Poetry Poll!!!

I Think the winner should be..............

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok, now that the voting is over maybe this will be a good long thread where we can post various poems.
Ok, now that the voting is over maybe this will be a good long thread where we can post various poems.
Yes post your poems on the poetry pole. Of course they could have been posted still on the poetry thread that started this...

And now I read at the top of the poll it isn't closed till the 3/14/09 at some obtuse time in the night....
Someone has been tinkering with the poll... It should of ended today...

Ah There is much dust on the wings of 17... I doubt I could get to par.
quite alright we love the evolution

hmm....never put the word love so close to evolution...

hmmmm know it you love??

no it u love ?

evol u ti on


jsut me being obtuse...
Well I'll attempt for now to read through the poetry on Vaj's thread. It would be wrong to post poetry if I don't read any.
17th Angel said:
Someone has been tinkering with the poll... It should of ended today...

Ah There is much dust on the wings of 17... I doubt I could get to par.
*Dream takes out 17th's old batteries & puts in some new ones.*

There ya go.
Tao say:

Congratulations go to Wil on his runaway win!! And well deserved it was too. But congratulations also to everyone who entered for helping make a winner possible! I just hope now that Wil will not curse me for giving my 'storage issue' to him with such an ameteur work.

In other News I will meet Cyberpi, (whom some of you may remember as always being in 'conflict' with me ), when I host his visit to Scotland next week. Lol, its a little mini-conference of the banished!! But its not really and Cyberpi has offred to visit Brian too. Though Brian, and Enlightened, I extend an invitation to you two to come here to Edinburgh and we can have a night out together. Lol, though Brian might be re-thinking his definition of hell even as you read it :p

I leave you with a little poem to get this thread underway.


We are all but flotsam stardust
Amidst a whole we cannot know
A nano-tic on the cosmic clock
Yet we still find time to flow
And impart our dearest reason
And share what we would know
In pusuit of truth with some gravity and
In the pursuit of the afterglow.
Namaste Tao my brother...

Round the world 4 continent, 16 stop tickets are only $4,000 US and whenever the kids head off to college I'm sure thinking about putting everything in storage and hitting the road!

So flow will be up on some dorm wall, and I'll be stopping in to see all of you on the other side of the globe (and this side as well)

Now I'd like to thank the forum, the banished, oppressed, downtrodden and vocal for this award, I so look forward to posting a picture of it along side an interraith banner in my living room!

I'll have a scotch now in celebration and another when I hang it...

onto the poetry
Congratulations wil!

*polite applause*

*weak smile*

*tries to hide quaking shoulders and running mascara*