i'm new here...



hi. i'm a middle aged woman who enjoys religions and spirituality. i'm looking forward to hanging out with people of all faiths. my own journey has included exploring many religions. i'm sure i'll learn a lot while i'm here and hope to make friends, too.
Hi and welcome to IO :)

I'll try not to confuse you with Pathless and Path of One.

It all seems to blur into a hazy fog of words once you go past a certain point.


Welcome to the forum.

I am neither middle-aged nor female, but I do enjoy discussing religion and spirituality.
It's the glow of the monitor. Accentuates the curves of my male pattern balding.
hi. i'm a middle aged woman who enjoys religions and spirituality. i'm looking forward to hanging out with people of all faiths. my own journey has included exploring many religions. i'm sure i'll learn a lot while i'm here and hope to make friends, too.
A warm welcome from the atheist who will not shut up and go away ;)
