Would you take a pill that would allow you to live forever?

Jesus is an amazing teacher. So much so that he's mentioned in Buddhism, Hinduism (in addition) and Islam.
God bless Jesus.

Since the Buddha lived around 600 years before Jesus, I'm not sure how Jesus could have been mentioned in Buddhism.

I think what you meant to say is that Jesus has been mentioned by [some] buddhists.

It the same mistake as saying the Buddha was mentioned in the Bible, instead of the Buddha was mentioned by somebody who's read the Bible.

Two very different things indeed.
Yep your right thats how I meant it theres no way Jesus could be included in religious works older then Christianity.

No problem. I hear that Jesus was quite the dude. Enlightened even.

I hope more people perpetuate his teachings.

The world would be a better place for it.

No problem. I hear that Jesus was quite the dude. Enlightened even.

I hope more people perpetuate his teachings.

The world would be a better place for it.

It certainly would be , :) thats why a GREAT CROWD are now being gathered who are all being taught by Jesus, who himself was taught by the most high

REVELATION 7;9-10 LUKE 9;35 and that great crowd from all nations have beaten their swords into plow shears .

yes these Christians have ‘beaten their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears and are not learning war anymore.’ (Isaiah 2:4) thats the way to do it :)

All of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide have done this because they practice love.

This means that they can never take up war weapons against one another or anyone else.

In this they are unique—unlike the world’s religions. (John 13:34, 35; 1 John 3:10-12, 15)

They do not become involved in divisive nationalism, for they form a global brotherhood cemented by love, “a perfect bond of union.”—Colossians 3:14; Matthew 23:8; 1 John 4:20, 21.

they are listening to Jesus :)
Jesus and Buddha taught many of the same teachings. The ten commandments are comparable to the precepts of Buddhism. But I would voice that in my faith.. Jesus gives the power to move that mountain.. and We reach Nirvana at the end of it all. :)
This means that they can never take up war weapons against one another or anyone else.

I bow to the wise and peaceful ways of Jehovah Witnesses.

could you explain your views on it please.
Daniel 12;4 is now abundant, and it is being made known by
JEHOVAHS WITNESSES and i have responded to that accurate
knowledge that has been made known , and now i am knowing just what the bible REALLY TEACHES. and it is very good:)
I bow to the wise and peaceful ways of Jehovah Witnesses.


listening to Jesus, and being taught by Jehovah works wonders . luke 9;35
it makes for peaceful ways and worldwide unity. and Jehovahs witnesses bow to the wise ways of the most high :)