Your God/Goddess


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So, I just wanted to start a little thread on your God or Goddess or both.

I myself have had a strong connection with Isis... I think she is the epitome of what a woman should be - strong, loving and protective.

It took me a while to get a connection with any God at all, but I eventually found a companion in Cernunnos really. Completely different kinds of Gods - one Egyptian, the other Celtic. But I'm eclectic what can I say??

Hoping there's a good number of Pagans out there....
Let me know why or how you have found your connections....

Hannah x
l was going to mention athena or [minerva in roman terms], who sprang from her fathers [zeus] forehead, signifying intelligence and reason; her symbol is an owl for wiseness; strangely, whilst reading another thread here mentioning the illuminati l googled and came up with this

Owl of Wisdom: Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr. | Terry Melanson

but my interest was in the significance of the asteroids in astrology, the goddess attributes in both male/female; more symbology just to complicate and explicate the complexity/development of the human psyche

Astrology & Horoscopes by The Astrologer - Free Horoscopes and Astrology

needless to say, for me the significance was that l was a second daughter, expected to be a son, and so l did feel close to my father, wanting to be as good as a son [not that he minded!]
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l was going to mention athena or [minerva in roman terms], who sprang from her fathers [zeus] forehead, signifying intelligence and reason; her symbol is an owl for wiseness; strangely, whilst reading another thread here mentioning the illuminati l googled and came up with this

Owl of Wisdom: Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr. | Terry Melanson

but my interest was in the significance of the asteroids in astrology, the goddess attributes in both male/female; more symbology just to complicate and explicate the complexity/development of the human psyche

So would I be right in thinking that you observe more of the Roman deities??

I'm a bit mix and match really... I found it hard to connect with a male deity - maybe out of fear I guess. I'd been so close to Jesus/God for so much of my life and then felt so betrayed by it all. I felt like I'd been lied to. I genuinely thought that if you're a good person, God will protect you and your family... that didn't happen. Originally, I was mad at God, but then I came to the conclusion that he didn't exist...
So would I be right in thinking that you observe more of the Roman deities??

I'm a bit mix and match really... I found it hard to connect with a male deity - maybe out of fear I guess. I'd been so close to Jesus/God for so much of my life and then felt so betrayed by it all. I felt like I'd been lied to. I genuinely thought that if you're a good person, God will protect you and your family... that didn't happen. Originally, I was mad at God, but then I came to the conclusion that he didn't exist...

no, only because l got into greek mythology via astrological/kabala archetypes; my daughter is called rhianna, a celtic horse goddess [rhiannon], not because l have any welsh in me, but because of fleetwood macs song!! it also connected with rhea, greek primordial goddess born of ouranus and gaia, consort of kronos [saturn] and mother of zeus [jupiter].

another goddess l 'connect' with, inasmuch aspire to, is kwan yin.

have you read any feminist christianity to reconnect with it?
no, only because l got into greek mythology via astrological/kabala archetypes; my daughter is called rhianna, a celtic horse goddess [rhiannon], not because l have any welsh in me, but because of fleetwood macs song!! it also connected with rhea, greek primordial goddess born of ouranus and gaia, consort of kronos [saturn] and mother of zeus [jupiter].

another goddess l 'connect' with, inasmuch aspire to, is kwan yin.

have you read any feminist christianity to reconnect with it?

Actually, I was quite unaware it existed. I don't think my problem with Christianity came from a lack of strong female characters. It came from my Mum really... she became terminally ill at one point. It made me angry and I lost all faith, in anything.

Lol, I think I'm going to stop trying to categorise you, I get the feeling you're uncategorise-able - and that's a good thing ;)

What bits of astrology are you into? I did attempt to when I was very young... I had a small collection of tarot cards, some runes and booklets on astrology but I lost them... it would have been nice to read them all when I was a little older and had a bigger attention span lol!

I will have a search anyway for some feminist Christian stuff - I like to broaden my horizons :p but it's not something I'm looking to reconnect with ever again.
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wow snuggle you seem pretty categorical about that one; maybe get into mystical christianity? [christ consciousness within?].

l only tune into the moon phases nowadays, and where the outer, transpersonal planets are in relation to my chart. l decided not to get too heavily involved as l knew it would take over the spontaneity of nowness and how l saw and acted in 'my' world:) though a friend [a gambler] chided me for not using the lucky transits for betting; maybe he has a point cos l'm skint!

l like tarot as a 'guardian angel' or higher self, affirming the background intuition trying to get through to consciousness, in quiet moments [usually in anquished angst moments which thankfully are less common!].
wow snuggle you seem pretty categorical about that one; maybe get into mystical christianity? [christ consciousness within?].

l only tune into the moon phases nowadays, and where the outer, transpersonal planets are in relation to my chart. l decided not to get too heavily involved as l knew it would take over the spontaneity of nowness and how l saw and acted in 'my' world:) though a friend [a gambler] chided me for not using the lucky transits for betting; maybe he has a point cos l'm skint!

l like tarot as a 'guardian angel' or higher self, affirming the background intuition trying to get through to consciousness, in quiet moments [usually in anquished angst moments which thankfully are less common!].

I have been told that there are versions of Christian witches... but its not something that appealed to me. It would have done when I was younger. Perhaps if I had discovered that before I would be one today lol. Magic is always something that has interested me.

I love the moon. I think it's just unlike anything else - so beautiful. It's my planetary sign apparently. Some people would see using your talents for betting as a bad thing but I think if you learn to use things responsibly, it's all good. Especially, if you're in need.... I did really think that's what magic is for - when you need it. The rest of it comes with nature.

I tend not to use tarot too much, just on the odd occassion. Not only because I need to learn the cards more but because I've never had anyone ask me do a reading (thankgod). I like shuffling them and feeling them in my hands though.

I remember in my old collection of astrology stuff I had some cute little rings that had different cultures on it - like the Chinese years and other stuff. I loved it :) I would like to get into astrology more, it just seems like such a mammoth task.
The Moon is reasonably simple, I've even got my waxing, waning and full moon down. Next stop - blue moons and black moons :p lol

Are there many other like minded people on the forum who post in here or are they all in hiding?? lol.

How long have you been into astrology??
so your'e a cancerian, all motherly and nurturing, and crabby?!

its a minority subject here, though l've yet to trail through previous threads in this alternative section for some gem posts methinks.

l've read up on astrology for more than 25 years, but very seldom pick up a book nowadays; l was always interested in symbology and universal archetypes, and cycles, as above so below, sychronicity etc.

do you do spells then?
so your'e a cancerian, all motherly and nurturing, and crabby?!

its a minority subject here, though l've yet to trail through previous threads in this alternative section for some gem posts methinks.

l've read up on astrology for more than 25 years, but very seldom pick up a book nowadays; l was always interested in symbology and universal archetypes, and cycles, as above so below, sychronicity etc.

do you do spells then?

Why yes, I am a crab :)

I was hoping for a bigger community in this area but you can't have everything I guess. lol.

25 years is some good going!! Ah, yes, the as above so below, different planes, what we do here affects us on this plane and on others... it's intriguing to say the least.

Well, I do spells when I am in desperate need, when I have exhausted every physical and emotional avenue possible. For instance, I've done a protection spell over my family as I worry about them everyday. And I've done a previous spell to help myself out of depression - whether that was psychological or not, I don't know, but it worked.

Do/does your partner/spouse/children know about your interest in astrology?
yes everyone knows l have regard for astrology, but l don't shove it as their eyes tend to glaze over; l certainly don't go around asking folk what sign they are unless the subject is brought up!

l don't think my children credit it; their education has evolved them into rational and pragmatic beings who think theres nothing beyond 'this' world here on earth, with no connection to cosmic happenings, but it will be interesting if that changes over the years.

l think intent is the key, whether in prayer, spells, invocation, meditation, focusing and concentration and allowing, thy will be done!

night night nice talking to you, time for by bedtime cereal!

OK confusion, I Brian says Indra is a 'she' whereas your link refers to Indra as 'he'.

Could you also tell me why you have a connection with this deity, if that's not too personal? It's interesting to find out why people connect with the deities they do :)

I do think that there are alot of Gods/Goddesses that have been duplicated throughout time, just because of the different cultures. For instance, Zeus (greek) is the God of Thunder (and lightning I think), Jupiter (roman) is the same thing, as is Thor (Norse). From the link you gave, it would appear that Indra is also a God of lightning & thunder.

It's interesting to see different cultures associate Gods with the same aspects of nature.

Don't exactly know what pagan is. Having grown up Christian and over the years discovered I have a panentheistiic outlook on Christianity...and learning how the (cross my fingers in front of me) pagan roots are all but through out our books, or beliefs our rituals and our holydays...I've come to know it isn't such a big deal.

While being amongst my earth friends and their spirits or Gods of this or that, that they honor and ask for assistance, while listening to the chants of my Hindu friends for the God of Education to assist, or listening to my Catholic friends say the prayer to the saint of lost things so they can find whatever....this fellow simply can't tell the difference between them all or why they look so askance at one another...

Then we've got me, who is more and more becoming a nontheistic Christian and seeing G!d everywhere and in everything and more all encompassing than I ever... yet the God I was taught of I see as nonexistent... for me... but can see my nontheistic G!d in all our various Gods....

Don't exactly know what pagan is. Having grown up Christian and over the years discovered I have a panentheistiic outlook on Christianity...and learning how the (cross my fingers in front of me) pagan roots are all but through out our books, or beliefs our rituals and our holydays...I've come to know it isn't such a big deal.

Paganism is what was before Christianitye.g. Paganism was what the Romans were part of. Today, it has become alot less blood sacrifice and more peaceful. :D

I'm guessing you meant pantheistic? Not Panenthusiastic? :D Or maybe you did? lol. Can you also clarify what you meant with 'pagan roots are all but through out our books, or beliefs our rituals and our holydays'? If youre saying what I think you're saying, then Paganism kind of started off holidays like Easter and Christmas - just the dates... there are several other religions in the world that have the same story as Christianity on the same date. There are certain bits from rituals that Christianity have absorbed, like the wine bit in communion and incense... blah blah blah

In you saying... 'I've come to know it isn't such a big deal' I hope you mean that Paganism is not as bad as some people make it out to be... lol :D
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I am an ancestor of Leonidas I, I am of the Hercules lineage and my god is Zeus. All hail the King of gods, The bearer of thunder, The controller of the skies The ruler of mt Olympus!

Can you see that flying pig on the page??!! :p
I don't really think of any gods/goddesses as mine particularly, I guess. Like wil, I am panentheistic (God in and beyond all things). I think the Divine, the Ultimate, the Ground of Being- is just beyond my grasp, can't be named, defined, or really understood... just experienced.

But I think the Divine, or attributes of It, manifest in more tangible ways- that perhaps these are what we all experience as personal Gods/Goddesses and interact with.

In terms of Gods, I was raised with the Christian God (but out of church-based Christianity- basically as a mystic), and while like wil I don't really believe the Divine is that per se, I do believe Christ is a sort of manifestation of Divine grace in humanity. I don't necessarily treat Christ as the Divine, but rather as a sort of Lord, a leader, a king. A brother and father and someone comforting. I think of the Holy Spirit as a sort of Awen- the divine inspiration that breathes in us and lives through us if we are willing. I do feel a connection to the Wild Horned God- the concept of Pan or Cerrunos. I don't really do much with it, but I've written a little poetry.

Goddesses- though I've learned about various pantheons (Greek, Roman, Hindu, Celtic) I tend to just honor beings I intuitively came to know as a child. I don't really try to name them or attach them to particular pantheons. The goddesses I most connect to would be the earth herself as a being and a star goddess. That's not the same thing as the sun, but I can't quite explain it. But mostly it is the earth herself. I really experience her as a sort of being that I can chat with and feel comforted by and feel her power and nuturance and even destructiveness rise in myself. I was raised mostly in a family of strong women and so in many ways, connection to a feminine aspect of God makes more sense to me than the masculine one.

In terms of the Celtic pantheon, I love the goddesses Epona (the divine mare, goddess of horses) and Druantia (queen of the Druids, mother of the tree alphabet, and goddess of coniferous forests). I don't really have a relationship with either one, but I like the idea of them. I do connect very much with both horses and pine and redwood forests, but tend to be more interested in connecting with individual beings in them. But I like the idea that they have some sort of caretaker.

I consider myself to be a follower of Christ's teachings and a Druid. But really, I consider the Divine to be present throughout all things, so my focus tends to be on connecting to God/Goddess in every being, place, and moment.