Children born believing in God


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Children born believing in God

by David Masters

Children are born believing in God, according to Oxford University academic Dr Justin Barrett.
Dr Barrett, senior researcher at the University of Oxford’s Institute for Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, argued his case yesterday in a debate style lecture at Cambridge University.
Barrett’s research has found that young children have a faith even when they haven’t been taught about God by their family or at school.
In a BBC Radio Four interview Barrett said he believed that children who raised themselves on an island would believe in God.
Barrett’s argument challenges the view of atheists that children learn to believe in God because of indoctrination by their parents.
What say you?
I have heard it said that we all have an inbuilt need to pray.

but of cause because of our thinking in an imperfect way, we can fight against that need . I know for myself that if ever i found myself wanting to pray as a young child ,i would tell myself stop praying there is no God .

but of cause i was not on a desert island, and even though i was not really brought up to be a religious person i had heard about God from various sources.
The natural relationship is very difficult to replace. I think I partly agree with Barrett, however I think children all alone on an 'island' are vulnerable to superstition and gangs -- not theology. You cannot vicariously rear children, nor simulate parenthood on a drawing board, nor can children create parents for themselves.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah 1:5 (New American Standard)

Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty.

I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.

~ Baha'u'llah Hidden Words

Neo natal religion I suppose has been around...
I think it is an utter lot of crap. Further I think it is a part of a concerted campaign amongst the current political power base in the UK to try and re-introduce religion into a largely atheist or secular UK population. I said some time ago that the TV and media here in recent times has been trying to resell religion to the population and this is a classic example of them trying to give it a scientific validity. This is both bogus and cynical.

Doctor Barrett is not an unbiased scientist. From Wiki : "Barrett is described in the New York Times as a "prominent member of the byproduct camp" and "an observant Christian who believes in “an all-knowing, all-powerful, perfectly good God who brought the universe into being,” [and] “that the purpose for people is to love God and love each other.”

The governments last effort to push religion down the gullets of the UK population backfired after they got the UK's chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, to try and pimp creationism in our schools. He has subsequently because of the furore been forced to hand in his resignation.

Prime minister Brown, like his predecessor Blair, has been looking for ways to dumb down the UK population by trying to inject religion back into the equation. Thankfully, and hopefully this will continue, the UK population wants nothing to do with a return to such methods of mind control and manipulation, as well as rejecting the extra tax that membership of a church would entail.

It is interesting to note that Barrett is also a member of the Institute for Social Research, an organisation dedicated to studying how to manipulate populations.

Arthra said:
Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty.

I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.

~ Baha'u'llah Hidden Words
I'd highlight the words 'Veiled', 'Revealed', 'May' and 'Fill'.
I wasn't raised with religion.

When I was a very young child, everything was wondrous. I noticed that wondrous things that people made were often placed in a prominent place so people could notice and admire them. However, the wondrous natural things that people didn't make never got that special treatment, so if I found something natural that I thought really needed to be noticed, I'd either move it to a prominent place so people would notice it, or if it couldn't be moved, I'd place something near it to draw attention to it. It was my way of saying, "I noticed. Look at how wonderful this is!"

As I grew and started to study sciences, many of the explanations for the wondrous things made me look at them differently, and they lost some of their wonder in that they lost some of their mystery, but they were still pretty neat. After some continued study in science, I became an atheist, because I thought everything could be perfectly explained without having to resort to the "childish mystery."

As I grew even more, and continued my studies in science, I noticed that the explanations offered by science didn't always follow the scientific method, and it made me wonder.

When I became a young adult, and had really pursued my scientific studies on my own, I lost my faith in my atheistic viewpoint when I realized that many of the "scientific explanations" that didn't follow scientific methods, yet defied common sense were actually dogmas to support atheism. Looking back at everything I had studied through my shattered faith in atheism restored the wonder I had as a very young child--at how miraculous our very existence really is. :)
The parents of a newborn were having issues with the older rough and tumble brother. They were always careful to watch him as he wanted to be around his new sister but they were worried he might accidently hurt her.

One day as they were laying her down in the crib for a nap he ran in as they were about to close the door. Instead of hollering, they watched him as he approached the crib. He got down and looked at his baby sister and asked, "Can you tell me about G!d, I'm beginning to forget."
.... I lost my faith in my atheistic viewpoint when I realized that many of the "scientific explanations" that didn't follow scientific methods, yet defied common sense were actually dogmas to support atheism.

IMO, this is the encapsulation of every single debate on this issue. Atheism, is a faith based system, whether one likes to admit this or not. Its just "faith" in a different paradigm. I wish more people recognized this.
Seattlegal said:
As I grew even more, and continued my studies in science, I noticed that the explanations offered by science didn't always follow the scientific method, and it made me wonder.
Unfortunately true. That's how popular Science has always been, going all the way back to Aristotle and the Egyptians. "Everybody knows xyz is so." "The world is clearly the center of the universe -- Scientific fact!"
The parents of a newborn were having issues with the older rough and tumble brother. They were always careful to watch him as he wanted to be around his new sister but they were worried he might accidently hurt her.

One day as they were laying her down in the crib for a nap he ran in as they were about to close the door. Instead of hollering, they watched him as he approached the crib. He got down and looked at his baby sister and asked, "Can you tell me about G!d, I'm beginning to forget."

Awwww sweet. And did he ask if he could have an automatic weapon for christmas too?

Yes and a game of world domination, some hagus, a copy of highlander, a tartan, to be king so he could take the women before their husbands and a bottle of Scotch.
Well there is some hope for him yet then ;)

I would have to agree with Tao... it's a load of crap... you aren't born religious, no more than you are born soley to speak a specific language- it's a cultural thing thrust upon your baby mind by your social group and it's metaphors...
This thread seems to have become about whether or not people believe that people believe in God and not about whether people believe in God.

When are people going to get the notion out of their heads that they will only come across God by some form of conditioning?
The parents of a newborn were having issues with the older rough and tumble brother. They were always careful to watch him as he wanted to be around his new sister but they were worried he might accidently hurt her.

One day as they were laying her down in the crib for a nap he ran in as they were about to close the door. Instead of hollering, they watched him as he approached the crib. He got down and looked at his baby sister and asked, "Can you tell me about G!d, I'm beginning to forget."

Oh, wil, that is beautiful:)


Tao, bah humbug to you:p

I would have to agree with Tao... it's a load of crap... you aren't born religious, no more than you are born soley to speak a specific language- it's a cultural thing thrust upon your baby mind by your social group and it's metaphors...
I agree with you we aren't born religious, but that doesn't mean we aren't born knowing G!d. Despite the advertising and marketing money spent, G!d isn't a religion.
This thread seems to have become about whether or not people believe that people believe in God and not about whether people believe in God.

When are people going to get the notion out of their heads that they will only come across God by some form of conditioning?
Do you only come by the color blue by conditioning..or does the color exist prior to someone telling you its name? Do you only come across a hot stove by conditioning...or is the stove already hot and the 'conditioner' is informing you of it out of love and concern? Does calculus, and linear algebra not exist...beyond most of our comprehension...but through conditioning, practice and dedication it is amazing what these tools can do for us and others...oops can they also be used for evil and destruction when into the wrong hands??
So your thesis is that the notion of a higher power or God is a priori ?

If what I'm saying is a priori, it wouldn't be a thesis then would it?

And to the rest of you; I've heard this all before. God, simply by definition, is not ontologically comparable to concepts like color or geometry and this is not a religious topic. It all a bunch of belly-button-picking, hyper-skeptical, actively nihilistic, surreal Promethean crap. If you're going to rebel against something, have a cause and have some conviction.

The experience of God is not dependent on conditioning. There is no follow up argument. The Olympians knew that mortals have to discover the "sacred fire" for themselves. There was never anything for them to horde- everyone knows that when one torch lights another torch, nothing was lost from the original flame.