Is "god", "GOD" ?


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Hello to evreyone:
I just joined this very interesting group of christian thinkers. We are now allowed to think out loud and that is progress.
For many years I have wondered if the "god" of the bible, koran and torah is really "GOD" our supreme being. With so many different religions and gods, it stands to reason that they all can not be true, and maybe, non are true.
Primitive man created gods and then religions to worship them. Religions and gods do exsist in reality but do they exsist in actuality ? I don't see how they can exsist in actuality if we invented them.
So is "god", "GOD" ?
Reading the Bible and specialy, Gen:2, make me doubt that the biblical god can be GOD. The scribes that wrote the bible stories were using stories that had been passed on to them thru oral history. The bible, torah and koran are books of faith, with old stories, some histroical information and some beautiful messages that are wise and very useful then and even today.
What was god trying to achive when he created Adam and put him in a garden ? He saw that Adam was bored so he created small animals for Adam. Why ? How was that to work with his plan ? What was his plan ? Then it occurs to god that Adam needs a female companion. Why didn't this occur to god when he created Adam ? If this god was GOD would this procedure and order of events seem rational and logical ?
Did god make a mistake ? Would GOD have made a mistake ? Since god is supposed to be omnicient wouldn't he have known exactly what to do to produce the human race ? Shouldn't GOD have known ?
So is god, GOD ?
Welcome to IO Cristina!

If one looks at the first book of the Bible, the story is not a personal one. Rather it gives a chronilogical order of creation (much like evolution, surprise). The second story of creation takes on a personal hue, and focusses on one man and one woman (yet the bible tells us there were others around at the time of Adam and Eve). But God's story tellers focussed on this one couple, for a reason. This particular couple had all the makings of God, and I think that is a significant point to remember. For some reason, God invested a great deal of personal time and effort into the lives of this mated team.

As for God being the God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims...well is God the God of Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Native Americans, Baha'ai?

What is the fixed figure here? God.

What are the variables? People.

Who remains the same, yesterday and today? God

Who changes with the tides? People.

What is God's ultimate message? Turn to me.

What is the response? We have to make you in our image first (we have to mold you into a fashion we can accept).

So is the question really "Is God, God"? Or is it "What do we want God to be"?

While we are "self-ish", God is "self-less", and as such has patience with us while we grow up.

Just a thought or two.


Namaste Cristina,

I believe there to be one G!d, which is represented by many religions and for the most part each of us are only describing one aspect of the elephant.

As a Christian Genesis happens to be our creation myth. Trying to ask literal questions of the story doesn't get us anywhere. Looking metaphysically, metaphoricaly, esoterically or what does it mean to you in your life right now...has incredible benefit.
Hey Cristina,

Welcome to the club. And thanks for your thoughtful question.

The unease you feel is because of the gulf between the personal spiritual inspiration experienced by our great sages and the cultural/political institutions that have taken over since.

The myths created by these religious institutions can confuse and impede ones spiritual progress. The simple messages our sages put forth are drowned out by dogma. People who should live in harmony are splintered, suspicious and hateful towards each other.

There is one "God". But when we view this one God through different cultural/political lenses it appears different. People latch on to the differences, ignore the similarities and convince themselves that their God could not be the same as that other God.

But you don't have to fall into this pattern. It sounds as if you are well on your way to being a independent, free thinker.


Jesus was a free thinker, so was Buddha and Mohammed. Follow their example, avail yourself to their wisdom, and go forth in your spiritual journey.

The views are amazing.
What is God's ultimate message? Turn to me.

What is the response? We have to make you in our image first (we have to mold you into a fashion we can accept).

So is the question really "Is God, God"? Or is it "What do we want God to be"?

While we are "self-ish", God is "self-less", and as such has patience with us while we grow up.

Just a thought or two.



That's interesting, Q. I always think "Time is on God's side." :)
Hey Cristina,

Welcome to the club. And thanks for your thoughtful question.

The unease you feel is because of the gulf between the personal spiritual inspiration experienced by our great sages and the cultural/political institutions that have taken over since.

The myths created by these religious institutions can confuse and impede ones spiritual progress. The simple messages our sages put forth are drowned out by dogma. People who should live in harmony are splintered, suspicious and hateful towards each other.

There is one "God". But when we view this one God through different cultural/political lenses it appears different. People latch on to the differences, ignore the similarities and convince themselves that their God could not be the same as that other God.

But you don't have to fall into this pattern. It sounds as if you are well on your way to being a independent, free thinker.


Jesus was a free thinker, so was Buddha and Mohammed. Follow their example, avail yourself to their wisdom, and go forth in your spiritual journey.

The views are amazing.

Im beginning to think you like our faith more than your own!! You spend most of your time here.. :) and you are even attempting to answer questions directed to Christians (need some work though, lol)

Hey send me a pm if you want me to lead you the rest of the way. Id be overjoyed to bring someone else into the fold.

God IS Good.
Hey send me a pm if you want me to lead you the rest of the way. Id be overjoyed to bring someone else into the fold.

God IS Good.

I hope that invitation is for Cristina.

I'm a hard-case, beyond rehabilitation by any religion.

And you're right. God IS good. It's just all the myth and mumbo-jumbo I can't take.
oh no.. that invitation was specifically for YOU ;)

But like I said.. you are very at home here on the Christian board.. so Im pretty sure you're being convicted and you are just putting up a fight.

Its ok though .. we're human and we rebel against God. He knows that but He loves us despite our flaws.

God is Gracious
this is the true God psalm 83;18 :)

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
psalm 83;18

and did you notice that his name is JEHOVAH,

there is great meaning in that name, it means
When all questions cease, God is. Of course that may take a couple years, some kids, mid-life crisis, a death or two, and some alone time in the forest, or desert, before... well, it will happen, there's no way it can't once all the other distraction passes. So yeah, what was the question?