Would you take a pill that would allow you to live forever?

... well, if you put like that ... yea it does sound pretty pointless... lol

haha not when you get that dopamine rush..Id never do it cause im so phobic about hights I don't even want to cure my phobia. I have a fear of planes.
lol dont blame you. Everything about planes freaks the crap out of me. The sounds of the engines, the confined cabin space and the fact that its so frigin high in the sky.
If that was how we were to travel, we'd be like the demons and the angels, the birds and the bee's..... Winged.... Alas we are ground creatures!! So most likley the best bet is to stay that way..... (kinda motto I have when people try to egg me on and get me on a plane.)
ground creatures with an amazing nervous system! Which we can use to do anything. Im sure one day in the future planes will be 100% safe..
ok you have a point there, but im sure they will be alot safer then what they are now (which to be fair are still the safest way to travel). Like with nano techonology they might be able to create a metal thats 10 times stronger and 10 times lighter then titanium for example, something that can just glide if the engines fail. Theres an element of risk in everything i guess.
I am not sure if it is fair though, to call flight the safest form of travel, which we hear all the time... If there were as many planes as there are say the most "dangerous" form of travel cars...... Would it still be the safest?
That many planes couldn't be handled by air control towers. So they would end up crashing into each other in same ways it happens to cars probably alot more. If they can be handled and theres enough space id still probably say they are safer?
I dont need to take a pill to live forever, i just need to listen to Jesus JOHN 17;3

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

And if i act on those words of Jesus, i will be taking in knowledge about the true God ,who is JEHOVAH psalm 83;18

And i will be taking in knowledge about the one he sent forth who is Jesus christ.

and its all in the bible about those two .

who needs a pill when we have the bible :)

So far it seems no one actually wants the pill mee lol.
I am glad to say that so far seven million on the earth have taken in what Jesus said ,and they are on the road to life everlasting.:)
I am glad to say that so far seven million on the earth have taken in what Jesus said ,and they are on the road to life everlasting.:)

Actually Mee there are many more saved than that :)

John 11:25-26 (New International Version)

25Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; 26and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
haha not when you get that dopamine rush..Id never do it cause im so phobic about hights I don't even want to cure my phobia. I have a fear of planes.

growing up, if you asked me how much thrust the engine of any front line fighter aircraft produced and I would have had the answer... but to this day, I have no idea how much horsepower what ferrari produces...

cuz land travel... is boring.

YouTube - Low level flight french air force (good music)
Check @ minutes 2:07, the frekkin dude almost crashes into a truck!

p.s. get a load of this: YouTube - parachute
Actually Mee there are many more saved than that :)

Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?”

yes actions speak louder than words. and listening to what Jesus said moves us to action .exercising faith is what it is all about ,faith without works is dead

and as Jesus said ,

Most truly I say to YOU, If anyone observes my word, he will never see death at all.john 8;51
growing up, if you asked me how much thrust the engine of any front line fighter aircraft produced and I would have had the answer... but to this day, I have no idea how much horsepower what ferrari produces...

cuz land travel... is boring.

YouTube - Low level flight french air force (good music)
Check @ minutes 2:07, the frekkin dude almost crashes into a truck!

p.s. get a load of this: YouTube - parachute

pretty cool thanks, dont know why its been labled good music though lol
I am glad to say that so far seven million on the earth have taken in what Jesus said ,and they are on the road to life everlasting.:)

I take you mean 7 million people that are JW are all going heaven.. Are you saying that all JW are sinless?