Should drugs be legalized?

Perhaps your concept of freedom is quite small? Or different? Your mind man, that is your freedom... lol No one can make you give that up... No one can take that from you...
Yes, I quite understand that concept.
Just go and act on some of your internal beliefs though and you find out quickly how externally constrained one really is.
That is the point.
And with enough fluoride, and now the anti-depressants such as prozac (which are all fluoride based compounds) even that can be taken from people.
I met a person who had been chemically lobotomized in the Saskatoon mental hospital.
A friend of mine introduced me as he was staying next door to him and would hang around.
He was quite a messed up person from that experience.
There are two main types of weed... You have the Indica strand and the Sativa strand....

You are speaking of Indica strain.... And it is pretty much a stereotype.... Sure weed can be lazy, laid back chill out.... But it can also be head buzzing adventures which are hectic as **** lol! Sativa can give the same effects as a PCP laced joint believe it or not.
You are right about there being a difference between indica and sativa strains, but to compare sativa to PCP. WOW
Not even close.
Sativa is the queen of herb.
Lambs bread mon.
The Kind.

Stimulants (of any kind) have one purpose: to sooth the passage of time. When I quit, every aspect of my life got harsher. Any physiological benefits of quitting are negligible when compared with all the psychological crap and social consequences you have to deal with. You have to become a different person, and in order to do that, you have destroy (i.e. kill) the person you were.

The only benefits of quitting are spiritual. The evolution that a person goes through on this path can not be granted without letting go of one's addictions, whatever those addictions might be. (This much I know.) If a person isn't interested in God, then why would he care about a spiritual movement within, which he doesn't even recognize or understand?

It's not for everyone. Most people just can't deal with life without clinging on to their addictions. Its who they are... Its their life.
I saw, written on a sticker plastered on a lamp pole somewhere :
Legitimate Spiritual Discovery.

I haven't had anything to do with any of these compounds for many years, but will say that the experiences were the most profound and significant of my life.
To forbid people from having such experiences (which for me were positive and beneficial in many ways) is indeed the only crime that is going on.
Sure, it is not for everyone.
But the consequences of criminalizing all these compounds is far more harmful than the intelligent incorporation of them into our societal fabric.
I do not need them and can live fine without them, but am angry that we are denied the right to use them intelligently and responsibly.]
Look at Watson and Crick who have said (posthumously) that their discovery of DNA was a direct result of their consumption choices.

They are the spices of life which enhance perception.
They can be abused, just like one can put too much curry or chillies in the food.
But without spice, the dish will be bland.

The purists will say that you can have the same experiences with meditation and other similar things, and they are correct, but as Hindu writings have said, they are not the only path.
And what matters is not how you got to the mountain peak, but that you actually did, that you transcended your shallow water experience and swam in the deeps.
These are the defining points in life for a persons character.
To restrict paths is the real crime.
Hi c0de,

Stimulants (of any kind) have one purpose: to sooth the passage of time. When I quit, every aspect of my life got harsher. Any physiological benefits of quitting are negligible when compared with all the psychological crap and social consequences you have to deal with. You have to become a different person, and in order to do that, you have destroy (i.e. kill) the person you were.

The only benefits of quitting are spiritual. The evolution that a person goes through on this path can not be granted without letting go of one's addictions, whatever those addictions might be. (This much I know.) If a person isn't interested in God, then why would he care about a spiritual movement within, which he doesn't even recognize or understand?

It's not for everyone. Most people just can't deal with life without clinging on to their addictions. Its who they are... Its their life.

I kinda agree with this thinking. Can I suggest there were/are at least 3 persons here. The one that wasn't using, the one that used and then the one that isn't using. In time the one that doesn't use will look upon the one that did with dissatisfaction.
In the spiritual search I believe one contains all the things one needs to go down this road, no extra potions necessary, and in fact may be misleading.
Legalize everything, na. In fact we need to go the other way, get rid of the addictive stuff that is already legal. We need clear thinking not impaired reasoning.