God the Pornographer

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""What is modesty and why should I take it seriously? Modest people seem so uptight and frigid. I've got a lot of kick in me and I don't want to become an old lady at 18."

My response:

"Modesty is knowing when not to dress a certain manner will elict a response that you didn't intend to make. Modesty is having enough self-respect that you don't feel you need to reveal yourself inapropiately in order to gain attention. Self-respect is having the confidence that you don't have to fulfill the status quo or cave into peer pressure in order to be popular or have friends. Your friends ought tomlike you for who you are and not what you can show. In posting a nude picture to your boyfriend conveys the message that you are easy access and invites him to look at you as an object of desire instead of a lover. Being a male teen once, I know that the male mindset at that age is geared toward sex and sendimng such a picture text can trigger a sexual response, whether you meant to or not. Not only that, but vthere is the danger that tis photo might get leaked out to other phone and even to the internet, where your nude body will be on display for anyone to see.

Modesty is not a death knell to fun. It simply protects you from appearing cheap and desparate. Sure, you want to run wild. But be aware of the consequences. What kind of kicks are you looking for? Are you sure that posting racy pictures of yourself is the sure way of getting those kicks and living the best life for you? You are concerned about being an old lady at 18, why don't you be more concerned with just being a lady? You want so much to grow up fast. Slow down and enjoy the age you are now. What you do between you and your boyfriend is no one's business but yours, all I'm suggesting is that you tink twice before making those kind of decisions you might regret later."

Basically the same thing I've been writing, Nick.

OK Dondi. I'll now play the part of a fictional young teen by the name of Alice. I just asked you the above question and you answered. Now I roll my eyes and say to you"

"C'mon, they just arrested me for child pornography.

Who are you to say I may illicit a response I didn't intend to make. Wake up, this is 2009. Next you'll tell me that if a girl is raped it is her fault since she dressed as if she asked for it. Sheesh.

I didn't send Bob the pictures to be popular. It was just part of a game. You see, you look at this as bad, and we see it as just being natural and flirting a bit. You are too uptight and I don't want to be like you.

I should hope Bob does look at me as something to be desired. I want to feel like a woman, not a toad.

Yes, it is true that they could reach the Internet but Mary, Beth, and I are good friends and Bob and Phil are so close to us, it just wouldn't happen.

You think that nudity appears cheap but a thong is OK. What isn't cheap to you; wearing a sack dress? Ain't gonna happen. Lighten up already, this is 2009. I don't need any fake antiquated morality that prevents me from being myself.

Alice looks at you with a disappointed look. What do you say?
OK Dondi. I'll now play the part of a fictional young teen by the name of Alice. I just asked you the above question and you answered. Now I roll my eyes and say to you"

"C'mon, they just arrested me for child pornography.

Who are you to say I may illicit a response I didn't intend to make. Wake up, this is 2009. Next you'll tell me that if a girl is raped it is her fault since she dressed as if she asked for it. Sheesh.

I didn't send Bob the pictures to be popular. It was just part of a game. You see, you look at this as bad, and we see it as just being natural and flirting a bit. You are too uptight and I don't want to be like you.

I should hope Bob does look at me as something to be desired. I want to feel like a woman, not a toad.

Yes, it is true that they could reach the Internet but Mary, Beth, and I are good friends and Bob and Phil are so close to us, it just wouldn't happen.

You think that nudity appears cheap but a thong is OK. What isn't cheap to you; wearing a sack dress? Ain't gonna happen. Lighten up already, this is 2009. I don't need any fake antiquated morality that prevents me from being myself.

Alice looks at you with a disappointed look. What do you say?
My response.
Yes that is what everyone thinks, it couldn't happen, no one will forward it. That is what girl after girl has said when their picture ends up on the internet or in my day a magazine.

The fact is, it is against the law. Just like speeding or driving thru a red light or stealing a candy bar. You broke the law, you were caught and now you pay the penalty.

But man's law isn't nearly as severe as nature's law. If you speed and get in a wreck you could kill yourself or others, same as running a red light. If you steal from someone it might just be they have had enough of it and have a gun behind the counter. If you send pictures around, you might get a label of being easy and put yourself at risk of being raped.

When you were five I could kiss your booboo, I could bandage your wound, I could give you a hug, I could take you to the doctor. You are at the age now that I can't fix all your mistakes, you will live with them for the rest of your life and their isn't anything dad can do about it.

I'm hoping you can learn to make better decisions in the future.
again...almost word for word the same discussion I've had with my children...when they were 12, and 13, and 14...

No DVD or ipods in my car...when we drive for 6 hours someplace I have a captive audience, they've got nowhere to go, nowhere to hide and they can't avoid discussions with Dad.

Again, now if they want to stop at the waterfall where everyone is skinny dippin and go swimming...I've got no problems with that.
My response. again...almost word for word the same discussion I've had with my children...when they were 12, and 13, and 14...

No DVD or ipods in my car...when we drive for 6 hours someplace I have a captive audience, they've got nowhere to go, nowhere to hide and they can't avoid discussions with Dad.

Again, now if they want to stop at the waterfall where everyone is skinny dippin and go swimming...I've got no problems with that.

Alice again rolls her eyes and thinks "where did they find this character?" But she responds.

"You don't see your hypocrisy. You refer to the law when it serves your purpose and condemn it when it doesn't. This LAW states that my body is pornographic so am not allowed to show it to anyone. Don't you see how old fashioned this is? You may look at me as pornographic and needing clothes but I look at your mind as pornographic for thinking such things.

We may be young but frankly if you think you are spouting wisdom by hiding behind the law, we see right through you. I'll take my nudist friends over you hypocrites any day.

You just want me to go skinny dippin at the waterfall with the others so you can salivate over the pornographic older girls.

If that is the law, well we'll work to change the law even if we have to screw the politicians to make it happen. I do not accept you calling my body pornographic."

Alice thinks to herself: "Why don't they understand?" Will I end up like that?"
This is the OP

This is just basic stuff. I'm sorry but if people have become so much a victim of political correctness that they cannot think out of the box as it pertains to sensitive psychological questions without indulging in blind righteous indignation, it isn't the fault of the question but of our inability to retain an open mind.

Which is better: naive questions that cater to a politically correct mindset or asking people to be more open minded in the face of a challenging question?

Nick, the only "naive" point in your original post was to make sensationalist statements and then act hurt that these are called as such.

You continually tell everybody else here that you are the only free and open minded person on the forums - but it simply comes across as blind arrogance - especially when you seem to take on other people's belief systems rather than have your own.

Which is better, to accept a little modesty, or to continue to claim authority over everybody else?
Alice again rolls her eyes and thinks "where did they find this character?" But she responds.

"You don't see your hypocrisy. You refer to the law when it serves your purpose and condemn it when it doesn't. This LAW states that my body is pornographic so am not allowed to show it to anyone. Don't you see how old fashioned this is? You may look at me as pornographic and needing clothes but I look at your mind as pornographic for thinking such things.

We may be young but frankly if you think you are spouting wisdom by hiding behind the law, we see right through you. I'll take my nudist friends over you hypocrites any day.

You just want me to go skinny dippin at the waterfall with the others so you can salivate over the pornographic older girls.

If that is the law, well we'll work to change the law even if we have to screw the politicians to make it happen. I do not accept you calling my body pornographic."

Alice thinks to herself: "Why don't they understand?" Will I end up like that?"
Again Nick, no kids right? And never been to a nudist beach before either right? A nudist colony? A rainbow gathering? Burning Man?

I can respond to these questions because I have had these experiences and been there. I'm beginning to think you are salivating over your fictitious Alice.

I didn't make the laws, even your fictitious Alice knows that. And unfortunately her arguments and responses are as weak as that of her creator.

Oh and yes, my kids roll their eyes, think Dad is a nut. But I have no interest in wanting to say "I told you so".
I only asked how you would respond to this young teen asking you a question. Would you respond with this post or say something else? If something else, just say what you would say to the teen.

Antioch teacher held on child pornography charge

Tribune staff report January 27, 2009 A veteran teacher in north suburban Antioch has been accused of sending and receiving more than 1,000 photos and videos over the Internet that depicted young boys in sexual acts, Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran said Monday.

Curran said investigators are trying to find out whether Kenneth Lee Johnson, 60, of Wauconda, a middle-school social studies teacher in Antioch School District 34, molested any children.

Authorities interviewed more than 20 boys and young men, who denied Johnson's claims, Curran said.

Johnson was charged with illegal possession of child pornography and is being held in Lake County Jail on $500,000 bail.
Antioch teacher held on child pornography charge

Man jailed after police seize 400,000 child porn images

Published Date: 24 January 2009

A 26-year-old man caught with one of the largest number of child porn images ever found in the country has been jailed for ten months.

When police raided Michael Morgan's home, after receiving information from the FBI in San Francisco, they seized his computer tower and 121 CD-ROMs.

These were painstakingly analysed by police and found to contain almost 400,000 indecent photographs and movies of children aged from just two to 14.

Judge William George ordered Morgan, who now lives in West Calder, West Lothian, to sign on to the Sex Offenders' Register for ten years and banned him from working with children and using certain software.

Liverpool Crown Court heard police went to Morgan's former home in Hastings Road, Waterloo, Merseyside on June 2, 2005.

This followed an FBI investigation into a Michigan man and an e-mail that showed that Morgan had paid $50 to access illegal pornography. His home was searched and he was found to be a prolific collector of images.

Morgan admitted 25 charges involving downloading 395,048 indecent images.
Man jailed after police seize 400000 child porn

25 charged over child porn downloads in Greece

The Associated Press
Published: January 27, 2009

ATHENS, Greece: Greek police say they have charged 25 people including a priest and a neurosurgeon for allegedly downloading child pornography from the internet.
Police say they acted on a tip from Interpol to detain the suspects in Athens, Thessaloniki and another three Greek cities, as well as on the islands of Mykonos and Mytilini.
A police statement issued Tuesday says the suspects allegedly subscribed to Web sites that displayed pornographic pictures and videos of children as young as 6 months old being sexually abused by adults.
It says the 25 suspects include a priest attached to a church near the southern town of Sparta, a neurosurgeon, a gynecologist and an army officer.
25 charged over child porn downloads in Greece

Wis. teen put girl's nude pics on MySpace
Associated Press
Last update: January 26, 2009 - 11:35 PM
LA CROSSE, Wis. - A Wisconsin teen who admitted posting nude pictures of a 16-year-old girl on his MySpace page to "vent" at her has pleaded guilty to causing mental hart to a child.

As part of a plea deal Monday, 18-year-old Alex Phillips of La Crosse had charges of possession of child pornography, sexual exploitation of a child and defamation dismissed, but they may be considered when he is sentenced in La Crosse County Circuit Court.
Prosecutors agreed to recommend three years of probation. No sentencing date was set.
The criminal complaint said charges were filed after police learned about the two nude photos on the MySpace page in May. Officials said the girl was "very upset" about the posting and suffered from anxiety.
Phillips had been scheduled for trial Feb. 2.
Wis. teen put girl's nude pics on MySpace

Every hour on the hour someone is being charged, arrested, sentenced for child porn as abuse of children between the ages of 2 and 16.

I would continue to masking tape the hourly headlines on her bedroom door, the fridge and throughout the house to reveal and educate the law and how dangerous people are who advocate and collect nude pictures of underage children by use of phones and internet until she gets the 'picture'.

Then have a heart to heart talk, cry with her, hold her and show her how much I love her and want to protect her from the harm that perverts who stalk children cause. Then teach how she can be beautiful, loved and respected without getting nude for a camera and her dates and to understand how important her future is without having a record.

Then show her your postings and she would hopefully understand you are a very bad influence for minors.
Alice again rolls her eyes and thinks "where did they find this character?" But she responds.

"You don't see your hypocrisy. You refer to the law when it serves your purpose and condemn it when it doesn't. This LAW states that my body is pornographic so am not allowed to show it to anyone. Don't you see how old fashioned this is? You may look at me as pornographic and needing clothes but I look at your mind as pornographic for thinking such things.

We may be young but frankly if you think you are spouting wisdom by hiding behind the law, we see right through you. I'll take my nudist friends over you hypocrites any day.

You just want me to go skinny dippin at the waterfall with the others so you can salivate over the pornographic older girls.

If that is the law, well we'll work to change the law even if we have to screw the politicians to make it happen. I do not accept you calling my body pornographic."

Alice thinks to herself: "Why don't they understand?" Will I end up like that?"

Internet child porn sting snares Bent County deputy
By Alan Gathright, Rocky Mountain News (Contact)

Published January 27, 2009 at 12:05 a.m.

A Bent County sheriff's deputy has been arrested in an Internet child porn sting after allegedly sending a partially nude photo of himself to an investigator posing as an underage girl.
While visiting an Internet Web site using the screen name "heteague" this month, Deputy Hubert Teague was told he was communicating with a girl under age 15 and typed, "Wow young," in response, according to an arrest affidavit sworn by investigator Mike Harris of the Jefferson County district attorney's office.
Describing himself as a married, 34-year-old sheriff's deputy, Teague asked the investigator posing as a girl for a photo of herself.
After receiving an image of "a child in a swimming suit," Teague allegedly typed: "If I can say withing bein (sic) too bold . . . nice breasts. Can't help am just a horny old man on here tonight lol," he said, using the Web shorthand for "laughing out loud," according to the affidavit.
The sting was played out between Jan. 10 and Jan. 23, as Teague and Harris posing as the girl exchanged text messages. Teague also spoke on the phone with a woman investigator posing as the girl.
Teague is accused of e-mailing the supposed girl a graphic semi-nude photo of himself, the investigator wrote in the affidavit.
Teague is also accused of asking the supposed underage girl to provide nude photos of herself.
Teague appeared Monday in Jefferson County Court, where he was advised of his rights. His bail was set at $10,000.

Internet child porn sting snares Bent County deputy

It may be old fashioned, but being old fashioned helps to protect minors who may not fully understand the implications.

Unlike you advocating nude pics of children being sent to others.
Nick, the only "naive" point in your original post was to make sensationalist statements and then act hurt that these are called as such.

You continually tell everybody else here that you are the only free and open minded person on the forums - but it simply comes across as blind arrogance - especially when you seem to take on other people's belief systems rather than have your own.

Which is better, to accept a little modesty, or to continue to claim authority over everybody else?

I am not hurt. Why should I be hurt? This thread just reveals how we are when not enchanted by pltitudes. I've suggested that secularism, psychobabble, and fundamentalism have enhanced a psychological condition that works against important understanding of sex and the body. We prefer righteous indignation to impartial reason so enjoy being shocked and offering condemnation. The question is if this joy is actually beneficial.

I haven't suggested myself as anyone other than someone willing to admit the problem of the human condition both in me and in the world. If this appears arrogant it only shows how far we've sunk. What you fail to see is that to admit the human condition in ourselves and in society requires a humility those three spirit killers mentioned above don't want to admit.
Alice looks at you with a disappointed look. What do you say?

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009

Man had child porn on his computer, police say


A 28-year-old Merced man was arrested Friday after probation officers reported finding child pornography on his computer.
Jonathan Gonzales was taken into custody after the officers conducted a periodic search of his 138 West 18th St. apartment, according to Brian Cooley, the county's chief probation officer. Gonzales had been on probation for forgery.
Merced police were called to the scene around 9:30 p.m. after the pornographic images, which depicted underage girls, were discovered. Merced Police Cmdr. Floyd Higdon said the images didn't require much effort for the officers to find on the computer.

A computer tower and other items were taken as evidence.
Under questioning from police, Gonzales admitted the downloaded pictures were his -- but denied ever molesting any children. A male roommate who lives at the residence with Gonzales wasn't charged. Gonzales told police the roommate was unaware of the photos.
Gonzales was booked into the Merced County Jail on suspicion of sexual exploitation of a child and a probation violation. He's being held without bail.
Parolee had child porn on his computer, police say

That is what I say.
I am not hurt. Why should I be hurt? I've suggested that secularism, psychobabble, and fundamentalism have enhanced a psychological condition that works against important understanding of sex and the body. We prefer righteous indignation to impartial reason so enjoy being shocked and offering condemnation. The question is if this joy is actually beneficial.

I haven't suggested myself as anyone other than someone willing to admit the problem of the human condition both in me and in the world. If this appears arrogant it only shows how far we've sunk. What you fail to see is that to admit the human condition in ourselves and in society requires a humility those three spirit killers mentioned above don't want to admit.

Feds charge man after child-porn conviction

By Ben Winslow
Deseret News

Published: Monday, Jan. 26, 2009 9:40 p.m. MST

FARMINGTON — A federal grand jury has indicted a Bountiful man on child pornography charges after his conviction for the same offense in state court.
Scott Dale Kerber, 48, was indicted last week on a federal charge of possession of child pornography. In a plea deal last year here in 2nd District Court, court records show the Utah Attorney General's Office dropped eight charges against Kerber in exchange for his plea to a pair of second-degree felony counts of sexual exploitation of a minor.
During his sentencing in March, court records show Judge Rodney S. Page suspended a pair of one- to 15-year prison terms in favor of probation and a year in jail, allowing Kerber to leave during the day to go to work. After the sentence was imposed, the Utah Attorney General's Office confirmed it approached federal prosecutors about pursuing a case.
Such a move is "extremely rare," said Ken Wallentine, the Utah attorney general's chief of law enforcement.

Feds charge man after child-porn conviction

Yes it does show how low some humans can sink -day after day and hour after, of abusing children thru use of nude photos.
I haven't suggested myself as anyone other than someone willing to admit the problem of the human condition both in me and in the world.

A lie.... And the biggest of your life.
One in fact, which defines you Nick.

Allow me to reveal to you the real reason you are here on this forum.
Pay close attention, because this will only be recognizable to your
subconcious, as even while you read these words, your concious self will
immediatly recoil and shiver, coming up with a defensive argument to
save you from the reality of your own being:

You are here for one purpose, and one purpose alone:
To measure your uniqueness in face of the "majority".
The more alienated you become, the more your own
delusions of grandeur are re-inforced. Unlike your claim
that you are trying to find the minority who shares your
enlightened thoughts, you have no real goal here other
then the reinforcement of your own percieved individuality.

You have no mission, you have no purpose, other then
fullfillment of your own self's interest.

And guess what Nick... this makes you, EXACTLY like every single
other person on the face of this earth. There is no selflessness
in humanity. Man was created to be selfish, he can never be truly
good. Because only GOD does "good" without getting any sort of
benifit for it Himself. When man does something good, he does it
for his own satisfaction, or praise, or a reward from God. This is
the core difference between religion, and your creed. This is the
reason why your core lacks humility. Because you do not accept
this as a fact, and you actually believe man can be "good" through
achieving an "inner objective morality" For all the verses of scripture
you misrepresent when you quote, you forget the one in which
Jesus PBUH himself says that he is not "good"... Unlike you Nick,
he actually meant it, and understood the "why" behind it.

You reject this, because you are blind to this inherent selfishness
of man, and think that you can/have risen above this. As you look
down on the world, and lament its fall, yet you are looking at yourself
in the mirror. The real object of your hate, is not the world Nick,
it is your self. For all your talk of psychology, you are blind to the
idea of self-projection. You are projecting all your worst qualities
on the world, and then pointing the finger at it. But what you fail
to understand (will not accept) is that the world is you, and you
are the world. The more you try and pretend to yourself and others
that you are seperate from it, the more it clutches your very soul.

This is the actual "reality of the human condition" Nick...

... deal with it.
Internet child porn sting snares Bent County deputy

It may be old fashioned, but being old fashioned helps to protect minors who may not fully understand the implications.

Unlike you advocating nude pics of children being sent to others.

Alice's eyes open wide in amazement as she looks at Bandit. She wonders if they have all gone mad. "They want to blame their own perversions on my ass. They call my body pornograhic because of their perversion and invite me to become a part of it and just blindly accept their accusations. God is not a pornograher. He didn't create me as pornographic. Their accusations are like the cruelty I've read in the Old Testament. And they want me to grow up like them?

I'm sorry but They won't put the blame for their perversion on my ass by calling it pornographic." No way."
A lie.... And the biggest of your life.
One in fact, which defines you Nick.

Allow me to reveal to you the real reason you are here on this forum.
Pay close attention, because this will only be recognizable to your
subconcious, as even while you read these words, your concious self will
immediatly recoil and shiver, coming up with a defensive argument to
save you from the reality of your own being:

You are here for one purpose, and one purpose alone:
To measure your uniqueness in face of the "majority".
The more alienated you become, the more your own
delusions of grandeur are re-inforced. Unlike your claim
that you are trying to find the minority who shares your
enlightened thoughts, you have no real goal here other
then the reinforcement of your own percieved individuality.

You have no mission, you have no purpose, other then
fullfillment of your own self's interest.

And guess what Nick... this makes you, EXACTLY like every single
other person on the face of this earth. There is no selflessness
in humanity. Man was created to be selfish, he can never be truly
good. Because only GOD does "good" without getting any sort of
benifit for it Himself. When man does something good, he does it
for his own satisfaction, or praise, or a reward from God. This is
the core difference between religion, and your creed. This is the
reason why your core lacks humility. Because you do not accept
this as a fact, and you actually believe man can be "good" through
achieving an "inner objective morality"

You reject this, because you are blind to this inherent selfishness
of man, and think that you can/have risen above this. As you look
down on the world, and lament its fall, yet you are looking at yourself
in the mirror. The real object of your hate, is not the world Nick,
it is your self. For all your talk of psychology, you are blind to the
idea of self-projection. You are projecting all your worst qualities
on the world, and then pointing the finger at it. But what you fail
to understand (will not accept) is that the world is you, and you
are the world. The more you try and pretend to yourself and others
that you are seperate from it, the more it clutches your very soul.

This is the "reality of the human condition" Nick... deal with it.

all that in a nutshell...he advocates nude pics of children and those nude pics of children should be legal.
if you do not agree with making child nudity in pics legal, then you are, well, psychobabble.
Alice's eyes open wide in amazement as she looks at Bandit. She wonders if they have all gone mad. "They want to blame their own perversions on my ass. They call my body pornograhic because of their perversion and invite me to become a part of it and just blindly accept their accusations. God is not a pornograher. He didn't create me as pornographic. Their accusations are like the cruelty I've read in the Old Testament. And they want me to grow up like them?

I'm sorry but They won't put the blame for their perversion on my ass by calling it pornographic." No way."

Luke Abbey gets prison for child molestation
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 By John S. Hausman

MUSKEGON COUNTY -- One of three Muskegon brothers convicted of child porn felonies will be in prison for up to 50 years for an even more serious conviction: child molestation.

Luke Abbey is the second middle-aged brother to be convicted of child sex and porn charges. Mark Edwin Abbey, 51, is serving a prison sentence of up to 40 years for a variety of child sex and porn charges, including manufacturing porn by taking photographs of naked boys. A third brother, Luke's twin, Lee William Abbey, pleaded guilty Friday to possessing child porn and is scheduled for sentencing Feb. 23. All three lived under the same roof with their mother.
The child-molestation charges against Luke Abbey involved a girl who lived in the Abbeys' neighborhood, and whom Luke Abbey knew through her mother. Police said the sexual assaults happened many times from November 2001, when the girl was 9 years old, through November 2004, at the Abbeys' home and elsewhere.

Luke Abbey gets prison for child molestation
Again Nick, no kids right? And never been to a nudist beach before either right? A nudist colony? A rainbow gathering? Burning Man?

I can respond to these questions because I have had these experiences and been there. I'm beginning to think you are salivating over your fictitious Alice.

I didn't make the laws, even your fictitious Alice knows that. And unfortunately her arguments and responses are as weak as that of her creator.

Oh and yes, my kids roll their eyes, think Dad is a nut. But I have no interest in wanting to say "I told you so".

I know how the secular mindset is. I learned a great deal during my defense of recognition for the Armenian genocide. Attack me and Christianity if you like but I won't bring my family or my heritage into this negativity. Fool me once, your fault. Fool me twice, my fault.

Yes, Ive had my experiences with naked women and a few orgys if that helps. Musicians get certain benefits.
I'm beginning to think you are salivating over your fictitious Alice.

He has made himself an easy suspect for the law to investigate.

Many perverts believe they are doing nothing wrong while harming others thru nude photos of children. Today even drawings or computer generated images of the underage will get someone 5 years.
A lie.... And the biggest of your life.
One in fact, which defines you Nick.

Allow me to reveal to you the real reason you are here on this forum.
Pay close attention, because this will only be recognizable to your
subconcious, as even while you read these words, your concious self will
immediatly recoil and shiver, coming up with a defensive argument to
save you from the reality of your own being:

You are here for one purpose, and one purpose alone:
To measure your uniqueness in face of the "majority".
The more alienated you become, the more your own
delusions of grandeur are re-inforced. Unlike your claim
that you are trying to find the minority who shares your
enlightened thoughts, you have no real goal here other
then the reinforcement of your own percieved individuality.

You have no mission, you have no purpose, other then
fullfillment of your own self's interest.

And guess what Nick... this makes you, EXACTLY like every single
other person on the face of this earth. There is no selflessness
in humanity. Man was created to be selfish, he can never be truly
good. Because only GOD does "good" without getting any sort of
benifit for it Himself. When man does something good, he does it
for his own satisfaction, or praise, or a reward from God. This is
the core difference between religion, and your creed. This is the
reason why your core lacks humility. Because you do not accept
this as a fact, and you actually believe man can be "good" through
achieving an "inner objective morality" For all the verses of scripture
you misrepresent when you quote, you forget the one in which
Jesus PBUH himself says that he is not "good"... Unlike you Nick,
he actually meant it, and understood the "why" behind it.

You reject this, because you are blind to this inherent selfishness
of man, and think that you can/have risen above this. As you look
down on the world, and lament its fall, yet you are looking at yourself
in the mirror. The real object of your hate, is not the world Nick,
it is your self. For all your talk of psychology, you are blind to the
idea of self-projection. You are projecting all your worst qualities
on the world, and then pointing the finger at it. But what you fail
to understand (will not accept) is that the world is you, and you
are the world. The more you try and pretend to yourself and others
that you are seperate from it, the more it clutches your very soul.

This is the actual "reality of the human condition" Nick...

... deal with it.

As usual cOde, you speak partial truths.

I do believe in the psychological reality of Plato's cave. As such I do celebrate individuality: "To Be" which is freedom from the cave. This is always condemned by representatives of the Great Beast who holds dominion over the world. Efforts "to be" deny the control of the Beast. It will always growl its annoyance.

I'm not being selfless but verifying what I believe to be true which is that the world denies our natural potential to become open to the experience of reality. This is what anyone interested in Transcendental Interfaith does. We realize that we live in imagination at the exoteric level so seek thorough the esoteric level to touch the transcendent level which is the source of our potential individuality.

Inner objective morality is a function of conscious man. Humanity in Plato's cave are governed by external morality and all the perversions it can become as it adapts to human nature.

You are trying to judge inner morality from external morality. It cannot be done.
Yes, Ive had my experiences with naked women and a few orgys if that helps. Musicians get certain benefits.

Do you consider a 14 year old woman old enough for you to take nude photos of and is it ok for you to trade it for other 14 year olds in nude photos? Is it ok for you to sleep with a woman at age 14?

or is it only ok for 14 year olds to trade with other 14year olds for nude photos?

Music Teacher Charged With Child Porn
updated 7:45 a.m. CT, Thurs., Jan. 22, 2009

A New York City music teacher has been arraigned on felony sex crimes involving an 11-year-old male student, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown announced Tuesday.

The accused is 24-year-old Amos Duque, a Flushing resident employed at private music schools in Queens and Manhattan.

“The charges, if true, are very disturbing. A school – whether it be a student’s primary one or an after-school study program – should always be a safe place for a student, free of sexual predators,” Brown said in a statement. “The consequences of the defendant’s alleged actions for the victim are profound and can well result in emotional trauma from which he may never recover.”

Duque, who teaches classical guitar and piano at the Allegro Vivace Music School in Queens, and at the Manhattan Harbor Conservatory in Manhattan, was arraigned Jan. 4, in Queens Criminal Court on a 12-count complaint. He was charged with five counts of promoting a sexual performance by a child, five counts of possessing a sexual performance of a child, one count of second-degree sexual abuse and one count of endangering the welfare of a child. Duque, who faces up to seven years in prison if convicted, was ordered held on $25,000 bail until his return to court on Jan. 20.

While at the Allegro Vivace Music School, which is located in the basement of a church in the Auburndale section of Queens, allegedly gave his cell phone to the 11-year-old student on Dec. 20, 2008, and persuaded him – allegedly by offering him money – to go into the bathroom and take pictures and make a video of his penis and then later, to allow him to see and touch his penis, according to the complaint. Duque also allegedly referred the boy to pornographic Web sites on the Internet.

Music Teacher Charged With Child Porn

Fresno music teacher pleads guilty to child porn
[SIZE=-1]San Jose Mercury News, USA - Jan 12, 2009[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]A 58-year-old Fresno music teacher has pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges and faces a likely prison term of 6 1/2 years. ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Fresno music teacher sentenced to 6½ years for child porn [/SIZE]

Teacher admits to child porn
[SIZE=-1]Gloucester County Times - NJ.com, NJ - Jan 17, 2009[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]By Pete McCarthy WOODBURY A popular West Deptford High School music teacher admitted Friday that he possessed images of child pornography inside his home.[/SIZE]

Musicians are not exempt from the law.
Yes it does, it answers a lot, it speaks volumes, since you aren't refencing nudism but sex.

There is no compelling interest in nudity for me by itself. Why bother to attend a nudist beach with a bunch of overweight and out of shape bodies? What is the appeal accept to feel important by being able to do it? However sex can be revealing as to our psychological nature as well as our physical forms and their attractions.
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