Would you take a pill that would allow you to live forever?

I think growing old and then death is the ultimate adventure. So, no- I would not take such a pill.

This is sort of irrelevant. If such a pill existed, lots of people would take it, and then we'd have even more of an exponential population boom. We'd rapidly outstrip our resource base globally and a good chunk of people would then starve to death, fight to death like rats in a cage, or die of epidemic disease.

Old age ain't the only way to die, and it certainly isn't the worst way to die. While we can work toward a pill to stop aging (and we are, in our stupid short sighted selfishness), this will only increase the other forms death can take.
That means billions of souls wont make it and even the ones before the JW society was around! Ashame god made it so hard to make it into heaven :( Is this why JW make such a big effort to convert? I find nothing wrong with your views by the way.

even though only 144,000 are going to heaven to rule with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom , that does not mean that the rest of us have no hope , the bible speaks about a GREAT CROWD who will get through the GREAT TRIBULATION, and it is that great crowd from all nations that will go on to inherit the paradise earth revelation 7;9-10, 14 matthew 5;5

do not worry about those who have died in the past before christianity, they have the hope of being resurrected to live on that paradise earth .

it will be good to meet NOAH and those early ones .:) the reason JW are making known the goodnews of the kingdom on a global scale is because it is Gods will that alsorts of men come to an accurate knowledge of truth, and to be saved through the great tribulation

those ones who are part of that GREAT CROWD have come out of all different sorts of religions ,and now they are in unity in worship of the true God Jehovah ,and they are all waving their symbolic palm branches to welcome Gods reigning king Jesus Christ revelation 7;9-10

Jehovahs purpose will always come to be , and it is very good .

he is the God of peace, that is why his people are taught by him .

and there is peace and security among his people no matter where they may live in the world .:)
IF we can have a magical pill for everlasting life.... I want to trade it for a pill of ever lasting peace.....

i am glad to say that taking in knowledge based on john 17;3 includes that one as well ,peaceful conditions is what it is all about when it comes to the promises of the most high God

true peace can be had only by those who are at peace with God.

Those who desire to seek and pursue peace must therefore “turn away from what is bad, and do what is good.” (Ps 34:14)

Turn away from what is bad, and do what is good;
Seek to find peace, and pursue it.

Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law,
And for them there is no stumbling block.
psalm 119;65​

Are older people really using the resources of ill young people? If you compare their generations I bet the older lot were more respectful and more productive then today’s kids. You can also turn it around and say why save young people if they’re going to buy drugs, shop lift, stab innocent people and get drunk all week. Comatose Older people deserve the same respect as new born babies still human regardless if they can’t interact aswell.
what is so good about the everlasting life on earth ,that is promised in the bible ,is the fact that no one will say i am sick because sickness will be a thing of the past


And no resident will say: “I am sick.” The people that are dwelling in [the land] will be those pardoned for their error. ISAIAH 33;24

And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” REVELATION 21;4

down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations.REVELATION 22;2

Not only are people going to be spiritually healed ,they will not have sickness any more either:)


This is sort of irrelevant. If such a pill existed, lots of people would take it, and then we'd have even more of an exponential population boom. We'd rapidly outstrip our resource base globally and a good chunk of people would then starve to death, fight to death like rats in a cage, or die of epidemic disease.

if things were left as they are you are right, man was not created to rule himself sucessfullyindependent of God , that is why God is going to step into the affairs of mankind DANIEL 2;44

and he is going to bring to ruin those ruining the earth revelation 11;18

then the only ones left on the earth will be those who are willing to be under Gods kingdom .

and it will be a GREAT CROWD revelation 7;9-10

they will not be rebellious like goats but they will be sheeplike and willing to follow the lamb and listen to his voice John 10;16
That means billions of souls wont make it and even the ones before the JW society was around! Ashame god made it so hard to make it into heaven :( Is this why JW make such a big effort to convert? I find nothing wrong with your views by the way.

even though only 144,000 are going to heaven to rule with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom , that does not mean that the rest of us have no hope , the bible speaks about a GREAT CROWD who will get through the GREAT TRIBULATION, and it is that great crowd from all nations that will go on to inherit the paradise earth revelation 7;9-10, 14 matthew 5;5

do not worry about those who have died in the past before christianity, they have the hope of being resurrected to live on that paradise earth .

it will be good to meet NOAH and those early ones .:) the reason JW are making known the goodnews of the kingdom on a global scale is because it is Gods will that alsorts of men come to an accurate knowledge of truth, and to be saved through the great tribulation

those ones who are part of that GREAT CROWD have come out of all different sorts of religions ,and now they are in unity in worship of the true God Jehovah ,and they are all waving their symbolic palm branches to welcome Gods reigning king Jesus Christ revelation 7;9-10

Jehovahs purpose will always come to be , and it is very good .

he is the God of peace, that is why his people are taught by him .

and there is peace and security among his people no matter where they may live in the world .:)
I think your view on the afterlie will effect how you answer. In this day and age such pill might be possible.

Didn't read the thread.

No, I would not take such a pill if it meant continuing on the course of decline my physcial body is in. "Forever" is this decrepid bone box...not an option worth considering.

I'm waiting to get home to get my old spirit body back.
I think growing old and then death is the ultimate adventure. So, no- I would not take such a pill.

This is sort of irrelevant. If such a pill existed, lots of people would take it, and then we'd have even more of an exponential population boom. We'd rapidly outstrip our resource base globally and a good chunk of people would then starve to death, fight to death like rats in a cage, or die of epidemic disease.

Old age ain't the only way to die, and it certainly isn't the worst way to die. While we can work toward a pill to stop aging (and we are, in our stupid short sighted selfishness), this will only increase the other forms death can take.

But dear path (he says, trying unconvincingly to hide his sarcasm), the population problem can be solved by using every embryo to make stem cells to keep all the decrepid old folks alive.
But dear path (he says, trying unconvincingly to hide his sarcasm), the population problem can be solved by using every embryo to make stem cells to keep all the decrepid old folks alive.

I am glad to say that the way to youthful life does not involve embryos at all . when it is inline with the true Gods purpose

Let his flesh become fresher than in youth;
Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor.’JOB 33;5

But dear path (he says, trying unconvincingly to hide his sarcasm), the population problem can be solved by using every embryo to make stem cells to keep all the decrepid old folks alive.

Fresh fetuses for $19.95 a ounce?!

Why, I remember when I could get two of them for a dollar!

(I say, trying unconvincingly to hide my sarcasm)
Citizenzen said:
I'm a big supporter of it.

My dad keeps lingering.

And I could sure use that inheritance.
Zen is joking, but in an honest way I think. Modern tech can keep you alive in bed for a long, long time; even without feeding tubes. When it is time for me to go, I will make sure my kids do not while away their youth washing me, worrying about me and developing ulcers over my lingering presence. The most I would make them wait is six months to a year, depending on my condition. That should be more than enough bed-care to make them grow personally without setting them back too much. You can have too much of a good thing.
No, to the original question.
Life and death are a cycle, like breath in breath out.
You are already an eternal being, having an experience of mortality in the realm of duality.
So enjoy it, learn what you can from it.
You will be back.
even though only 144,000 are going to heaven to rule with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom , that does not mean that the rest of us have no hope , the bible speaks about a GREAT CROWD who will get through the GREAT TRIBULATION, and it is that great crowd from all nations that will go on to inherit the paradise earth revelation 7;9-10, 14 matthew 5;5

do not worry about those who have died in the past before christianity, they have the hope of being resurrected to live on that paradise earth .

it will be good to meet NOAH and those early ones .:) the reason JW are making known the goodnews of the kingdom on a global scale is because it is Gods will that alsorts of men come to an accurate knowledge of truth, and to be saved through the great tribulation

those ones who are part of that GREAT CROWD have come out of all different sorts of religions ,and now they are in unity in worship of the true God Jehovah ,and they are all waving their symbolic palm branches to welcome Gods reigning king Jesus Christ revelation 7;9-10

Jehovahs purpose will always come to be , and it is very good .

he is the God of peace, that is why his people are taught by him .

and there is peace and security among his people no matter where they may live in the world .:)

Hmmm I respect your views! But they don't suit me. I feel JW slightly dictative. I prefer not to take any religion seriously not even the one I admire. I think theres things of higher priority to worry about, thats why I find interfaith tollorance the eaisest thing to do. I put more emphasis on virtues found in all religions then to glorify an organisation and impose my views on others. I find my actions to be the best form of proselytization. And I feel my actions will have the final say on the outcome of my life regardless of what I believe.
Hmmm I respect your views! But they don't suit me. I feel JW slightly dictative. I prefer not to take any religion seriously not even the one I admire. I think theres things of higher priority to worry about, thats why I find interfaith tollorance the eaisest thing to do. I put more emphasis on virtues found in all religions then to glorify an organisation and impose my views on others. I find my actions to be the best form of proselytization. And I feel my actions will have the final say on the outcome of my life regardless of what I believe.

Very true actions are what it is all about:)
the last thing that Jesus said to his disciples before he went back to heaven was this in matthew 28;19-20

Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

yes ,as Jesus said to his followers GO,make disciples, teach others the things that Jesus taught them.

and that would be happening right into the conclusion of the sytem of things , and Jesus was with those followers. but as you mentioned it does not suit some people at all.

make no mistake about it , when people are taught the things that Jesus taught , it is the best teaching in the world, and nothing is a priority ahead of that. :)
make no mistake about it , when people are taught the things that Jesus taught , it is the best teaching in the world, and nothing is a priority ahead of that. :)

Jesus is an amazing teacher. So much so that he's mentioned in Buddhism, Hinduism (in addition) and Islam. God bless Jesus.
Jesus is an amazing teacher. So much so that he's mentioned in Buddhism, Hinduism (in addition) and Islam. God bless Jesus.

yes he was the greatest man who ever lived on the earth, but then he would be ,he was taught by his father Jehovah.

Clearly, if anyone deserves to be our model in life, it is Jesus Christ.
Paul, a learned man of the first century chosen by Jesus to be His follower and to speak about Him to the nations, urges us to “look intently” at Jesus. :)

and as luke 9;35 says ,listen to him

And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: “This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him.” luke 9;35
Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt or a moments hesitation. I would most deffinately swallow the pill.

Many people here seem to think that death is the natural order of things. I agree. At the moment.

But I believe in evolution. Or maybe call it Intelligent Design? Either way, we started off as tiny single celled spec with a tiny lifespan and no noteable consciousness. Over billions of years we have grown, changed, evolved. Maybe we did this because it's what God wanted, maybe it is a physical reflction of our spiritual growth, or maybe that's just the way the innately scientific world works.

So now here we are: Humanity! We're pretty cool aint we. But we can look back at the fossil record and see a huge host of other forms of life that came before us. We can look around the world and see that we are FAR from perfect. And we can look at the stars and know that there is so much more for us to see, know and do. So are we truly arrogant enough to believe that this is the final stage of our development? Are we done?

I believe we are now taking a new step in the development of our species, and rather than being biologically driven like it has been before, it is now intellectualy driven. Our lives are already getting longer through medical science, and we are developing new technologies to reach other planets and maybe even other stars.

So if science now provides us with a way to cheat death altogether I would take it as a huge step forward as a species. Call it evolution. Call it intelligent design. Whatever leads us further away from the primordial slime is a step in the right direction.