Organized Atheism (And so it begins...)


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Bumper stickers, Church picnics, roadside preachers.... the works

and hold on... *This Just in*

^^ Brian joins the Priesthood of 'Rationality' :) (score!!)


as you can as you can clearly see folks,

this time all the kool AND the smart kids are doin' it !! :):)
Organized atheists?

That's almost as absurd as organized democrats.
:cool: COOL :cool:
But what hostility they still meet.
Do we need a thread "Can Atheists Be Cured"?
People with no cars who hate the outdoors.
Given the scale of the religious lobbying within the corridors of power it is sensible and rational that those who feel disgusted at religion, of any kind, influencing legislation should come together to try and prevent it. And for the same people to be able to enjoy community activity without self-righteous idiots trying to turn their children into intellectual retards.
Given the scale of the religious lobbying within the corridors of power it is sensible and rational that those who feel disgusted at religion, of any kind, influencing legislation should come together to try and prevent it.

*reads fine print aloud*

and eventually become an (evil) self-organizing, self-perpetuating, bureaucratic institution in the proccess, just like all the rest."

Welcome 2 the Club!! :) ... would you like a cookie?

And for the same people to be able to enjoy community activity without self-righteous idiots trying to turn their children into intellectual retards.
(lol) yep, no self righteousness in atheists of course :rolleyes: no sir
*reads fine print aloud*

and eventually become an (evil) self-organizing, self-perpetuating, bureaucratic institution in the proccess, just like all the rest."

Welcome 2 the Club!! :) ... would you like a cookie?

(lol) yep, no self righteousness in atheists of course :rolleyes: no sir

There is a big difference between organising to promote reason and intellectual honesty than from organising based on some medieval doctrine. Trying to say it is the same thing may bring you some self-justified comfort, play to your sense of there being 'no difference', but the truth is there is all the difference in the world. Humanism has been around a while and shows no inclination to descend into the mindless drivel that religions foment. Maybe you just realise at the back of your mind somewhere that organised atheism could well render you a minority delusional 'nutter' :eek::D;)
Maybe you just realise at the back of your mind somewhere that organised atheism could well render you a minority delusional 'nutter' :eek::D;)

no worries, im used to being a minority (u have no idea)

There is a big difference between organising to promote reason and intellectual honesty than from organising based on some medieval doctrine. Trying to say it is the same thing may bring you some self-justified comfort, play to your sense of there being 'no difference', but the truth is there is all the difference in the world. Humanism has been around a while and shows no inclination to descend into the mindless drivel that religions foment.
yyyyea... :rolleyes: (rite)

that's what they all say... "truth" this and "truth" that... like I said: join da club.

Only question now is: r u goin to be a preacher, or the preached?
yyyyea... :rolleyes: (rite)

that's what they all say...

"truth" this and "truth" that...

like I said: join da club
And that's what you religionists always say. Pure self-justification.
And that's what you religionists always say.

(lol) Do we now? I wasn't aware we "religionists" always critisize all institutions period (relgious ones including). Seems like you are blindly copy/pasting my responses and hoping to turn them around (lol) tsk tsk Tao...
clearly, u people require a calendar.

picnics are so... 20th century
There is a big difference between organising to promote reason and intellectual honesty than from organising based on some medieval doctrine. Trying to say it is the same thing may bring you some self-justified comfort, play to your sense of there being 'no difference', but the truth is there is all the difference in the world. Humanism has been around a while and shows no inclination to descend into the mindless drivel that religions foment. Maybe you just realise at the back of your mind somewhere that organised atheism could well render you a minority delusional 'nutter' :eek::D;)

What about the new religions that are promoting some modern doctrine?

Or... the ones that have no doctrine at all? :eek:;)

No cultural group is immune... they all go through the same tired old phases. They kick a$$ in the beginning and are all passionate about social justice and calling people to some higher potential... and then they get mucked up in individual and national power struggles.

It's a human thing. Unfortunately.