Should drugs be legalized?


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I know this might shock many of you but it was just an interesting point my professor brought up in class recently. We are all probably in agreement of the negative impacts on society that drugs like cocaine and meth have on our society. But the question is does making these kind of substances unlawful make the problem worse or better?

I would argue that it makes the situation worse. I am probably sounding crazy to some of you now but just bear with me. If these type of drugs became available lets say at a pharmacy guess who you would put out of business. The drug dealers! The gangs that are infecting more and more neighborhoods in America would quickly lose a majority of their funding. All the drug cartells in Mexico and South America would likely be out of business as well.

I understand this is a radical viewpoint on the issue but one that actually makes sense to me. The one uncertainty that I have with this theory is that if drugs became legalized would more people begin to use them? I don't think however that legalizing drugs would lead to a spike in drug users. Due to the fact that I don't do drugs not because it goes against the law but because I don't want them to screw up my life. I'd hope that most of america is the same way.
Well I tend to agree with that. In fact, many people already get prescription drugs for that reason. I also think those who've participated in the current war on drugs ought to be recognized for their courage, as we owe them a debt of gratitude. Their services will continue to be needed, while the new strategy will hopefully put their lives into less jeopardy.
Its not really a "radical" point of view. Many people who are against drug use personally, still feel that drugs should be legal, simply because of the level of government corruption in the name of the "drug war".

The point is that the government should pick a position and consistently defend it. If it outlaws drugs, then it should outlaw all intoxicants, and not just something you can grow in your backyard. Alcohol requires corporate owned breweries and tobacco requires a huge industry. To allow these guys to operate just because they can get taxed (and very profitably) is just hypocrisy. There is no point in making some intoxicants legal and others illegal, that position is simply inconsistent and sets a precedent which can (and is) used as a source of corruption and tyranny.

(Personally, I am apolitical so I couldnt care less what the government does...)
Yes its all hypocrisy, the drugs and arms trade, globally interconnected. lt would be wonderful to see a birds eye view of the world in ultra fast replay showing the comings and goings of these commodiites to-ing and fro-ing across borders. countries should be cross examined on policies/effects and the pharmaceutical industry cannot be omitted from this examination.

It would be much easier to control the 'drug problem' if we knew who was taking the drugs and how much.

The taxes made from legal sales would way offset the cost of stealing, dealing, and illegal use.

But we've got plenty of folks making big money in illegal sales and in 'homeland security'.

And we now have an issue in that we've created such a flood on the market of heroin (by irradicating the law inforcement in Afganistan and making it again the number one produceer)..that heroin is dirt cheap...

Cheap drugs are a problem.

was gonna reply with a video... but there are some F-Bombs... so i figured I should skip it : /

was gonna reply with a video... but there are some F-Bombs... so i figured I should skip it : /

nah saw it and it was a laugh, my bad for mentioning arms:eek:

good to see the cops et al speaking out n getting organised; can't see it happening till public opinion gets more realistic about it [though understanding the fears expressed in OP]. chucking the small fry in jails where they can get even better drugs isnt really a good use of money is it?
When stock can be bought in prisons it makes financial sense to fill them.
Crappy reality, but there it is.

If drugs were legal...

It would be more difficult for government people to be in on the "take."

We could tax them and then use that money for rehab programs, so drug users pay for their own rehab in the future.

We could control quality, so people don't accidentally OD due to varying strength.

Our laws would make more sense. Alcohol and tobacco are far more addictive and socially damaging than some of the drugs we criminalize. We're inconsistent and it is stupid.

Overall, I don't think people would take drugs just because they are legal. As far as I could tell among my friends and acquaintences growing up, those who wanted drugs found them. The rest of us weren't interested anyway.

By the way, marijuana is de facto legal in Seattle (from what I've gathered, unless you practically walk up to an officer and blow the smoke in his face, he won't arrest you for it) and it seems to be no different from So Cal where it is not treated this way by the law, but tons of people use it anyway. I just think that it'd be easier all the way 'round to decriminalize. There is a real problem when we fill the prisons with druggies but are letting rapists out after only a couple years.

It would be much easier to control the 'drug problem' if we knew who was taking the drugs and how much.

yeah, you put "drug addict" on your citizenship card or passport.


If drugs were legal...

It would be more difficult for government people to be in on the "take."

We could tax them and then use that money for rehab programs, so drug users pay for their own rehab in the future.

We could control quality, so people don't accidentally OD due to varying strength.

Become a registered drug addict. Your social security service provider knows about it. It's on their database. It becomes illegal and a violation of social security law to not declare your drug use. If they know about it, they can monitor it.

If you sell drugs, you must have a license. You must have a license for every customer who buys drugs off you. The more customers you have, the more expensive the license, or the more licenses you need to purchase. You cannot sell drugs to unregistered drug users. You must report your drug dealings to the State or Federal Tax Office.

You must also declare your sources and you can only obtain supplies from registered or licensed drug distributors.

Please note that your license may be terminated at any time and without notice, or the terms and conditions under which you may do your business may change. You may even be arrested without warning because of this malign trade in which you engage, exploiting the vulnerabilities of others.

It would be much easier to control the 'drug problem' if we knew who was taking the drugs and how much.

Greetings fellow!

But, there would still be a problem? To decriminalize the drug and say, hey mi fellows! This is no longer problem! Seems to be a cop-out; If they say there is no problem that doesn't mean problem is fixed.

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
Greetings fellow!

But, there would still be a problem? To decriminalize the drug and say, hey mi fellows! This is no longer problem! Seems to be a cop-out; If they say there is no problem that doesn't mean problem is fixed.

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
Namaste You,

A problem would still exist. As it does with gambling, alcohol etc.

While I feel the issues of prohibition are larger, the issues with addictive behaviours and abuse will still exist. With decrminalization they could be addressed through treatment and rehab outside of a prison cell.
BB: Why?

Cause Sure smoke some weed... That's iiight.... But you got to be one cold hearted sob to sell over the counter to some poor prick some crystal meth or crack or horse or whatnot... And I can understand reefer... It's harmless ;/ Little leagues.... Things like Crsytal meth, wear the big boy pants.... And they will mess up your day. And if you can sit there, stand there... With a smile and allow someone to take something like that... You is a bad bad person lol.... I don't think people that take these kinda drugs should be punished either... Help the poor *******s.... They need as much help as they can git.

And to anyone who is gonna do the "OH WEED?!?! WEED???... but it's a gateway drug" That's bull and you know it.
Namaste You,

A problem would still exist. As it does with gambling, alcohol etc.

While I feel the issues of prohibition are larger, the issues with addictive behaviours and abuse will still exist. With decrminalization they could be addressed through treatment and rehab outside of a prison cell.

just so. like las vegas or amsterdam we could have cannabis cities, cocaine cities heroin cities, like an open air facility where one could get their drugs and therapy at the same time then the could move to transition cities once the have kicked it or at least reduced b 80%.

the rest of society can live in other cities well away from these.