The tree of life=perfected Adam=Jesus



Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life."
The Tree of Life is the most fundamental hope of man. As Revelation 22:14 says, "Blessed are those who wash their robes [of sin and evil], that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates."

These passages show that attaining the Tree of Life will lead to happiness for fallen man. Then, what is this Tree of Life, such that it was the hope of the Israelites of the Old Testament Age and the hope of the Christians of the New Testament Age?

If the innermost hope of fallen man is the Tree of Life, then the hope of Adam before the Fall also must have been the Tree of Life. The reason is that each person retains his original nature deep within himself, and thus longs for that which was originally desired before the Fall, but was lost.
Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

This shows that Adam desired to reach the Tree of Life, but because of his sin was not allowed to. Thus, the Tree of Life has remained an only a hope of fallen man.

Then what was this Tree of Life, that hope of the growing, not-yet- perfected Adam?
Could material possessions have been the basic hope of Adam in the Garden of Eden, or power, or any external concerns? Since he was to be lord of the cosmos and to rule all things, there was no reason for Adam to hope for more material possessions or power.
If Adam had any deep wish while he was still unperfected, it would only have been to achieve his own perfection. In other words, his desire would have been to become a man of perfect character

If Adam has not fallen, then he would have become the Tree of Life and he would have established the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which is the garden of the Tree of Life.

However, Adam fell, and God blocked his way to the Tree of Life with a flaming sword (Gen 3:24).

Since Adam became a false tree of life and bore descendants who were false trees of life, thus establishing a garden of false trees of life, rather than the garden of the trees of life.

Therefore, in order to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which is the garden of the trees of life, a true Tree of Life must appear in the fallen world and engraft all mankind to himself.

Knowing that the Tree of Life represents Adam, we can then understand that the Tree of Life in the Old Testament (Prov 13:12) represents Jesus (1 Cor 15:45), and the Tree of Life in the New Testament Book of Revelation (Rev 22:14) represents the returning Messiah.

Furthermore, we can understand why the purpose of the dispensation for salvation is to restore the Tree of Life that was lost in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9) in the Tree of Life that is mentioned in the Book of Revelation (Rev 22:14).
Is that where all these new threads have been coming from?tsk, tsk, Soleil10 and here I thought you'd been reading your bible!
I do read my bible. Look at the bible verses. I do not create them.
I do read my bible. Look at the bible verses. I do not create them.
Namaste s10,

I don't doubt you do. But the info you provided on the Jesus is, Jesus isn't threads...did you search and compile these? or cut and paste from another whose efforts are currently unattributed?

I mean, currently I in my mind have been giving you the credit for this work, must insure it is warrented and not misguided.
OK, no problem. In any case I did not use content from that link.
Then you should sue them for not referencing your work!
link said:
If the innermost hope of fallen man is the Tree of Life, then the hope of Adam before the Fall also must have been the Tree of Life. The reason is that each person retains this original nature deep within himself and thus longs for that which was originally desired before the Fall but was lost. Genesis 3:22-24 shows that Adam desired to reach the Tree of Life but because of his
you said:
If the innermost hope of fallen man is the Tree of Life, then the hope of Adam before the Fall also must have been the Tree of Life. The reason is that each person retains his original nature deep within himself, and thus longs for that which was originally desired before the Fall, but was lost.
Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east
I could show you more, they cut and pasted you verbatim, call your lawyer.
Namaste s10,
I don't doubt you do. But the info you provided on the Jesus is, Jesus isn't threads...did you search and compile these? or cut and paste from another whose efforts are currently unattributed?
I mean, currently I in my mind have been giving you the credit for this work, must insure it is warrented and not misguided.

I compiled those with a friend. Actually there are more. I do not think making a list of scriptures is such a big deal. I am not really concerned if someone uses something I write especially when it comes to spiritual content taken from the bible or other sacred book.

I am actually happy about it. Let a thousand flowers bloom
Another way to treat the passage is as a rite of passage. Every child is smart but blind because their mind's eyes are shut. This is the wonder of childhood, however they eventually open their eyes to reality. Genesis story of the garden is written with veiled references to sex, veiled references to introspection, veiled references to revelation, and to the ongoing discussion about the purpose and meaning of life. It is a children's story! The parent tells it to the child and has them meditate on it, pehaps memorize and retell it themselves. Tell it to yours without telling them what it means, but make sure you teach them how to live. When they awaken, so will the story. It will comfort them and give them a connection to everyone else who has asked all the same questions before, countless billions. When you are young you only eat of the tree of life, but soon you will partake of another tree. Unfortunately you cannot have both.

I don't want to grow up! If I grow up I'll get old and die. On the other hand, what if I never grow up? That too would be a disaster. As Netti said to me the other day: "I believe G-d allows imperfection, presumably because without it there would be no Creation/Eschatology dynamic. The Created Order would be in an eternal, perfect state of createdness, with nowhere to go." Would it not be a disaster if a child were unable to open their eyes? If the world froze and ceased to change who would live on to hope that the serpent would one day be destroyed? Who would crush its head? No one would, but thankfully that is not the case! Humankind was placed in the garden with the serpent.
Here's another quote from the same website:

The Divine Principles series, which is outlined in the accompanying lectures, is a vision and a guide that offers hope to those who want to find the essence of life and live righteously. All of us have at some time asked fundamental questions about God, ourselves and the world. We have also often wondered what our futures would be. Such questions are common to everyone. However the answers that have been given often have been inadequate. In answering these questions, we need to think of them from a new perspective that will give us answers we can all be satisfied with. The Divine Principles lectures series is directed toward this purpose.

The Divine Principles is based on the teaching revealed by God to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Reverend Moon's revelation unfolds in stages, and a proper response by the reader or viewer is essential for that unfolding to proceed. We need to invest time and effort to understand God's communication and in doing so fulfill a portion of our own responsibility to seek out the truth.

New England Family Church - About

I compiled those with a friend. Actually there are more. I do not think making a list of scriptures is such a big deal. I am not really concerned if someone uses something I write especially when it comes to spiritual content taken from the bible or other sacred book.

I am actually happy about it. Let a thousand flowers bloom

...but if you go carrying pictures of Charirman Mao,
you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow...

John Lennon

See, all it takes is a slip up. A little information. We now know that you're both a plagarist and a Moonie. Want to tell us anything else about yourself?

See, all it takes is a slip up. A little information. We now know that you're both a plagarist and a Moonie. Want to tell us anything else about yourself?Chris

Chris, my affiliation as a unificationist is known on this forum. I consider the word Moonie as slanderous. When you use the word "we", I do not know who you are representing beside yourself.

The compilation of verses that I am referring too in the quote you are using in your post is not a plagiarism of anything.

If you are talking about the first post on the thread, I did not copy it from the website link you mentioned.
It is from texts I have in my computer under the name outline of the Principle level 4. I initially wanted to use 6 bible verses on the subject, 2 for the OT,2 for the NT and 2 for revelation. Instead I used a paragraph that I felt was better written than what I had.

I do not see the big deal here
The only problem, from a moderator standpoint, is that anything that is posted that is not one's own words should be credited to the author. This means either crediting a website or, since you used a book, crediting the book. This can be done by putting quotes around the sections that are cut/pasted from elsewhere and denoting in-text citation.

As in...

According to so-and-so, in such-and-such book:

"Insert text here."

Generally speaking, we encourage putting things in one's own words as much as possible. Excessive cutting/pasting from any religious site or individual commentator/author is considered prosyletizing as a general rule. I don't think this is excessive, but it does need to include citation when you cut/paste.