Why some hate the Jewish people?


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:( I truly do not understand why. Besides the racism and jelousy, I don't see any other reason honestly. What do you think?

Ok, in the past some may have hated the Jewish people because of the charge that they were responsible for Jesus' curicfixion (spelling?). This was a very generalized charge! How can all of a people be responsbile for something like that?

Then, I have heard some claims that religiously Jews were rebellious people. Well, that does not justify any kind of hate because there are rebellious people all over and from every community.

What is it about the Jews that people hate so much? Don't tell me its the wars, because there are people who have waged some very awful wars against others: the Romans, the Mongols, the Roman Church, Sadaam, Hitler, etc.

I see a trend that is taking a hold against the Muslims these days because of the Tim Osman (aka bin Laden) and his followers' actions. The whole world is on the verge of doing to the Muslims what they have done to the Jews: hate them and attack them.

Man, why do we single out people. Why cannot we agree that there are bad apples and help clean them out from amongst us?

Anyway, I am just shocked at the hate that Jews have endured from others! For centuries! I think the hate is pure racism. Also, I think that Jews are generally very educated people because of which they tend to work in good jobs (i.e. bankers, doctors,etc). Unfortunately some interpret this as some kind of "Jewish world agenda." I think that they are just jealous. Every religous community has an agenda in mind when it comes to religious domination because everyone desires the world to follow their faith! We all believe we are the ones who understand the true path and faith, and desire that everyone believes as we do.

I dont' always agree with the Jewish political leadership. I do not care how Jews practice their faith and I consider Jewish believers as good people who believe in the Same God Almighty that I believe in. I do not hate Jews. I may have some religious beliefs that are different or do not agree with them, but hey who says that we always must agree on everything? God Almighty certainly made it clear that we are separate religious communities with very strong similarities.

Anyway, I just could not help myself but post this post. It really is upsetting that a group of people is hated so much.
Hi Amica, that is an interesting post. I do not know why some hate the Jewish people. But I think it is great that you are trying to understand so people can work to eliminate or at least reduce hatred. Being Jewish myself, I have certainly experienced this.

I do not think we understand all the reasons for hate, but as you read other posts on this forum you will also see signs of other forms of hate: homophobic, mysogynistic, Islamophobic, Christophobic, dressophobic (I made that one up :rolleyes:) and others.

I think it is certainly a legitamite area to try to understand in an interfaith setting. I also think it is a nice sentiment to ponder for July 4th weekend, as we celebrate independence and freedom, perhaps from hatred as well :)
My answer is because satan or lucifer hates you. He hates jews above all because he hates God and Jews are Gods chosen people.
My answer is because satan or lucifer hates you.

Interesting way of answering the question, but I agree with your larger point.

He hates jews above all because he hates God and Jews are Gods chosen people.

Reconstructionist Jews reject "chosenness". I agree with that perspective. I am not a Reconstructionist Jew, I am a Reform Jew, but we have some overlapping views. The notion of chosenness has been historically interpreted by non-Jews as arrogance. I think it is wise for Reform Jews to reject the notion of chosenness.
I do not think Jews are particularly hated over any other minority group. It is just that recent history, the holocaust and the forceful establishment of Israel, has made the whole issue much higher profile.
"I'm not racist, i hate EVERYBODY"..(quote from an ex ex of mine.)
yup, he was an evil son of a...

Mybad, back to your regular scheduled programming...
Good question....but what is the answer?

It puzzled me when I was a christian and studied church history.
I saw that people would lay the charge of the death of Jesus at the Jewish people's feet at many points in history.
Thinking logically about it, using christian theology, Jesus had to die, for people to be forgiven, as a sacrifice, or else the whole believe on Him shtick wouldn't work.
So, to my way of thinking, Christians had lots to be thankful for, to the Jews, for insuring that Christ was killed.
If not they would be roasting in hell (according to their logic).

In the past, people would make all kinds of claims about Jews lending money and this was used as negative propaganda in many ways.
Yet the side of the story that seldom gets told is that the kings and local aristocracy would use the various Jewish people as fronts.
They provided the money and used the talents of the Jewish money lender to not only run the business properly, but if things got difficult, they could always use the Jews as scapegoats to take the blame for high interest and seizure of assets and property, etc.

These days the same sort of thing goes on, but now the scapegoats are the drug lords.
The ones in power use them in the same way.
The simple, average people believe the propaganda of the masters though.
Go figure.

Those who do not learn from histories lessons are doomed to repeat them.
I believe that there were many chosen people before Israelites, but Israelites were the first believers in God Almighty who have managed to carry the banner of monotheism over the long period of time.
Christians and Muslims, to me, are also chosen people because they have received the same Revelation from God Almighty.
Believers in One God, according to my faith Islam, share basic, essential characteristics: belief in Him, His Judgement, His Revelations, existence of Angels and afterlife, and they do good. God, according to my faith, allows us minor differences (i.e. how we migh pray, dietary laws, certain religious obligations). Some Muslims would probably attack me for saying this, but I instruct them to take a look at the Qur'an and things will get clearer for them.

I don't know... the history has not been kind towards Jewish people. And such hate. Unbelievable. :(
I have a friend of mine who is a flaming racist, and of course he hate Jews. I have tried to figure out why, and these are the only answers I have been able to come up with.

First, I think he was taught closed-mindedness and hatred as a child, and he has never learned to put aside such thoughts. I do not know this as a fact, but it is my strong suspicion.

Second, he is strongly Christian, and his type of Christianity seems (in my opinion) to promote the idea of racial hatred -- an idea that is totally shocking to me, but I think that there is more than a shread of truth to such an idea. It is amazing how he sees no discrepancy between his strong religious beliefs and his racial hatred. (As a matter of fact, I love to needle him with the fact that I truly believe that his hatred of blacks will cause him to be reincarnated as a black in a future lifetime. Whenever he starts cursing blacks, I laughingly call him Kingfish <a famous Black TV character from American TV in the 1950's>, and I tell him that his name will be Kingfish in his next lifetime -- believe it or not, this always tends to calm him down.)

Third, I think he just likes to hate anyone who is different than him. His hate for Jews is not any different than his hate for Blacks, etc.
Interesting way of answering the question, but I agree with your larger point.

Reconstructionist Jews reject "chosenness". I agree with that perspective. I am not a Reconstructionist Jew, I am a Reform Jew, but we have some overlapping views. The notion of chosenness has been historically interpreted by non-Jews as arrogance. I think it is wise for Reform Jews to reject the notion of chosenness.

I dont understand how a Jew that believes in God will not believe in their own Torah. He said "You are my people and I am your God" All the covenants He made with them.. The promises He made to them. Its crazy to me that having ALL that from God and rejecting it for any reason.. how do you reason that out? Do you really just believe it wasnt God that said that?

Its very fascinating to me.
There is a lot of hate to go around, though I have actually personally encountered Jew haters. They wanted first of all to know if I was a Jew! Yeah, I was kind of surprised when it came up for no apparent reason. They would not say why they hated Jews, so my best guess is it had something to do with a moral disagreement. Like I said there is a lot of hatred out there, a lot of bombs with short fuses and the bombs don't like it when you drive the speed limit in front of them. Plus there is a lot of paranoia and there are continually conspiracy rumors, end of the world rumors, and other rumors. The TV evangelists, famous fallen church leaders and famous Islamic terrorists somehow add to the whole package, so that it is quite the jack-in-the-box when you spring it. Jews occasionally get associated with all of these things.
Amica...Go to Israel... Live in the living prison of Jerusalem as a palestinian...... Certain situations and circumstances can make people see the ugly side to a nation/faith/race.

FS: A jew hating/disliking/disagreeing with a christian, is far from an oxymoron...... "jesus was jewish!" lol so? What does that matter? Do you hate The nazi's? Cause that would be an oxymoron! Cause Hitler was a christian! lol... See where I am going with this?

Tao: They have seen struggles..... The egyptians imprisioned them... But where is their mighty nation now? Babylon imprisioned them.. But where are they now? The Romans imprisioned them, but where are they now? The Nazi's imprisioned them but where are they now? They are all but dust. Through all what they have been through they still thrive and have become stronger. So sure many have hated them, but it hasn't stopped um, I guess some just have to accept their here to stay :O
FS: A jew hating/disliking/disagreeing with a christian, is far from an oxymoron...... "jesus was jewish!" lol so? What does that matter? Do you hate The nazi's? Cause that would be an oxymoron! Cause Hitler was a christian! lol... See where I am going with this?

I dont give a fig what hitler claimed.. he was NOT a christian and its sickening that people think that just because they claim it means squat.. the bible says you will know them by their fruits.. and he had none. and No I dont hate the nazis.. I dont hate anyone.. so no I dont see where you are going with this.. I think you have a stinkin thinkin attitude for some reason and its yucky and it makes me really sad.
What has my attitude got to do with anything?

You claim it is an oxymoron for a jew to (hate dislike whatever) a christian because some person called jesus was a jew... That has nothing to do with it. But then ic omes back to "claiming means squat" Jesus taught he was -thee- son of god, which isn't a very jewish thing to claim, and also that he could forgive sins, in the eyes of a jew god, and only god can forgive all sins. The Torah teaches to face, confront, and defeat evil... Jesus taught to turn away from it.

To pray to god, all you must do is pray..... This is the Jewish way, Jesus, he said you had to pray through him.... Jewish? Or a defector who made his own religion..... So sure, claiming as you say doesn't mean squat.... :)

So what I mean is sure Hitler did alot and claimed to be a christian..... And my statement is kind of pointless to say that it would be an oxymoron.. But wouldn't that of your statment of the jew against the christian? Simply because Jesus -was- Jewish.
I'd say lack of intelligence. But then
I have a friend of mine who is a flaming racist, and of course he hate Jews. .
I've got one of those. I can't say friend anymore, aquaintence, associate, but not friend, and damned if he ain't intelligent, so I can't figure it out.

He's easily swayed by conspiracies...a paranoia, the world is out to get him, and leading the charge is those jews.

tis a shame.
I'd say lack of intelligence. But thenI've got one of those. I can't say friend anymore, aquaintence, associate, but not friend, and damned if he ain't intelligent, so I can't figure it out.

He's easily swayed by conspiracies...a paranoia, the world is out to get him, and leading the charge is those jews.

tis a shame.
Such people cannot see past the straw man.
So intelligent they may, be but simple they still are.
And with germany, the reason why the nazi's were able to grow so strong there was directly a result of the strong christian presence in Germany.
Do not question authority as it is from God... and all that tripe.
The point is, it is the institution of christianity which makes it possible for great evil to take over.
Look at how the christian consent has allowed the drug wars to grow so big in our time.
Such people cannot see past the straw man.
So intelligent they may, be but simple they still are.
And with germany, the reason why the nazi's were able to grow so strong there was directly a result of the strong christian presence in Germany.
Do not question authority as it is from God... and all that tripe.
The point is, it is the institution of christianity which makes it possible for great evil to take over.
Look at how the christian consent has allowed the drug wars to grow so big in our time.

can you elaborate on that last line shawn?

The jews in a way set themselves up for hate in separating from the society/culture they found themselves in after the diaspora; unlike andalusia in the golden age circa 9th century, where muslims and jews lived peacably, in the christian countries they were demonized, because of the jesus killing scenario [which the vatican didn't retract till modern times] and the general scapegoating attitude of a religion highly doctrinal and dogmatic. any religion that has a 'last' seal/prophet will have a forceful agenda to convert the wayward and sinful unbelievers and will not be at peace until they give up such nonsense.