Should drugs be legalized?

Oh sweet "out of sight out of mind." Ghettos... Just what we need
That would make our world a better place..
Alex P said:
Cause Sure smoke some weed... That's iiight.... But you got to be one cold hearted sob to sell over the counter to some poor prick some crystal meth or crack or horse or whatnot... And I can understand reefer... It's harmless ;/ Little leagues.... Things like Crsytal meth, wear the big boy pants.... And they will mess up your day. And if you can sit there, stand there... With a smile and allow someone to take something like that... You is a bad bad person lol.... I don't think people that take these kinda drugs should be punished either... Help the poor *******s.... They need as much help as they can git.
i understand your point, but by the same token you can sell glue (which can be used to sniff) or methylated spirit (which can be used to drink) or, frankly, a bottle of cheap vodka or whatever - that stuff will also "mess up your day". the point is that you cannot prevent people, fundamentally, from harming themselves if they are stupid enough to do so, BUT you can penalise the *behaviour*. it is not illegal to be drunk. it *is* going to get you fired if you are drunk at work. it *is* going to get you arrested if you cause criminal damage or violent disorder. i don't propose changing that. it is not illegal to sell glue. it is illegal to sell it to teenagers. what i am saying is that the SELLERS have no incentive to make the *occasion* a *controlled* one. if you overdose on coke cut with rat poison you have nobody to sue. if your lawyer (or your parents) can smack up "drugz-r-us" for selling an unsafe product that is an entirely different matter. not only that, but drugz-r-us are also paying corporation tax, being audited, paying pension contributions, employment taxes - and their employees are paying income tax etc etc. all we are doing by our moral hypocrisy is effectively exempting this market sector from contributing to the economic wellbeing of society, whilst driving the market for guns (because you have to buy from criminals), providing employment for criminal lawyers and clogging up our healthcare and criminal justice systems. people want to buy. people want to sell. it is criminally stupid to take all the costs and none of the revenue. you want to sell crystal meth? fine. get a crystal meth licence - and your customers have to pay by credit card. at the end of the day, you'll want your punters to stay alive so they can keep paying, so less virulent forms of it will be produced for the market.

And to anyone who is gonna do the "OH WEED?!?! WEED???... but it's a gateway drug" That's bull and you know it.
it is, which is why i don't propose banning alcopops - but we can at least control whether they are given to children.


And to anyone who is gonna do the "OH WEED?!?! WEED???... but it's a gateway drug" That's bull and you know it.
Actually it isn't. Of course the leading cause of this problem is also prohibition.

ie start with some friends on the 'gateway drug' marijuana. It is not isn't like cigarettes or alcohol which can be found readily at someone's house. (well depending on the house) But the fact that it is illegal and sold by an illegal market, the people you run into to acquire the product also have other products available..and the folks you smoke with also may do other drugs...proximity, time, opportunity...the flood gates open
Actually it isn't. Of course the leading cause of this problem is also prohibition.

ie start with some friends on the 'gateway drug' marijuana. It is not isn't like cigarettes or alcohol which can be found readily at someone's house. (well depending on the house) But the fact that it is illegal and sold by an illegal market, the people you run into to acquire the product also have other products available..and the folks you smoke with also may do other drugs...proximity, time, opportunity...the flood gates open

I think its more inbetween the positions of you and Alex. I believe that most who indulge have a predisposition that will lead them there regardless.
BB: I can see where you're coming from sure, but (always a but.) You know how -easy- credit card fraud/cloning is? That isn't the point I wanted to raise though. The point I wanted to raise is Crystal meth (for example.) isn't that easy to come by. Say here at least... Hiawaii yeah maybe different story lol... You have shops selling it? Then it would be very easy to come by.. No longer is it you need to know a guy that knows a guy who knows a guy. It's bam, here it is come and get it. *rings food bell*

Them kids, them pesky kids that hang around out stores "hey mister can you get me some ****? Can you get me some drinks?"............. "can you get me some meth?".... I think that is dangerous.... To open it up like that.... But, who am I.

William, I know a fair few peoples..... All the peoples I know sell only one product and specialise in one product.... Maybe it's different there? But here everyone I know sticks to just one thing.


In a moment of pause... Wow... **** isn't censored? lol sweet.
IMO it is only behavior that ought to be governed.
People should not be allowed the option of saying (after doing something harmful or criminal, "I was kind of drunk/stoned at the time so can I be exempt your honor?"
You are responsible for your behavior regardless of what you have consumed.

What you choose to "eat" or not "eat", is your business (as a free citizen).

The fact that they choose to put restrictions on personal choice of what to eat really strengthens the argument that our freedom is an illusion and we are really slaves.
Slaves cannot choose what they can eat.
Lets see for me started on the playground at recess in elementary school what...40 years ago...

seen a lot of folks go thru various stages of development...

and no they all don't climb the ladder...

they may dabble here or there...but if one has a proclivity

one enters and then moves onto the next.

and in our capitalistic America....we cater to the buyer...and often end up with the gamut, to fulfill the need.
yes - and some people become nicotine addicts or alcoholics. they should be able to get help and manage their condition WITHOUT having to get involved with the police, or lawyers, or most of all criminals.

alex - i know a certain amount about payments and fraud; but those things can be *tracked*. they have to go through anti-money-laundering systems, they're on the radar. cash is not so easy. nor is carting planeloads of cash over to numbered bank accounts in the cayman islands. again, as long as it's visible, it can be co-opted by the economic system. if it's being hidden, it can't.


No..... No... Equality is the illusion not freedom. Freedoms real... Oh bet your boots that one is real.
What do you base that observation on?
You know of course, that even a slave has certain freedoms.
The rest are revocable privileges.
So what does equality have to do with it.
Sure there are different grades (if you will) of slave with different privileges.
The point was that having laws which have to do with consumption strengthens the argument that we do not live in a free society, which is contrary to the propaganda we have all heard from grade school onward, that we do.
So what does equality have to do with it.
Sure there are different grades (if you will) of slave with different privileges.
The point was that having laws which have to do with consumption strengthens the argument that we do not live in a free society, which is contrary to the propaganda we have all heard from grade school onward, that we do.

Perhaps your concept of freedom is quite small? Or different? Your mind man, that is your freedom... lol No one can make you give that up... No one can take that from you...
ie start with some friends on the 'gateway drug' marijuana. It is not isn't like cigarettes or alcohol which can be found readily at someone's house. (well depending on the house) But the fact that it is illegal and sold by an illegal market, the people you run into to acquire the product also have other products available..and the folks you smoke with also may do other drugs...proximity, time, opportunity...the flood gates open

I know a ton of people that smoke pot. Heck, I would wager most academics under the age of 60 smoke pot (and a lot of the ones over the age of 60). In every professional venue I've worked in, most of my colleagues indulged at least occasionally. And, going all the way back to high school, most of my fellow students (all in honors classes) also smoked pot.

None of them became addicted to anything else.

Personally, I don't like the idea of what drugs would do to me. I'm too much of a control freak about my brain and how it operates. ;) What I learned through observation of friends and life in general, though, is that drugs of all sorts seem easy enough for people to obtain in southern California.

Meth is all over the place. It's cheap and easy to make, which is why it's in all the poor areas of town.

Stuff like X- no idea where it comes from, but it seems like it's at every rock concert and big party. I have no idea who pays for it or who sells it. It's just there.

The high end stuff- cocaine and heroin and whatnot- that is not so easy to obtain on your own, but has long been available for free in the Hollywood crowd... if you're considered interesting or important enough. You got connections to someone that gets into the parties with models and actors? You got access to cocaine.

As for pot, it is everywhere and seems abundant and cheap, considering how often some of my friends smoke it. It's not even treated differently than alcohol or tobacco. But it should be. It should be legalized before either of the others. So far as I can tell, it's less addictive and I've never known anyone personally who got in a pot-induced brawl or whose pot-smoking was related to abusing their kids. The nice thing about pot, so far as I can tell, is that it makes people lazy and relaxed and congenial.

Considering how crummy people often are to each other in their natural state, maybe we should be handing pot out left and right.

Just kidding. Sort of.
There are two main types of weed... You have the Indica strand and the Sativa strand....

You are speaking of Indica strain.... And it is pretty much a stereotype.... Sure weed can be lazy, laid back chill out.... But it can also be head buzzing adventures which are hectic as **** lol! Sativa can give the same effects as a PCP laced joint believe it or not.