Dizzy !



I woke up last Friday and when I got out of bed I fell over. I tried to get up but it took an effort of will just to stand. The slightest movement of my head and it would spin uncontrolably, like it does if your blood pressure is low and you get out of too hot a bath too quicky. I did get sort of accustomed to it quickly, enough to go through and wash and get some coffee made. I had had some particularly fine and old Cognac the evening before but did not get leathered on it and I doubted that this was the cause. Over the weekend this dizzyness never left me. I even began to enjoy it in that sort of "any high will do" kind of hedonistic way, once used to it it could be fun.
Holiday here on Monday so it was Tuesday before I could get to see my doctor and she immediately diagnosed me with Labarinthitis, a condition that results from damage done to my inner ear by a virus. I had no ear infection that I was aware of. Since then I have read up on it and as the doc said my brain should find a compensation on its own over the coming weeks but for some it seems to return again and again. There is no repairing or healing possible. Only re-adjustment.
So now you can all call me a dizzy old gitt and be entirely correct!!
Sorry to hear this my brother....as my neighbor likes to say...'them golden years ain't so golden' So it sounds like you have to build new pathways to counter act what was lost?

I see some VRT stuff recommended I'm wondering if hyperbolic chambers or extended swims under water would assist. (There is something I read about the pressure helping expand the vessels to your brain for increased oxygen and healing)

Good luck you dizzy old git. Some will be envious of your 'taking a trip without ever leaving the farm'.

Now the name is awfully interesting, in reading I understand it is a part of the inner ear...but Labarinth-itis like dizzyness resulting from walking Labarinths....

Lastly now this isn't a pre-emptory excuse is it? Like before a tennis grudge match "I haven't played in years...My bursitis is acting up....don't think I should have ate that he-man omelette..." I can see it now... "I didn't mean to say that, must have been my Labarinthitis"
Sorry, Tao. :( My husband's grandfather had something like that (don't think it was the same exact thing though) and he had days he was fine and other days he was so dizzy he couldn't walk or drive. I would hate to be dizzy as it makes me nauseous, but you seem to be adapting and even enjoying it, so more power to you! :)

I would recommend getting a second opinion just to be sure; many things can cause dizziness. Did they do a full blood work-up on you? Because certain deficiencies such as vitamin D or iron can also cause dizziness. Especially if you've had no symptoms of an ear infection, I'd dig around a bit before settling for that diagnosis.

Hope your body adjusts and soon the dizziness goes away!
Thanks everyone :)

Maybe I'm a bit sick in the head in more ways than one, and maybe I'm speaking this way because its still a novelty, but so far it is not getting me down, and sometimes I really am enjoying it :p

It did make me nauseous the first day, and slightly woozy a couple of times since but otherwise its been fine. It is a little disconcerting at times, as it varies in degree unpredictably and I can stagger drunk-like at times. Nothing new in that though ;)

I have been with this same doctor for many years and I trust her implicitly. I will give it the 6 weeks she suggested, (unless there is any other symptoms crop up), and if there is no improvement I will get a referral from her to see a specialist. As soon as I got home from the diagnoses I spent the next several hours getting acquainted with the condition online and as a result I am already implementing exercises that are meant to aid a re-balance. I am not the kind of person to let something like this stop me or get me down.

Thanks for the link Brian. As you hint at it can seem pretty unpleasant but lets face it, there are a lot worse things to be struck with. I have read the accounts of many other sufferers now and I think it effects some people more than others. Funny that my regular sojourns into insobriety have been the perfect preparation though aint it ! :D

And no Wil, I will not be using it as an excuse !! I may be dizzy. I may be a rascal. But one Dizzy Rascal is enough ;)
Of course your dizzy, you are a mad scot!!!! Dizzy is as dizzy does. Make sure you throw and extra couple of pillows around on the floor, just in case you go leg up.
Ps, have you tried cleanining your ears out, Tao??

I know, Im no help but i couldnt miss this opportunity to have a poke at you. LOL>
seriously, stay safe and well, old git.
Love the Grey
Of course your dizzy, you are a mad scot!!!! Dizzy is as dizzy does. Make sure you throw and extra couple of pillows around on the floor, just in case you go leg up.
Ps, have you tried cleanining your ears out, Tao??

I know, Im no help but i couldnt miss this opportunity to have a poke at you. LOL>
seriously, stay safe and well, old git.
Love the Grey

lol! Thats what I love about you Auzzies....say it like it is ;)
Tao- if you have a good doctor that you trust and have a long-term relationship with, that's as good as gold and they're likely right. I always forget that on that side of the pond, from what I understand, your health care system isn't out to just save a buck the way ours is. So perhaps you can actually trust a diagnosis.

Hopefully by the time you're thoroughly sick of the dizziness and done enjoying your free trip, you'll be on the mend and compensating fine! :)
I had similar symptoms, mine was diagnosed as BPPV. But mine happened when I laid down or sat up. For that condition, the over the counter motion sickness med (Bonine) helped and also a decongestant (Pseudofed, which I think is now available on by perscription because the active ingredient was being abused). Are you sure yours is not that ? Mine lasted 6-8 weeks and I had multiple occurances over about 5 years, then it stopped. :)

In either event, you can drink lots of the fine Edinborough beer when you are dizzy, it will increase the rotational velocity, its like an free amusement park ride !!
Tao- if you have a good doctor that you trust and have a long-term relationship with, that's as good as gold and they're likely right. I always forget that on that side of the pond, from what I understand, your health care system isn't out to just save a buck the way ours is. So perhaps you can actually trust a diagnosis.

Hopefully by the time you're thoroughly sick of the dizziness and done enjoying your free trip, you'll be on the mend and compensating fine! :)

It is one of the advantages of our healthcare system, the ability to build a relationship with a doctor you trust. Though she is not a personal friend we do share mutual friends and I know from them she is a doctor for all the right reasons. She went through the schooling because she believes in helping people, not for a comfortable salary.
She said also that there has been a spate of people reporting this problem, which tends to support its viral cause. But as drugs cannot do anything to help there is no financial incentive toward research and without such funding progress is slow.

I had similar symptoms, mine was diagnosed as BPPV. But mine happened when I laid down or sat up. For that condition, the over the counter motion sickness med (Bonine) helped and also a decongestant (Pseudofed, which I think is now available on by perscription because the active ingredient was being abused). Are you sure yours is not that ? Mine lasted 6-8 weeks and I had multiple occurances over about 5 years, then it stopped. :)

In either event, you can drink lots of the fine Edinborough beer when you are dizzy, it will increase the rotational velocity, its like an free amusement park ride !!

BPPV is generally short lived episodes where as what I have is constantly there. I never get seasick, (and I have been at sea in hurricanes!), or any other motion sickness and so I did not need the medications that were offered.

Tuesday night I was out wetting a baby's head, champagne and labarynthitis!! I recommend it to one and all ;)