She had the courage to change



Here is a little bit of brain work for you, who is it in the bible that had the courage to change ?

its in the GREEK scriptures (new testament) :)
Now something like this is more like it Mee.

At first blush I thought you were speaking of Ruth. In the New Testament though, it's gonna take me a little bit to think about.
when the christian congregation was formed this woman may have been about 50 .
when she was born she would have followed the Jewish religion.

did she reason that she had been born into the Jewish system and that she wanted to remain loyal to the traditions of her forefathers?

or did she say i am to old to change?

no she didnt do any of those things :)

who is she ?
this woman understood that Gods blessing was now with the christian congregation, so she had the faith and courage to change:)
this woman understood that Gods blessing was now with the christian congregation, so she had the faith and courage to change:)

Gods? Which Gods? And what a 'fairweather' believer!!
"when the christian congregation was formed this woman may have been about 50 ." -mee

So I am thinking "no."

But then, I never made in to Jeopardy...
Let's see, Jesus was "about 30 years ond when he started his ministry (Luke 3:23,) and his ministry lasted 3 years, that would make Jesus about 33 when he died and rose from the dead, and the Holy Spirit came upon the Christians at Pentecost. Subtracting "about 33" from "about 50" would make Mary "about 17" when Jesus was born...sounds "about right" to me...
OK, if you look at it that way (although I usually thought of Mary being around 14 at the time...)

But a lot hinges upon what mee meant by "when the christian congregation was formed." I suppose I was looking at from the time of the conception, at which time Elisabeth was about 50 years old.

My bad...can't win 'em all.

Of course, surely Mary would have known "G-d's blessing was now with the christian congregation" long before Pentacost, and as a result it wasn't about her "changing." The matter was kinda thrust upon her, as it were. What change there was, came to her, rather than the other way around. ;)
Gee, could it be Mary?

:):D thats the one .

As Marys knowledge of Gods purposes grew, however, she came to see that the traditions of her fathers no longer had Gods approval,Jewish religious leaders had her son the Messiah , put to death.

Before that happened,Jesus annouced to them

look your house is abandoned to you matthew 23; 38

God withdrew his blessing from the religious system in which mary had been raised Galatians 2;15,16
As Marys knowledge of Gods purposes grew, however, she came to see that the traditions of her fathers no longer had Gods approval
There is nothing whatsoever like that in the NT. You are just making up your own version of what you think must have happened.
There is nothing whatsoever like that in the NT. You are just making up your own version of what you think must have happened.

is it not true that mary became a christian ?
After Jesus death, the next time that the bible mentions mary is when she is with Jesus disciples persisting in prayer with them .

With one accord all these were persisting in prayer, together with some women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers. Acts 1 ;14

and also Jesus fleshly brothers had also by then begun to exersize faith in their older brother.

there was a time earlier on ,that his fleshly brothers James,Joseph,Simon, and Judas, did not put faith in Jesus as the son of God, they just looked at him as their normal brother.
so mary would also have found herself in a family with differing religious views.
John 7;5

no doubt mary would have told them what the angel had told her, that Jesus was Gods son
luke 1;35

but it wasnt till later on that his brothers eventually started to exersize faith that he was Gods son .
is it not true that mary became a christian ?
You claimed that she repudiated Judaism. The NT does not say any such thing, and there is no reason she could not have continued believing exactly what she had always believed, and still prayed with the friends and followers of her son.
but it wasnt till later on that his brothers eventually started to exersize faith that he was Gods son .
We don't know that the brothers ever believed any such thing.
You Ever Wondered?

WHAT does the Bible really say about Mary, the mother of Jesus?

Most believers in Christendom hold to the teaching that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God and yet that they are not three gods, but three in one. In other words, the Trinity.

For large portions of Christendom (Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox), this teaching logically gave birth to the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is therefore the "Mother of God."

Is that really so?

How did Jesus view his mother?

How did the disciples view her?

Let us see how the Bible answers::)
When is Mary first mentioned in the bible ?

"Jacob became father to Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ."—Matthew 1:16.

What religion did Mary practice at the time of Jesus’ birth?

"When they had carried out all the things according to the law of Jehovah, they went back into Galilee to their own city Nazareth. Now his parents were accustomed to go from year to year to Jerusalem for the festival of the passover." (Luke 2:39, 41) As Jews, they followed the Law of Moses.