Facial expressions not global

US TV series 'Lie to me' is based on interpreting facial expressions....

I thought it were a lie.

Isn't in some countries clapping the same as booing?
They used to say that music is the universal language. That doesn't seem to be the case either.
The facial expressions might be universal, but it's the cultural interpretation techniques (what kind of blinders you have on) of those expressions that differ.
Dude, I think I read people like an east asian... I couldn't tell on some of those cause they were fake, like posed, and the eyes didn't reflect the true emotion. If they really wanted to have a test they'd actually have to get people to feel those emotions, instead of parodying them. Lol, maybe people in the west are more used to reading fake emotions than eastern people. Hehe, yeah, I bet that's it...


I have bigger, better emoticons now! Mwahahaha!
The facial expressions might be universal, but it's the cultural interpretation techniques (what kind of blinders you have on) of those expressions that differ.

Thank you SG, I caught that one too. (o_O)

Who would have guessed that different cultures do things differently? Certainly not me!
The facial expressions might be universal, but it's the cultural interpretation techniques (what kind of blinders you have on) of those expressions that differ.

Ah, good distinction. :)

Interesting to see the Asian use of emoticons being highlighted - I never understood before why these continued to be different.
body language is universal to the point that even animals and humans can understand each other.
So East Asians look at the eyes more?

I wonder if that makes them more romantic.

The one thing I think eyes are likely to be good at is what happens when a man and woman "instantly fall in love."

I read in the Reader's Digest a while back that shrinking pupils is an indication that someone likes you. I've found that I am captivated by nice women. When they're nice to me and say nice things to me, complement me and express admiration, I find that really attractive.

Likewise, shrinking pupils in a woman can also make her more attractive because it's a subtle way of expressing admiration.

If you find yourself with someone with shrinking pupils it's probably going to lead to a "love at first sight" feeling. You see someone who likes you and you can't help not liking them, so your pupils shrink as well. Knowing that you like them makes you attractive to them, so the shrinking pupils reinforce each other and you find yourself swept away by the "love at first sight" feeling.