Happy (Chinese) New Year of the Ox

With Triple word score that was a 27 point word on scrabble yesterday.

And then I got more when I changed it to lox.

and on the new year of all things...

Happy New Year...and Happy Birthday as everyone in China is now a year older!
With Triple word score that was a 27 point word on scrabble yesterday.

And then I got more when I changed it to lox.

and on the new year of all things...

Happy New Year...and Happy Birthday as everyone in China is now a year older!
Ever play Super Scrabble, wil? :D (A 27 point word ain't nothin' to get overly excited about, there!)
Ever play Super Scrabble, wil? :D (A 27 point word ain't nothin' to get overly excited about, there!)
No, I just started playing scrabble. It was recommended at the OFC that we pick up scrabble, cranium, crosswords, sudoku and such as hobbies to ward off increased brain secretions. As KB Toys was going bankrupt I picked up some games for $7 each...and batteries...and gifts for who knows who and stuck them in the closet...

Since I just posted about being less materialistic I think I'll stop by circuit city and see if I should get a year of the ox computer...
And a very Gong Xi Fa Cai to all.


The Chinese use banners to decorate the door. Not sure if the ones shown above are actually the well-wishing "Spring Lian" you expect for this time of year. These are Spring Lian:

  • The Upper Lian: The winter has left. Hundred trees revive.
  • The Lower Lian: The spring is coming. Thousand flowers bloom.
Source: polymorphism Blog Archive Dui Lian
speaking of the chinese new year.... how do you determine if you are an "ox" etc if your birthday is before the "chinese new year?"
That is, for example. my birthday 1st January, 1968. Do i take the year i was born or the previous year as my "chinese animal"? Am I a goat or a monkey? LOL. (some people may say both, lol)
speaking of the chinese new year.... how do you determine if you are an "ox" etc if your birthday is before the "chinese new year?"
That is, for example. my birthday 1st January, 1968. Do i take the year i was born or the previous year as my "chinese animal"? Am I a goat or a monkey? LOL. (some people may say both, lol)

Since you were born before Chinese year of the monkey began, that would make you a Fire Sheep (or Goat. The Chinese considered them as almost the same animal.)

I drive passed the Vietnamese Buddhist temple today around noon. It was a bustle of activity, and traffic was backed up several blocks due to the sheer volume of people trying to get into the the temple's parking lot.

I could see that the outside grounds of the temple was liberally decorated with red and yellow New Year's banners, much like the ones in the picture in Netti-Netti's post. Quite the celebration. :)
I drive passed the Vietnamese Buddhist temple today around noon. It was a bustle of activity, and traffic was backed up several blocks due to the sheer volume of people trying to get into the the temple's parking lot.

Since I cooked the Thanksgiving meal, the wife insisted she cook the New Year's meal. We had her family (brother, his wife, their son and his new girlfriend) over. Quahom came by the next day for a short visit and got to sample some leftovers. Definitely *not* your typical take out fare, and quite delicious (although I drew the line at pig's ears).