts is not religion, it never was. Even when religion is cited as a primary cause (even in the past) most of the time it was ALWAYS politics and economics. Religion is always used as a cover. One of my TA's for Sociology was in Palestine studying suicide bombers. He said that what he found, was that even that conflict between the Jews and Muslims has nothing to do with religion, but is based on things such as class struggle, economics, politics etc.
If I may correct you Bandit, that would be the war in Afganistan. We currently have no real idea what the war in Iraq started over...and it'll probably take decades to narrow the field down to a couple ideas...but it surely wasn't radical islamic agression.

I do understand what you mean because the war in Iraq supposedly started over a false accusation of WMD as an excuse and it was a lie. A christian leaders lie. Imagine that.

It started in the uSA when crack pot muslims thought it was good to blow up buildings stealiing air planes as they thrive on creating fear because the religion says so. it progressed to Afganistan when some crack pot christian leader thought it was good to kill more innocent people. It progressed to Iraq because the same crack pot christian leader loves war and to this day still has not put the mastermind 9-11 behind bars because his religion says the muslims terrorists are evil doers when all along it was a personal vendetta that stems from his papa while his family is friends with 9-11 mastermind. I do find it odd how these nut job religious leaders cry peace & love while pointing fingers, killing & blowing up anything they can get their hands on.
Then of course you have your crackpot jewish zionists trying to control the world over religion...

Though I would say it is pretty radical that a muslim leader who is supposed to have the truth, has no problem gassing 2 million of his own people at a time, tortouring thousands of which he was convicted of and hung.
The fact that they show no respect for the earth dumping oil into the air & oceans was enough to go over there & stop them. Now that is a real reason for war.

My point Wil, is there are people using their religion to start war & keep war going because they love death & destruction. I am pretty sure there is a thread around here called religion an excuse for war. I distinguish no difference between jews muslims & christians when it comes to war, threats, intimidation. That character was taught to make war & cause problems from birth all because the 3 headed religion is fear based...& all of this of course dates back thousands of years due to religion.

The real threat to the Interreligion religion Scholarship *cough cough* is religion itself.

On that bloody note, I am going now so people can continue there blessed & bloody religions. See you again in 2009:)
@ Bandit

Allow me to quote from your very first post on the thread:

"The newest threat in interreligion is the same as the oldest threat and that is, that it is a facade, with the most deceptive wall of all being that it is done in a controlled, solicited environment or else like any religion -it does not work."

In your later posts, you made your case even more blunt. I could quote you again if your still not satisfied.

Actually, I asked you a question because I read these words of yours:

"I understand & I am the same as I don't expect any difference either. I just found the whole interfaith scholarship thingy a bit over the hill for me to accept then tossing in some threat to the scheme as if it is a valid religion to itself made for an interesting drive by."

So you feel that religion should not be stomped out, but should just die.... (my mistake).

This statement is based on your opinion, not a statistical fact as you are suggesting.

I am a Political Science & History major and believe me, not one of my professors has ever taken this line which you are taking now. Underlying all of these conflicts is not religion, it never was. Even when religion is cited as a primary cause (even in the past) most of the time it was ALWAYS politics and economics. Religion is always used as a cover. One of my TA's for Sociology was in Palestine studying suicide bombers. He said that what he found, was that even that conflict between the Jews and Muslims has nothing to do with religion, but is based on things such as class struggle, economics, politics etc.

I do not need to put up facts for you to deny. You are still putting words into my mouth. Religon is pure & undefiled. Right.:rolleyes:
@ Bandit

I do not need to put up facts for you to deny. You are still putting words into my mouth.

Looks to me like your the one whose playing word games.
I used your own words, from your own posts.

Religon is pure & undefiled. Right.:rolleyes:
Islam is pure and undefiled. Its followers, are anything but.
If you want to try and prove how this is false, be my guest.
@ Bandit

Looks to me like your the one whose playing word games.
I used your own words, from your own posts.

Islam is pure and undefiled.

Have you met Mee? He also has the perfect & undefiled religion but it contradicts your pure undefiled religion. pfft

No you do not use words from my own posts. You insert words that I never said & have done this half a dozen times now. You should admit when you do this.

Oh that is right. My bad. According to you Islam is the perfect undefiled religion. That is a scary thought.

You are doing the typical my religion is the perfect religion deviation that I see everytime I visit this place. Instead of admitting there are problems with the religion & addressing the problems - My religion is perfect & has no flaws, If everyone would follow my religion then we would have a perfect world.

People are what create the religion thus there can be no pure undefiled religion, & then the religion creates the people. IN your mind I suppose it was the god who created the perfect Islam religion? Perhaps if you were to worship a god instead of a religion you might have a case.

This is why I stop listening to people like you about religion.
@ Bandit

Have you met Mee? He also has the perfect & undefiled religion but it contradicts your pure undefiled religion. pfft
This is not a valid argument because you are assuming that both of us are wrong because we disagree. You and I disagree as well, this does not automatically make us both wrong.

No you do not use words from my own posts. You insert words that I never said & have done this half a dozen times now. You should admit when you do this.
That is incorrect. I did not add a single word.
I copy pasted directly from your posts.
Please show me where I added words to your post?
Anyone can simply scroll back and read those posts
in the thread. I can provide you with post numbers
and paragraph numbers if you are in doubt about this.

Oh that is right. My bad. According to you Islam is the perfect undefiled religion. That is a scary thought.

You are doing the typical my religion is the perfect religion deviation that I see everytime I visit this place. Instead of admitting there are problems with the religion & addressing the problems - My religion is perfect & has no flaws, If everyone would follow my religion then we would have a perfect world.

People are what create the religion thus there can be no pure undefiled religion, & then the religion creates the people. IN your mind I suppose it was the god who created the perfect Islam religion? Perhaps if you were to worship a god instead of a religion you might have a case.

This is why I stop listening to people like you about religion.
I asked you to provide an argument for your statements. That is all I ask even now. You think Islam is not pure and is a defiled religion? Prove it. Islam is outlined in the Quran. Try and prove any impurities in the Quran. Many before you have tired, all have failed. Most never even got past taking random verses out of context.
No such thing as "Islam" exists, except for what its followers do.

That is a philosophical statement that you can never prove.
It is only an opinion which you can hold. Because in order to
prove it, you would have to prove that there is no such thing
as absolute Truth. That everything is relative...

Such things can never be proven, that is why they are classified as opinions.
@ Bandit

This is not a valid argument because you are assuming that both of us are wrong because we disagree. You and I disagree as well, this does not automatically make us both wrong.

That is incorrect. I did not add a single word.
I copy pasted directly from your posts.
Please show me where I added words to your post?
Anyone can simply scroll back and read those posts
in the thread. I can provide you with post numbers
and paragraph numbers if you are in doubt about this.

I asked you to provide an argument for your statements. That is all I ask even now. You think Islam is not pure and is a defiled religion? Prove it. Islam is outlined in the Quran. Try and prove any impurities in the Quran. Many before you have tired, all have failed. Most never even got past taking random verses out of context.

are you still talking to me?

I can say everything you are saying is not a valid argument as well.

I dont have a problem being wrong, why do you? You have no problem telling others they are wrong but you do have a problem acknowledging that you put words into other peoples mouths. I already pointed out your 6 attempts to put your own words into my mouth that I never said and you have ignored it three times. Why would I keep showing you when you will continue to ignore it?

What part of beliefs cannot be proven or disproven do you not get? They are little things people create in the head that you have no facts for.

I already told I don't give two cents about your religion. I don't believe in it any more than I believe in the catholic religion. I believe that both of those religions are WRONG:).

The fact that the men in your religion treat their women like sh*t is enough to tell me your religion in flawed. The fact that people in your religion kill gay people and harm minors tells me your religion is full of hate & murder. The fact that parents in your reliigon kill their own children making bloody sacrifice to a god tells me your religion is wrong and those parents being arrested is right!

But you will continue to stay ignorant and bless what you believe is the perfect religion.

I told you from the very start, when two people (in this case religion) disagree, it implies that someone is wrong or both are wrong. Why can't people handle being wrong sometimes? You cant have it both ways & both be right. Either Jesus is God or he isn't...Either islam is wrong or the catholics are wrong or both are wrong. Hello? very simple.
It is not that big of a deal for humans to be wrong & for religion to have flaws. That would mean questioning your religion for yourself and not trying to get someone else to do it for you.
Why is that so hard for people to grasp?

Why don't you prove that mohammed actually existed as a real person & not a fairy tale?
You know there are a good 4 billion people who reject mohammed as a valid prophet & some of them reject him as a real person. Why don't you prove them wrong? because you can't prove beliefs right or wrong. Hello? Is anybody home?

Either Mohammed is a prophet or he isn't- you can't have it both ways & both be right, scilly sgoose!!!
Are you enjoying this conversation?
To me it is very oooold & boring. Nothing new so far.

Do you have anything else? or are simply going to keep repeating yourself about how perfect your religion is? I think you need to convert to a religion that is a little more perfect than Islam because your religion is far from perfect.
I have talked to quite a few people here over the years but you & Mee are the only two who believe they have the perfect religion with no flaws & could never possibly have an error or two.

All you are doing is the typical prove it & disprove it religious mumble jumble over beliefs, but you are not very good at it. Beliefs & unbeliefs are not facts. They never were.
That is a philosophical statement that you can never prove.
It is only an opinion which you can hold. Because in order to
prove it, you would have to prove that there is no such thing
as absolute Truth. That everything is relative...

Such things can never be proven, that is why they are classified as opinions.

you got one thing right. now you need to apply that to beliefs/religion including islam.
The fact that the men in your religion treat their women like sh*t is enough to tell me your religion in flawed. The fact that people in your religion kill gay people and harm minors tells me your religion is full of hate & murder. The fact that parents in your reliigon kill their own children making bloody sacrifice to a god tells me your religion is wrong and those parents being arrested is right!

Hi Bandit,

Since you are talking to a very thick wall today, you forgot to add that questioning the religion of islam is worthy of death. and oh yah...people get put to death when they leave the islam religion.

*scratches head*

That is so very, very, very WRONG.

Throw that good old fearmongering into the puddin' heads starting at about age two.

@ Bandit

The fact that the men in your religion treat their women like sh*t is enough to tell me your religion in flawed. The fact that people in your religion kill gay people and harm minors tells me your religion is full of hate & murder. The fact that parents in your reliigon kill their own children making bloody sacrifice to a god tells me your religion is wrong and those parents being arrested is right!
Did you know that the Quran forbids each and
every single one of these actions?

I dont have a problem being wrong, why do you? You have no problem telling others they are wrong but you do have a problem acknowledging that you put words into other peoples mouths.
Again, I did not put any words in your mouth.
I quoted you directly from your post.

Why don't you prove that mohammed actually existed as a real person & not a fairy tale?
Certainly... as soon as you prove that Charlemagne existed.

You first.

Hi Bandit,

Since you are talking to a very thick wall today, you forgot to add that questioning the religion of islam is worthy of death. and oh yah...people get put to death when they leave the islam religion.

*scratches head*

That is so very, very, very WRONG.

Throw that good old fearmongering into the puddin' heads starting at about age two.

The Quran does not endorse the killing of apostates.

Your entire argument deals with the flaws of Muslims.
Well, Muslims are human beings. Just as flawed as any others.
Your original argument however, blames Islam itself for their flaws.
In order to do that, you have to prove that the words of the
Quran endorse such unjust actions. Like I said, many have tried,
none have succeeded. Because it can't be done. Only verses out
of context can be taken and as soon as the context is provided,
their argument falls apart. If you want to try that, go ahead.