Spiritual Side to Islam ?


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Is there a spiritual side to Islam ?

I am only aware of lots and lots of rules but deeper than that is there anymore to it than that ?
Is there a spiritual side to Islam ?

I am only aware of lots and lots of rules but deeper than that is there anymore to it than that ?
Which rules are you aware of? Like the five pillars?

Praying five times a day? As a method of increasing closeness with G!d? Not spiritual?

Ritual Fasting for ramadam and its contemplations? Not spiritual?

the pilgramige? Charitable giving?

You oughta get a book... (of course, be careful, one of our friends here got a Koran and studied Islam to prove to her firiends how horrific it was and became muslim.....):D
The whole premise of Islam is "submission to God".

Is there a more spiritual message?

Also, the first sura is pretty good reading and accessible outside of Islam:



The Koran
Sura 1: Opening / Fatiha [FONT=Georgia,Times New Roman,Times,serif][FONT=Georgia,Times New Roman,Times,serif]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica] In the name of the all merciful and compassionate God. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]

1 Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds,
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]2 he the merciful, the compassionate, [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]3 he, the ruler of the day of judgment! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]4 Thee we serve and Thee we ask for aid. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]5 Guide us in the right path, [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]6 the path of those Thou art gracious to; [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]7 not of those Thou art wroth with; nor of those who err. [/FONT]
I am an ex muslim BTW, I attempted to practice islam for a couple of years :eek:

so I know a little of what its about :(
I am an ex muslim BTW, I attempted to practice islam for a couple of years.

Doesn't sound as if you were very successful at it. Maybe that's why you quit.

I guess this means that if we find anybody who's left Christianity we can invalidate that religion as well.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]In the name of the all merciful and compassionate God. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]1 Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds, [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]2 he the merciful, the compassionate, [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]3 he, the ruler of the day of judgment! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]4 Thee we serve and Thee we ask for aid. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]5 Guide us in the right path, [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]6 the path of those Thou art gracious to; [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]7 not of those Thou art wroth with; nor of those who err. [/FONT]

It is interesting to note that there are verses here that symbolize the cross in Sufism.

"The path of those Thou art gracious to" is the ascending point, "not of those Thou art wroth with" is the descending point, and "nor of those who err" is the horizontal point for those who go astray. The person on the spiritual path seeks to ascend.

That is a spiritual side right thurr! Verse 1 is also interesting too.
there are many rule in Islam for example

Najaasah - Talimul-Haq Part 2

and for me it just seems to kill the whole thing dead, does it really matter whether I pee standing up or sitting down ?

are there any muslims here wishing to respond, or do I need to take my questions else where ?
Traditional philosophy — which is at heart a mystical endeavour — encompasses the spiritual dimension of being, and Islam has its own language and encompassing metaphysics.

It's there in the great philsophers — Avicenna, Averoes — in its mystical works — Ibn'Arabi — in its poetry — Rumi — and its metaphysicians — ’Abd al-Wâhid Yahyâ (René Guénon), Seyd Hoosain Nasr, Reza Shah-Kazemi — and its literature — Idries Shah.

It's currently drowned out by the noise of 'empty vessels'.

I am an ex muslim BTW, I attempted to practice islam for a couple of years :eek:

so I know a little of what its about :(
wow, attempted to practice for a couple of years and found nothing spiritual, just a bunch of rules?

May I inquire as to your reason for asking now then?
wow, attempted to practice for a couple of years and found nothing spiritual, just a bunch of rules?

May I inquire as to your reason for asking now then?

family and cultural issues,
Is there a spiritual side to Islam ?

I am only aware of lots and lots of rules but deeper than that is there anymore to it than that ?
One spiritual concept you might look at is the idea that us humans are in a state of flux and evolvement and that G-d works with us by holding us to goals that are within our powers. This concept gives us some perspective in terms of humility (recognizing our limits) while at the same time allowing us self-acceptance through divine compassion. Note that this a a fundamental attitude that seems a little different from the rule-bound mind set you seem to want to portray. "Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability." [Koran 2.286]

You might do a search of the Koran using terms like "the righteous path" or "divine guidance" and "repentance." Another helpful term is "Grace," which comes up quite often in the Koran.

You can do a simple search here
The Koran -- Simple Search

Or try Boolean searches here:

There are other searchable Korans online.

Good luck with your research.
One spiritual concept you might look at is the idea that us humans are in a state of flux and evolvement and that G-d works with us by holding us to goals that are within our powers. This concept gives us some perspective in terms of humility (recognizing our limits) while at the same time allowing us self-acceptance through divine compassion. Note that this a a fundamental attitude that seems a little different from the rule-bound mind set you seem to want to portray. "Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability." [Koran 2.286]

You might do a search of the Koran using terms like "the righteous path" or "divine guidance" and "repentance." Another helpful term is "Grace," which comes up quite often in the Koran.

You can do a simple search here
The Koran -- Simple Search

Or try Boolean searches here:
The Koran -- Boolean Search

There are other searchable Korans online.

Good luck with your research.

thanks Neti.

are you a Muslim ?
I practiced the piano for a couple of years before quitting.

It was all about scales and arpeggios.

Where's the real artistry?


And I agree with Code... spirituality recognizes spirituality. The fact that G2G could not find it practicing Islam says infinitely more about G2G than it does the religion he failed to grasp.
I practiced the piano for a couple of years before quitting.

It was all about scales and arpeggios.

Where's the real artistry?


And I agree with Code... spirituality recognizes spirituality. The fact that G2G could not find it practicing Islam says infinitely more about G2G than it does the religion he failed to grasp.

do you anything about Islam ?