British Parliament confirmed dead


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MPs' expenses - Telegraph

I can't believe a thread hasn't been started on this!

In the UK, it is the ONLY news story and has been for a while.

Have folks outside of the UK heard of it?

In a nutshell, it's final confirmation that politicians are, by and large, the lowest of the low. If you wrote a fraction of this as a work of fiction it would be dismissed as ludicrous.

But what to do? How does one vote for the anarchy party???

Nothing less than blatant fraud. Many of them should be in custody and would be if they were anything other than politicians.
Sad thing is the general population are such an apathetic bunch of self servers nothing will be done.
yes, fraud it is... but it's been happenning for years, and they've all been at it- its human nature, and the nature of our political system.

have you...
...ever taken home pens from work?
...ever fiddled a work expenses claim, pretended the taxi u got home last night from the pub was really a works related expense?
...ever gone on a works away day and had ur partner stay in ur hotel room?
...ever gone to buy new office chairs and sneaked in a meal and a drink at Ikea for yourself..?

I have done all these things. Perks, we call them. Work in a cafe and eat free cakes. Office secretary is never without a pen.

They, the politicians, are doing the same.

Democracy is a myth. We live instead in an aristocracy and meritocracy, and how dubious the merits are!

Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Labour- all parties have members who like their perks. They are simply stealing stationery from work.

You probably do it too.

That is okay if you are also a meritocrat. You will be protected from the slings and arrows of a global recession in your posh car. It is not okay if you are a little old lady who cannot afford to heat her home. It is not okay if you are a child who lives in a British slum whose mother has her benefits cut, who is urged to get a job which doesn't exist.

British politicians get... around £100K per annum, as a wage. On top of that, they get around £60-100K per annum in expenses. That doesn't include... the book deals, the promotional tours, the appearances on TV, the self promotion, the arms deals (hush hush, wink wink), the sneaky grants and loans system, the money, and free holidays and cars given by fundraisers and sponsors to individual politicians...

Not a bad wage, is it? I would like a job like that. What do I have to do to get a job like that? I don't really know much about politics...

-That doesn't matter- neither do they!

what else do I have to do? Ah! I have to be a pig. No problem, I can practise oinking.

-You have to like the glare of flashbulbs and photographers.

-Okay, I can kiss a few small babies. So long as they don't smell. What was that? I won't notice the smells of others as I will stink so badly myself I will render my own sense of smell null and void? I will have to practise smiling for my YouTube videos and learn how to lie without giving off micro-gestures?

They are all the same, regardless of how they start out. Its part of the culture.

I can't wait until everyone else in the world realises their governments are the same!
Here's hoping the police and HMRC come down on those flipping houses and engaged in tax evasion for a start.
We see it all the time on this side of the pond, too. But FrancisKing has a point.

The average American spends 2 hours out of their 8 hour work day doing non-work activities- paying their bills, playing solitaire, gossiping, reading news.

So, in essence, we steal back 25% of our income from our employer. We get paid 25% of our income for nothing. And that's before we run up any company expenses, take home our hilighters and pens, and use the copy machine to run all those garage sale flyers.

When I worked at a corporation, my boss was surprised when I asked if I could use the copy machine and have an account for personal items. Apparently, no one usually is honest about doing this and asks to pay to do it. They said just do it for free whenever I want, so long as I didn't do it too much. Which goes to show that these sorts of behaviors are expected, and in some ways are indeed perks and not stealing, however vague and unstated they may be.

Of course, the problem is that making a few copies is not illegal, whereas tax evasion is.
The average American spends 2 hours out of their 8 hour work day doing non-work activities- paying their bills, playing solitaire, gossiping, reading news.

So, in essence, we steal back 25% of our income from our employer. We get paid 25% of our income for nothing.
This applies only to wage-slaves and does not include those of us who work piece-work.
We get paid for what we do. Period.

As for the OP, I have just heard of this now and what is news about it?
This has been known (that all gov't officials do this) for a long time now.
Some people are sure slow to get up to speed on the reality they live in.
Head's in their collective sandpails eh?!
As for the OP, I have just heard of this now and what is news about it?
This has been known (that all gov't officials do this) for a long time now.

No, it's only just been brought to light, i.e. the abuse of the expenses rules by MPs (eg claiming for non-existent mortgages and claiming for places to live near parliament when already living near to parliament).

Yes we all have a low opinion of politicians in general but my concern is that this is such a tsunami of revulsion against the mainstream parties (as the opinion polls are showing) that it is going to lead to a much higher success rate for the extreme right in the upcoming elections, either through much lower voter turn-out or by actively gaining support.

lol, its hardly like the BNP or the Greens will be a viable alternative- both facististic, both as toxic as the tripartate farce we watch now...

I am seriously thinking of starting a new political party, called "TPTEAP" - "The Party To End All Parties"...

our mission- to make politics something noble once more...

instead of supposedly selecting supposedly democratically elected representatives, we use a computer to select members- like being called for jury service, a person will be selected to participate in politics. There is no cop-out.

We select young people- 16-25 years old, from all walks of life, different backgrounds, etc. We feed and accomodate them and provide them with a modest allowance and a three year free paid for University degree. We teach them about politics, as systems, and we teach them about economics. Then, after they are educated, we put them in charge, and they then create new policies, ones which really do benefit society, and the nation, policies which go beyond party politics.

There would be no book tours, or jobs for the boys. Once the term of service was up you would leave, and get on with your own dreams and goals. There would be no party political broadcasts by the TV stations, and instead of fat, money grabbing idiots in power we would give the power to the idealists, the creatives, and the innovators instead.

Politics is like religion. If you're still fervent after the age of 25 you're probably a latent psychopath. Dreams and visions fade when we wake. The everyday grind of life smoothes away our sharpness, we become our parents eventually...

If the young ran the show... I think we might have a chance.
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:
*29 have been accused of spousal abuse
*7 have been arrested for fraud
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks
*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at leased 2 businesses
*3 have done time for assault
*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
*8 have been arrested for shoplifting
*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet? (scroll down)

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
Haven't seen recent information this is about the congress of 1999....
Well, do you think the British Parliament might try to pull what our Washington State Legislature tried to pull--cut the funding (as a way to save money) for the audits? :rolleyes:
Politics | State Auditor Sonntag plays hardball over "dumb" cut to budget | Seattle Times Newspaper

There was a special people's Initiative back in 2005 specifically calling for the performance audits, which easily passed by the vote of the people. (I-900)

Fortunately, Gov. Christine Gregoire agreed to limit the cuts to the performance audits. (After much outrage from the State Auditor and the people.) We'll see how the legislature reacts to this...
Yes we all have a low opinion of politicians in general but my concern is that this is such a tsunami of revulsion against the mainstream parties (as the opinion polls are showing) that it is going to lead to a much higher success rate for the extreme right in the upcoming elections, either through much lower voter turn-out or by actively gaining support.

I'm sorry that I seem to have been right. I hope it's a wake up call.

BBC NEWS | Politics | BNP secures two European seats

yes, there's an economic slump... ppl become more extreme, usually through fear, and their desire to keep hold of what they have...

I am not happy though about the BNP winning two seats, one of which is in the northwest... my place...

has anyone noticed how ugly they all look in the BNP, or is that just me?

Not a lowlight in sight...
anyone know what the situation is across europe concerning extreme nationalist ministers getting into the e.u.?
yes, there's an economic slump... ppl become more extreme, usually through fear, and their desire to keep hold of what they have...

I am not happy though about the BNP winning two seats, one of which is in the northwest... my place...

has anyone noticed how ugly they all look in the BNP, or is that just me?

Not a lowlight in sight...

Thats an observation I was going to post ealirer but thought I was crossing a line lol You read my mind lol

You cant blame them about the saint Georges day thing though. I seen a gradual declin in the celebtration of Saint george which really isnt fair. Even though they probably haven't got a clue about the origns and stroy behind saint george haha The French decent king Ricahrd the Lion heart bought him to Britain from his Middle eastern conquests. Do you think they would be disapointed if they found out Saint George is an Anatolian Greek of Roman ciziternship.
anyone know what the situation is across europe concerning extreme nationalist ministers getting into the e.u.?

...more worrying still by the looks of it...

"Across Eastern Europe, there are murderous attacks on the Roma minority, a fury with the political class, soaring poverty and unemployment, worries of economic collapse, fear that the street not parliament may be where the country’s future will be decided, and dynamic new forces of extremists driving a wedge between citizens and the state."

Jobbik: Meet the BNP's fascist friends in Hungary - Times Online
