Is this... wrong?

No. It's artistic expression.

What is "wrong" about it?

Are you a Disney copyright lawyer?
I think the word grim, came from the authors of fairy tales did it not?

I think of the huffing and puffing of big bad wolves not to mention eating little girls in the forest or that lady that would toss them into the oven...or what the wicked stepmother did to cinderellla...

wonder why kids have nightmares..
Intriguing if not somewhat disturbing, perhaps thats the attraction.
Even Hans Christian Anderson's tales were quite dark before they were edited.

well, someone's a master of the obvious (lol)

relax bud, I luv these pics (thats why I posted em)

So what's the point of the thread?

Am I missing some subtle subtext or nuance?

Sometimes things are obvious for a reason.
So what's the point of the thread?

Am I missing some subtle subtext or nuance?

Sometimes things are obvious for a reason.

An obvious cry for help, this is what Code sees when he closes his eyes at night. Comes from watching too much cable news.:D
@ CZ

point?? no point dude... just thought i'd share some art i came accross.

@ Paladin

lol.. damn that cable news !!
@ CZpoint?? no point dude... just thought i'd share some art i came accross.

I guess I was thrown off by the following cues...

1. The title of the thread

2. The mention of lost innocence

3. The sad smiley

Normally these are indicators of a point of view.
@ CZ

lol give it a rest Sherlock, this ain't CSI ;)

@ Brian

tru dat mate :)

@ Grey

the pied piper was like a prophecy !!!
@ CZ

lol give it a rest Sherlock, this ain't CSI ;)

I was going to make a CSI style intro of a post but it might be taken the wrong I wont. Terribly frustrating this self-moderation business old chap.
Well, it's possible that Code is attracted to the imagery because it is synchronistic with his disappointment with the realities presented in life after the unrealistic expectations of childhood have worn off. Coupled with a young mans inevitable sense of dissocitative tendencies which in turn send one into a downward spiral of existential angst.

Either that or he just thinks the pics are totally freaking cool.
@ CZ

lol give it a rest Sherlock, this ain't CSI ;)

Damn my perceptive abilities!

Another thread ruined because of them!


(That silly face means I'm being silly)

(The comment above means I'm being snarky)
The sad face was for the most Muslim of the archetypes. c0de finds pleasure in the rest.... hmmmm maybe this is more a psyche-profiling kind of TV show :p
...hmmmm maybe this is more a psyche-profiling kind of TV show :p

Yes. I totally misread c0de's intent.

He's really asking if it's wrong that he, a sincere and devout Muslim, should get so much pleasure from the art.

It's okay c0de... it's okay.