Telepathy - Experiences and Insights


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
Hiya folks. Today the subject of telepathy crossed my mind, and for whatever reason I found myself reflecting on some experiences of mine from many years ago. The idea occurred to start a thread discussing telepathy.

What I'm curious about is what experiences you (or someone you know) might have had, and/or what have been your insights into this phenomenon over the years. Some of our religious and spiritual experiences are, of course, very personal - even private - and of such a nature that certain details are probably best kept between ourselves and our higher power. Thus, with that caveat, I'd like to ask that anyone who's comfortable sharing go ahead and do so. As with other threads I've started recently, I'm interested in discussion here, perhaps friendly debate, but nothing overly complicated, philosophical or theological.

There are only a handful of experiences of my own that have occurred in 38 years which I feel might fit into this category. I would like to describe one or two of them briefly, but I don't want to present any sort of a bias, or further define the topic without discussion. I'd rather let others set the tone, and post my two cents down the line. So, any brave souls willing to chime in and share something?

Again, as the thread title suggests, the sky is pretty much the limit ... as long as we don't dive too deeply into the wild blue yonder. :p
Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different.

We may go through life without suspecting their existence, but, apply the requisite stimulus, and at a touch, they are there in all their completeness.
William James, Varieties of religious Experience.
CSP : William James "The Varieties of Religious Experience - Lectures XVI and XVII"

[FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif] The Varieties of Religious Experience
[FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif]by William James[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif]Lecture XVI and XVII: MYSTICISM

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif]For some writers a 'mystic' is any person who believes in thought-transference, or spirit-return. Employed in this way the word has little value: there are too many less ambiguous synonyms. So, to keep it useful by restricting it, I will do what I did in the case of the word 'religion,' and simply propose to you four marks which, when an experience has them, may justify us in calling it mystical for the purpose of the present lectures. In this way we shall save verbal disputation, and the recriminations that generally go therewith.

  1. [FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,sans-serif]
    [*]1. Ineffability.- The handiest of the marks by which I classify a state of mind as mystical is negative. The subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that its quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect. No one can make clear to another who has never had a certain feeling, in what the quality or worth of it consists. One must have musical ears to know the value of a symphony; one must have been in love one's self to understand a lover's state of mind. Lacking the heart or ear, we cannot interpret the musician or the lover justly, and are even likely to consider him weak-minded or absurd. The mystic finds that most of us accord to his experiences an equally incompetent treatment.
    [*]Noetic quality.- Although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.

    These two characters will entitle any state to be called mystical, in the sense in which I use the word. Two other qualities are less sharply marked, but are usually found. These are:
    [*]Transiency.- Mystical states cannot be sustained for long. Except in rare instances, half an hour, or at most an hour or two, seems to be the limit beyond which they fade into the light of common day. Often, when faded, their quality can but imperfectly be reproduced in memory; but when they recur it is recognized; and from one recurrence to another it is susceptible of continuous development in what is felt as inner richness and importance.
    [*]Passivity.- Although the oncoming of mystical states may be facilitated by preliminary voluntary operations, as by fixing the attention, or going through certain bodily performances, or in other ways which manuals of mysticism prescribe; yet when the characteristic sort of consciousness once has set in, the mystic feels as if his own will were in abeyance, and indeed sometimes as if he were grasped and held by a superior power. This latter peculiarity connects mystical states with certain definite phenomena of secondary or alternative personality, such as prophetic speech, automatic writing, or the mediumistic trance. When these latter conditions are well pronounced, however, there may be no recollection whatever of the phenomenon and it may have no significance for the subject's usual inner life, to which, as it were, it makes a mere interruption. Mystical states, strictly so called, are never merely interruptive. Some memory of their content always remains, and a profound sense of their importance. They modify the inner life of the subject between the times of their recurrence. Sharp divisions in this region are, however, difficult to make, and we find all sorts of gradations and mixtures.
We would all never need to use phones again if the evil phone companies were not interfering with our telepathic abilities by swamping them with microwaves. WE could even talk to our cousins on Sirius if it were not for that. And Michael Jackson.
Hiya folks. Today the subject of telepathy crossed my mind, and for whatever reason I found myself reflecting on some experiences of mine from many years ago. The idea occurred to start a thread discussing telepathy.

What I'm curious about is what experiences you (or someone you know) might have had, and/or what have been your insights into this phenomenon over the years. Some of our religious and spiritual experiences are, of course, very personal - even private - and of such a nature that certain details are probably best kept between ourselves and our higher power. Thus, with that caveat, I'd like to ask that anyone who's comfortable sharing go ahead and do so. As with other threads I've started recently, I'm interested in discussion here, perhaps friendly debate, but nothing overly complicated, philosophical or theological.

There are only a handful of experiences of my own that have occurred in 38 years which I feel might fit into this category. I would like to describe one or two of them briefly, but I don't want to present any sort of a bias, or further define the topic without discussion. I'd rather let others set the tone, and post my two cents down the line. So, any brave souls willing to chime in and share something?

Again, as the thread title suggests, the sky is pretty much the limit ... as long as we don't dive too deeply into the wild blue yonder. :p

I noes you was going to make this thread!
I had something the other week at Church after worship, someone shared we then went on to prayer, i was praying for someone and I kept seeing her in a specific situation anyway I was not sure what to do or say but it kept coming back to me, then the Pastor came over and said to me "if the Lord is telling you something dont be afraid to say it", so I spoke it out what I was seeing the lady I was praying for turned round and said "thank you, that was the Lord showed me when I walked into Church today".

So it seems that the Lord gave her a word or something, and then he gave it to me as a confirmation.

make of that what you will.
NiceCupOfTea makes an important point. Does telepathy include messages and premontions we get from a higher source? Or does telepathy only refer to messages we get from sentient beings in this physical world or the astral world?
I would suggest "telepathy" as just a very focused aspect of Empathy - an ability we naturally have, and can tune into, and in close and emotional situations, even read words and sentences as well as general feelings and moods.

Seriously, I don't understand why people regard personal stories of "psychic phenomenon" as somehow unnatural or unusual. It's a normal part of life if people stop trying to explain things away as "co-incidence" and "random". :)
Indeed, Brian, but I find that many people - usually with little or no religious (or spiritual) inclination - try to account for everything through `rational, empirical means.' It's as if there's somehow something lost if they even have to admit a caveat that perhaps there are other factors at work than the immediately obvious, or scientifically explainable. With most folks who speak of faith, or even plenty of New Agers who focus on gnosis and other factors, telepathy becomes much more easily admissible or tenable.

Personally, I think it only makes things more exciting when we turn to the realm of mystery and the unknown. The uncertainty factor can make even the boldest of us anxious at times, and I have noticed that the children I tutor (6th graders) are exceedingly interested in ghosts. They are very curious about the subject, but perhaps due to a Hollywood-influenced culture, and a general aura of mystery that surrounds the subject (inherent in the truth?) there is a tendency to be frightened of the very possibility!

We have expressions like `spooked out,' and we speak of the hair on the back of our neck standing up. The latter is an actual physiological reaction, and I have noticed it plenty of times, despite what I believe - even as recently as one of the times these 6th graders were being spooked. Although I am not afraid per se, I do take note of the physical reaction! ;)

As for telepathy, there have been several experiences I have had which would fall into this category. Some of them fit pretty well into the mystical category as James describes and as per shawn's post. Two of them occurred when I was in college, nearly 20 years ago, within the space of a year or two. One involved a certain type of insight into an object of meditation, wherein my consciousness and that of another person intersected and allowed for an exchange at a very subjective level. This was thoroughly spiritual and mystical, but it also fits into the category of telepathy, and probably others (esoteric or occult).

Another experience involved this same person, and could be said to be a progression or 2nd part of the former experience. It was exceedingly blissful and revelatory in character, focusing not so much on any specific piece of information, or upon an object of meditation (as in the first experience), but rather upon the other person involved in the telepathy. This immediately became and has remained one of the most convincing, and perhaps life-changing experiences I have ever had, even though it lasted perhaps less than a minute.

A similar experience to this latter occurred, with a different individual and his entire group of students, when I was about 3 years old. This particular experience again involved a type of what I would call spiritual telepathy, and was fully mystical, at least partially revelatory, and I theorize that its purpose was largely foundational, as it meant very little to me at the time (beyond something beautiful, inexplicable, and - even at 3 yrs old - very personal or private) ... but came to mean a great deal when I remembered it as an adult. It remains one of the most significant events in my spiritual life, largely because of the early age at which it occurred, such that I cannot dismiss it or explain it in the least by what the skeptics call ordinary, rational causes (including imagination, hallucination, etc.). I even believe I have ascertained two of the most significant reasons for why it occurred ... or at least, I know of two reasons that make sense for me.

The best, most simple and direct example of one form of telepathy that I have experienced is something that occurred with a good friend of mine about 22 years ago. The two of us were not far from my parents' house, out for a drive in a borrowed BMW (belonging to my friend's father), and I was practicing driving. We were in a neighborhood that was under construction, in the early evening after all the workers had gone home, so the place was deserted and offered the perfect opportunity.

It was summer, so we had plenty of daylight, and everything went well. BMWs handle exceptionally well I discovered, though I haven't had a chance to drive one since. Anyway, evening arrived, it got dark, and my friend and I were sitting motionless, talking for a few minutes before I had to go back home. A lull in the conversation crept up, and no one said a word. It was only natural that a brief pause be left at that juncture, so it was not unusual or awkward, but what happened next was slightly unusual - at least in my book.

The two of us continued our exchange, sharing several sentences with each other, back and forth ... and THEN we realized, both pretty much simultaneously as I recall - that neither one of us had spoken since the silence.

We had continued the conversation, but no one had spoken. It was verbal, I did not see or visualize a thing. But the words, the sentences, and the meaning were exchanged nonetheless.

This was, as I say, awkward to say the least. In fact, it almost made me giddy in a sort of sense, but I was somewhat contained once those several sentences were exchanged in silence ... because I was not 100% sure we were - "on the same page." I somehow knew that what I thought had just occurred had just occurred, but I was not certain. I had a flicker of doubt, and perhaps only minor frustration that if I spoke, my friend might feel too awkward or weirded out ... and not confirm it. Ah, I should have known him better!

I guess I, too, had a slight hesitation, but I broke the thin layer of ice. It might have thickened, had we hesitated much longer, but within a few moments we had both immediately verified, and certainly confirmed to each other's satisfaction, what had just occurred (if not quite why or how). It only took a few moments to say, Did that just happen? - and ask, Did you say x? followed by, Uh-huh, and then you said y, and then you asked z, right? Etc.

This left no room for question, no room for doubt, no possibility that either of us - let alone both - had simply imagined it. We knew what was up, and it probably meant - assuming that neither of us forgets it - that indeed, both of our lives had been changed, forever. Never again could either of us, in our right, rational mind, doubt this verified possibility. So, although I haven't spoken to this friend in years ... it doesn't change things in the least. I'm hoping if I ever get a chance to chat with him again in the flesh, he'd remember and acknowledge this event, as was certainly still the case last time we spoke, some 6 or 7 years ago.

So you see, although this was a very personal experience and exchange, it was all I needed, at 15 or 16 years of age, to know for the rest of my life - that telepathy most certainly exists ... although I have since (and even prior) experienced many other types of non-verbal exchanges, and read enough about the subject to know that my experiences only cover a small part of the possible spectrum.

Elsewhere at Interfaith I once recounted a shared dream experience between myself and someone who I didn't really know, which occurred during my undergraduate years at college. This was unrelated to either of the other two mystical-telepathic experiences I've described, but it was just as convincing ... and perhaps a little more so, since I was able to approach this person (awkwardly at first), ask him if he dreamed `yadda yadda,' then feel that familiar, giddy sort of feeling as the accounts tumbled forth from both of us in confirmation.

I would suggest that if we could accurately remember all of the experiences that have ever happened to us which fit under the category of telepathic in some sense ... the list would stretch to several hundred or several thousand lines, perhaps far more than that. Most we would not consider greatly significant, but then, it only takes ONE to prove the possibility - or rule. :)
Does telepathy include messages and premontions we get from a higher source? Or does telepathy only refer to messages we get from sentient beings in this physical world or the astral world?

I'm not sure there is a difference that matters.

I've experienced telepathy, both in receiving and sending. My own experience is that it is somewhat like empathy but with more specific information involved. In my opinion, it is possible to have telepathic communication with other humans, with animals (but not through language-based messages, horses, for example, seem to communicate through images and senses), and with various disincarnate entitites (spirits of various sorts, etc.). Not to mention with the Divine/God.

The quality of the transmissions, of course, varies widely and it can be really difficult to verify one's accuracy.
Personally, I think it only makes things more exciting when we turn to the realm of mystery and the unknown.

Oh, quite agree.

Unfortunately, humanity has a long tradition of being frightened by the unknown - and it remains demonised in popular culture - so that it is only when we are seen to be able to explain something, feel we understand it to some degree, and consider it acceptable, that we dare to not be frightened of it.

Which is both bizarre and ironic when you think of all the ordinary experiences that science cannot explain, and the dumbed down media explanations of particular aspects of science, and the human experience in general. :)

Mystery, unknowing, is good, and nothing to be nervous about - it can be exhilarating. Heck, we also have a long history of trying to challenge our boundaries, but it tends to take more remarkable people to take up such challenges.
Path of One,

You said,

"...with various (spirits of various sorts, etc.). Not to mention with the Divine/God."

--> This is exactly what I am talking about. I do not think that communicating with divine or semi-divine beings is telepathy (although I am sure there are people who disagree with me). I definitely would describe commmunicating with disincarnate (of the non-semi-divine type) entitites as a form of telepathy.
I do have telepathic experiences, some in dreams and some while awake. I will share this one because it is not personal to me in anyway, save being an observer.

Across the globe I connected telepathically with multiple persons in England on July 22, 2005.
There were 3 or 4 guys standing around. One left and went on a train. He met up with two others (police) who had guns. The man refused to back down. Then with a willful hatred, a police man shot him five times. He died.
End dream.
As soon as I woke up, I turned on the television. The news was on. Being broadcasted was a story that just took place in Stockwell, England at 4 A.M. their time. The police who never carry guns were permitted to because they thought that they spotted three terrorists. They chased one onto a train and after he shot him five times. He died. It was reported that the man refused to obey orders; however, an eye witness said that the man tripped, stood up and looked like a cornered fox. It turns out the man was not a terrorist at all. He was a twenty seven year old Brazilian man by the name of Jean Charles Menendez who was on his way to work as an electrician.
Path of One,

You said,

"...with various (spirits of various sorts, etc.). Not to mention with the Divine/God."

--> This is exactly what I am talking about. I do not think that communicating with divine or semi-divine beings is telepathy (although I am sure there are people who disagree with me). I definitely would describe commmunicating with disincarnate (of the non-semi-divine type) entitites as a form of telepathy.

I don't know that I'd say it is telepathy- I usually think of telepathy as involving incarnate entities. I just don't know that the distinction is useful or not.

I kind of have fuzzy categories of information-gathering/communicating with: incarnate entities; disincarnate entities; and God.

The problem, for me, is what you might call "semi-divine" or "divine" entities that are not God Herself. That is, are personal gods/goddesses the same thing as GOD. Is Jesus semi-divine, divine, etc. What about angelic and/or Light-Bearing beings- and there seem to be more than one type. Yadda yadda. At that point, it seems like it is rather dependent on individuals' categorization of it all.

I tend to think my categorization doesn't matter much and is probably not that accurate anyway. So when I reflected on my experience, I can very clearly see a distinction between the experience of telepathy with incarnate beings and disincarnate ones... but after that point, it kind of gets fuzzy with the boundaries.

In particular, specific communication from disincarnate entities, especially Light-Bearing and/or angelic types, seems to fuzz into ecstatic trance states and such, which fuzzes into straight-up mysticism and Connection to The Big Mystery.

You said,

"The problem, for me, is what you might call "semi-divine" or "divine" entities that are not God Herself. That is, are personal gods/goddesses the same thing as GOD. Is Jesus semi-divine, divine, etc. What about angelic and/or Light-Bearing beings- and there seem to be more than one type. Yadda yadda. At that point, it seems like it is rather dependent on individuals' categorization of it all."

--> I believe there are various levels of consciousness (astral plane, "heaven," etc.) that reach up in a seemingly endless line of levels of consciousness. I feel that Christianity hints at the existence of these higher planes and the beings which inhabit each level, but I feel that Christianity is a little vague about all of this. (My belief system, on the other hand, is quite specific about all of this.)

And I do not believe in "personal gods/goddesses." I do believe in spirit guides ("guardian angels"), but that is a whole different topic.

I believe that there are beings which exist at each level. I definitely see semi-divine and divine beings at the higher levels as the same as what you are calling angelic or light-bearing.
Indeed, Brian, but I find that many people - usually with little or no religious (or spiritual) inclination - try to account for everything through `rational, empirical means.' It's as if there's somehow something lost if they even have to admit a caveat that perhaps there are other factors at work than the immediately obvious, or scientifically explainable. With most folks who speak of faith, or even plenty of New Agers who focus on gnosis and other factors, telepathy becomes much more easily admissible or tenable.

Personally, I think it only makes things more exciting when we turn to the realm of mystery and the unknown. The uncertainty factor can make even the boldest of us anxious at times, and I have noticed that the children I tutor (6th graders) are exceedingly interested in ghosts. They are very curious about the subject, but perhaps due to a Hollywood-influenced culture, and a general aura of mystery that surrounds the subject (inherent in the truth?) there is a tendency to be frightened of the very possibility!

We have expressions like `spooked out,' and we speak of the hair on the back of our neck standing up. The latter is an actual physiological reaction, and I have noticed it plenty of times, despite what I believe - even as recently as one of the times these 6th graders were being spooked. Although I am not afraid per se, I do take note of the physical reaction! ;)

As for telepathy, there have been several experiences I have had which would fall into this category. Some of them fit pretty well into the mystical category as James describes and as per shawn's post. Two of them occurred when I was in college, nearly 20 years ago, within the space of a year or two. One involved a certain type of insight into an object of meditation, wherein my consciousness and that of another person intersected and allowed for an exchange at a very subjective level. This was thoroughly spiritual and mystical, but it also fits into the category of telepathy, and probably others (esoteric or occult).

Another experience involved this same person, and could be said to be a progression or 2nd part of the former experience. It was exceedingly blissful and revelatory in character, focusing not so much on any specific piece of information, or upon an object of meditation (as in the first experience), but rather upon the other person involved in the telepathy. This immediately became and has remained one of the most convincing, and perhaps life-changing experiences I have ever had, even though it lasted perhaps less than a minute.

A similar experience to this latter occurred, with a different individual and his entire group of students, when I was about 3 years old. This particular experience again involved a type of what I would call spiritual telepathy, and was fully mystical, at least partially revelatory, and I theorize that its purpose was largely foundational, as it meant very little to me at the time (beyond something beautiful, inexplicable, and - even at 3 yrs old - very personal or private) ... but came to mean a great deal when I remembered it as an adult. It remains one of the most significant events in my spiritual life, largely because of the early age at which it occurred, such that I cannot dismiss it or explain it in the least by what the skeptics call ordinary, rational causes (including imagination, hallucination, etc.). I even believe I have ascertained two of the most significant reasons for why it occurred ... or at least, I know of two reasons that make sense for me.

The best, most simple and direct example of one form of telepathy that I have experienced is something that occurred with a good friend of mine about 22 years ago. The two of us were not far from my parents' house, out for a drive in a borrowed BMW (belonging to my friend's father), and I was practicing driving. We were in a neighborhood that was under construction, in the early evening after all the workers had gone home, so the place was deserted and offered the perfect opportunity.

It was summer, so we had plenty of daylight, and everything went well. BMWs handle exceptionally well I discovered, though I haven't had a chance to drive one since. Anyway, evening arrived, it got dark, and my friend and I were sitting motionless, talking for a few minutes before I had to go back home. A lull in the conversation crept up, and no one said a word. It was only natural that a brief pause be left at that juncture, so it was not unusual or awkward, but what happened next was slightly unusual - at least in my book.

The two of us continued our exchange, sharing several sentences with each other, back and forth ... and THEN we realized, both pretty much simultaneously as I recall - that neither one of us had spoken since the silence.

We had continued the conversation, but no one had spoken. It was verbal, I did not see or visualize a thing. But the words, the sentences, and the meaning were exchanged nonetheless.

This was, as I say, awkward to say the least. In fact, it almost made me giddy in a sort of sense, but I was somewhat contained once those several sentences were exchanged in silence ... because I was not 100% sure we were - "on the same page." I somehow knew that what I thought had just occurred had just occurred, but I was not certain. I had a flicker of doubt, and perhaps only minor frustration that if I spoke, my friend might feel too awkward or weirded out ... and not confirm it. Ah, I should have known him better!

I guess I, too, had a slight hesitation, but I broke the thin layer of ice. It might have thickened, had we hesitated much longer, but within a few moments we had both immediately verified, and certainly confirmed to each other's satisfaction, what had just occurred (if not quite why or how). It only took a few moments to say, Did that just happen? - and ask, Did you say x? followed by, Uh-huh, and then you said y, and then you asked z, right? Etc.

This left no room for question, no room for doubt, no possibility that either of us - let alone both - had simply imagined it. We knew what was up, and it probably meant - assuming that neither of us forgets it - that indeed, both of our lives had been changed, forever. Never again could either of us, in our right, rational mind, doubt this verified possibility. So, although I haven't spoken to this friend in years ... it doesn't change things in the least. I'm hoping if I ever get a chance to chat with him again in the flesh, he'd remember and acknowledge this event, as was certainly still the case last time we spoke, some 6 or 7 years ago.

So you see, although this was a very personal experience and exchange, it was all I needed, at 15 or 16 years of age, to know for the rest of my life - that telepathy most certainly exists ... although I have since (and even prior) experienced many other types of non-verbal exchanges, and read enough about the subject to know that my experiences only cover a small part of the possible spectrum.

Elsewhere at Interfaith I once recounted a shared dream experience between myself and someone who I didn't really know, which occurred during my undergraduate years at college. This was unrelated to either of the other two mystical-telepathic experiences I've described, but it was just as convincing ... and perhaps a little more so, since I was able to approach this person (awkwardly at first), ask him if he dreamed `yadda yadda,' then feel that familiar, giddy sort of feeling as the accounts tumbled forth from both of us in confirmation.

I would suggest that if we could accurately remember all of the experiences that have ever happened to us which fit under the category of telepathic in some sense ... the list would stretch to several hundred or several thousand lines, perhaps far more than that. Most we would not consider greatly significant, but then, it only takes ONE to prove the possibility - or rule. :)
I gnew it you started this thread because you had alot of stuff you wanted people to read. Look pal i love you with out big words or mystic crap. Telepathy, well no duh. Have you ever listened as one cow says hello to another cow? Or how an elephant can comunicate over great distances unheard by our ears? How about the organisim with the mosr advanced form of communication, the honey bee. Come on everybody stop acting so mystical and surprised. We are like a bunch of young falcons unaware of our wings, and even more blind to the fact that we can move at a higher rate than any other creature. These are the times of dispensation but not from above but from within. The powers of this world, the powers of the air, would have you believe we are weak. That we are useless. But no we are not. We are gods. These powers in unseen places, they get there authority from us. In fact these powers are created by us. They are a manifestation of our thoughts and they are born by our emotions. If you wish to serve a vengefull, jeolous god, hold on to thoughts of the same, and attach the natural emotions that are spawned to those thoughts. If you wish to serve a god of statutes and penaltys then on those you should meditate. But in the same thread of reality, if you wish to be lead by love, mercy, hope, forgiveness, and faith, meditation on these thoughts with pure emotions attached will give birth to Light, or rather, make a path of little resistance through which the Energy can freely travel. Hey goobers, you are full of endless unquantified power. You are surrounded by infinite resources. Within reach of your hand, the Kingdom exists, you either are already there or because of the powers youve created, which you serve,(but they should serve you) you are still blind to it. Telepathy huh?
Telepathy is a book of nursery rhymes steadying the uneven leg on the banquet table dressed with the feast of logic that is prepared for the chosen. Attach some great big words to that.
I dont really have much time to read through the whole thread, although, I do have some experiences to share with you. I've noticed that at drive through menus, waiting to order, right before I think to ask for something, thats what the person will ask of me. So, in a sense, it's almost proof through daily activity, that by putting a thought out there, it makes telepathy much more easier. So I began trying to play telepathy games all the time, (once at work through text message it worked really really well), and in these games, I would do it to multiples at a time. Ask one a question, perhaps they get it wrong first, and then I tell them the answer, and move to the next question; while at the same time I would ask the first question to a different person. In most cases, the 2nd and 3rd subjects got the question that I asked the first subject. As if, it was just floating around, and because we are all sharing a communication, it's even almost as if we're slightly closer in some figurative venn diagram of energy, making it easier to pick up on what's floating around.

YouTube - Ethan Hawke e Julie Delpy - Waking Life (legendado)
This is a clip from a movie, where at one point, they mention something regarding telepathy. I thought you might like it. And I'm also hoping you'll inquire into the full film, Waking Life.

Thanks for sharing that. I think it's as you say. We can prove for ourselves, if we take the time and patience, that there is such a thing as Telepathy. The end of the clip from Waking Life addresses this. There is most certainly a noosphere (as some have called it), the res cogitans of Descartes, in which thoughts are things.

Great Ideas come to us every day, only I'm pretty sure we remain unaware of the source of the majority of these. Jarrett hints at this, if you strip through the ego.

Sometimes an Idea is picked up by a scientist in Sweden or France, only to appear later in a journal or publication by another scientist in America or Russia. What does this prove? Perhaps nothing on the surface, or - to the skeptic, such cases will remain mere coincidence until the cows come home. :rolleyes:

But for those who study Consciousness and its operation in the subtle worlds, relating to its manifestation in the dense, the direct connections can sometimes be observed ... or else the kind of recognition will come as discussed at the end of the clip.

Thanks for that YouTube link, btw. I've seen that movie; I have it downstairs somewhere. But I'd forgotten what it was called and every time I tried to think of it I only came up with I Heart Huckabees. :p

I especially like the beginning of that clip, and other references in the film to astral projection. I disagree that reincarnation can be chalked up to collective memory alone, but - what is said about collective memory (which includes race memory as a subset) especially appeals to me! :)

Jarrett, I'm sorry you're a bit jaded and fed up with Interfaith. Sounds like you maybe didn't give other people, the site, or yourself a chance. Clearly you have some good ideas, clearly you are eager to share them, but - how might I suggest this - if you can't back off a little and be less hostile, I think you'll find you are about as welcome as the proverbial bull in a china shop.

The way that works you see, is that ... even if you happen to be right, at the moment you get spotted, even miles from the shop, there can reach a point where just out of alarm and concern, people will cry BULL! at the moment you are spotted! :eek:

How do I know this? Just ask. These elementals you seem to have some awareness of ... ahhh, they aren't so unfamiliar, are they? As an advanced Initiate, we will have learned to guide them around instead of vice versa, as you say. But until then, we are each, as best we know how (or not, at times), learning to do just this. And therefore we cut each other a little slack. Or we try to remember to do so! :)

If you are familiar with this subject (that of leading our elementals around, and putting them to good use in service to Humanity), then why don't you comment upon that on a thread of your own? Start one, invite me/us to post there. I think you'll find that several of us are interested ... especially if it's on an esoteric/alternative thread, where it belongs. Or perhaps on Belief and Spirituality, if it's conducted properly.

But if one simply remains the proverbial BULL (and I am a Taurus rising, do I know what I'm talking about?) ... pretty soon I think you'll find that all the china shops are closed up fast. :eek:

Bringing things down to earth is a gift, but it is also a skill and an art that can be practiced and improved upon with time and determination. I know. I may have a ways to go, but I like Interfaith for a reason. I believe in its Purpose ... and I am somehow certain that it exists, and has gone through its transformations, not just because of the hard work of a few dedicated individuals (though this should not be overlooked), but also because of a need, a spiritual niche that it fulfills.

Everyone that visits is invited - implicitly and sometimes explicitly - to be a part of that. Won't you consider that what you have to offer is more than just dive bombing a thread that has some interest to you, but where, perhaps, you're still not sure whether you fit in? No one is going to judge you for your honest effort to do so, but if you go around kicking out what you perceive to be superfluous table-legs, or stealing crutches from the crippled man who still needs them, just what kind of welcome is it that you expect? :confused:

Now. I woke up while ago with some troubled dreams, some fairly heavy thoughts that I need to ponder. But I will quickly transform whatever unpleasant mood may be lingering into something much better, and because I notice similar vibes to my own pretty much stultifying (how's that for a word?) your entire post ... I'm going to do my best to transform those vibes, too.

Jarrett said:
Come on everybody stop acting so mystical and surprised.
Why? What if it's not an act? What if some people are genuinely amazed, even Epiphany-wise at some of the things they've experienced? I sure was. I still am. I think you underestimate the transformative power of some of these experiences, even if it's just an observation that our animal brothers communicate in non-verbal forms every day.

I could tell you about the stag that was in my back yard, here in the suburbs, not so long ago, and what happened between him and myself. I think others would find the exchange interesting, and a worthwhile commentary on telepathy, in one of its forms. But if I choose to share what I share with amazement, awe and genuine wonder, I hope you will think twice before coming back to shoot down, belittle or roll your eyes at what perhaps seems to you to be - commonplace?

Not everyone sees things as you do. But if such a thing as telepathy exists, don't we have an added opportunity to SHARE with others - and hopefully appropriately so - so that they might (share a part of our vision)? And not, of course, that we may convert the world to our way of seeing ... but that we may simply contribute, and let OTHERS decide what is of value from what we have shared? Well, I think so anyway.

This reminds me of the three books by Robert Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. I'd love to hear from anyone that's read any of them, as all three relate to this subject. In particular, what Monroe comes to speak of as rote. As in, learning something by rote. This word has a significance in the subtle worlds, and I think Monroe communicates that for us very well. Anyone else familiar with Robert Monroe and the Institute up in Virginia?
Moments ago I found this quote that a friend shared with me some years ago:
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead, his eyes are closed.
~ Albert Einstein​

Thanks for sharing that. I think it's as you say. We can prove for ourselves, if we take the time and patience, that there is such a thing as Telepathy. The end of the clip from Waking Life addresses this. There is most certainly a noosphere (as some have called it), the res cogitans of Descartes, in which thoughts are things.

Great Ideas come to us every day, only I'm pretty sure we remain unaware of the source of the majority of these. Jarrett hints at this, if you strip through the ego.

Sometimes an Idea is picked up by a scientist in Sweden or France, only to appear later in a journal or publication by another scientist in America or Russia. What does this prove? Perhaps nothing on the surface, or - to the skeptic, such cases will remain mere coincidence until the cows come home. :rolleyes:

But for those who study Consciousness and its operation in the subtle worlds, relating to its manifestation in the dense, the direct connections can sometimes be observed ... or else the kind of recognition will come as discussed at the end of the clip.

Thanks for that YouTube link, btw. I've seen that movie; I have it downstairs somewhere. But I'd forgotten what it was called and every time I tried to think of it I only came up with I Heart Huckabees. :p

I especially like the beginning of that clip, and other references in the film to astral projection. I disagree that reincarnation can be chalked up to collective memory alone, but - what is said about collective memory (which includes race memory as a subset) especially appeals to me! :)

Jarrett, I'm sorry you're a bit jaded and fed up with Interfaith. Sounds like you maybe didn't give other people, the site, or yourself a chance. Clearly you have some good ideas, clearly you are eager to share them, but - how might I suggest this - if you can't back off a little and be less hostile, I think you'll find you are about as welcome as the proverbial bull in a china shop.

The way that works you see, is that ... even if you happen to be right, at the moment you get spotted, even miles from the shop, there can reach a point where just out of alarm and concern, people will cry BULL! at the moment you are spotted! :eek:

How do I know this? Just ask. These elementals you seem to have some awareness of ... ahhh, they aren't so unfamiliar, are they? As an advanced Initiate, we will have learned to guide them around instead of vice versa, as you say. But until then, we are each, as best we know how (or not, at times), learning to do just this. And therefore we cut each other a little slack. Or we try to remember to do so! :)

If you are familiar with this subject (that of leading our elementals around, and putting them to good use in service to Humanity), then why don't you comment upon that on a thread of your own? Start one, invite me/us to post there. I think you'll find that several of us are interested ... especially if it's on an esoteric/alternative thread, where it belongs. Or perhaps on Belief and Spirituality, if it's conducted properly.

But if one simply remains the proverbial BULL (and I am a Taurus rising, do I know what I'm talking about?) ... pretty soon I think you'll find that all the china shops are closed up fast. :eek:

Bringing things down to earth is a gift, but it is also a skill and an art that can be practiced and improved upon with time and determination. I know. I may have a ways to go, but I like Interfaith for a reason. I believe in its Purpose ... and I am somehow certain that it exists, and has gone through its transformations, not just because of the hard work of a few dedicated individuals (though this should not be overlooked), but also because of a need, a spiritual niche that it fulfills.

Everyone that visits is invited - implicitly and sometimes explicitly - to be a part of that. Won't you consider that what you have to offer is more than just dive bombing a thread that has some interest to you, but where, perhaps, you're still not sure whether you fit in? No one is going to judge you for your honest effort to do so, but if you go around kicking out what you perceive to be superfluous table-legs, or stealing crutches from the crippled man who still needs them, just what kind of welcome is it that you expect? :confused:

Now. I woke up while ago with some troubled dreams, some fairly heavy thoughts that I need to ponder. But I will quickly transform whatever unpleasant mood may be lingering into something much better, and because I notice similar vibes to my own pretty much stultifying (how's that for a word?) your entire post ... I'm going to do my best to transform those vibes, too.

Why? What if it's not an act? What if some people are genuinely amazed, even Epiphany-wise at some of the things they've experienced? I sure was. I still am. I think you underestimate the transformative power of some of these experiences, even if it's just an observation that our animal brothers communicate in non-verbal forms every day.

I could tell you about the stag that was in my back yard, here in the suburbs, not so long ago, and what happened between him and myself. I think others would find the exchange interesting, and a worthwhile commentary on telepathy, in one of its forms. But if I choose to share what I share with amazement, awe and genuine wonder, I hope you will think twice before coming back to shoot down, belittle or roll your eyes at what perhaps seems to you to be - commonplace?

Not everyone sees things as you do. But if such a thing as telepathy exists, don't we have an added opportunity to SHARE with others - and hopefully appropriately so - so that they might (share a part of our vision)? And not, of course, that we may convert the world to our way of seeing ... but that we may simply contribute, and let OTHERS decide what is of value from what we have shared? Well, I think so anyway.

This reminds me of the three books by Robert Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. I'd love to hear from anyone that's read any of them, as all three relate to this subject. In particular, what Monroe comes to speak of as rote. As in, learning something by rote. This word has a significance in the subtle worlds, and I think Monroe communicates that for us very well. Anyone else familiar with Robert Monroe and the Institute up in Virginia?
Ok you are correct, i believe you may have come up with a close impression of me and my personality, with all my baggage and hang ups. Im sure it is not the first time ive been considered a bull in a china shop, and i probably dont hold a true value for crutches, nor do i study a thesaurus. I guess i dont appreciate interfaith dialogue or any dialogue that is mystical or gnostic, but for that matter i dont like sunday sermons either. I am an impatient brute. I would rather drag you to the truth than wait for you to crawl there. If i am responsible for my brothers and sisters i can not worry about there feelings. I truly do care. I truly do love. But i guess more like a drill instructor or football coach style. Most people hold on to crutches, but not because they are week, but because they are afraid of true strength. People feel power in numbers so we attach to systems all our faith and devotion. But all ways and systems will be dissolved. So if you need a crutch now you are in for a rude awakening. The awakening i am trying may be brutish, but is none the less, from love. The lame should be walking now, the blind should have recieved there sight, the deaf should hear now, chains should be cast off now, crutches should be gone. But they are not. Why?
Do we inable the little ones?
What are we to do when we see death in the form of light?
Are we to say " oh it is ok they just dont know yet they havnt progressed to that part yet"?
I am not sitting on the side lines.
I am not walking around faining an injury so i can limp like everyone else.
Instead im kicking out crutches, un-leveling the playing field, it is dark 30 and im just gonna flip on the lights. The advantage is an illusion. It was never even a contest, it all just is. You Taj are a vastly inteligent person, and you seem to be very even. We all have questions, if we dont gnow that the truth is inside of each one of us, where will we search? If we believe that crutches help us walk, even though there is no injury, why do we need them. You dont need your systems, you dont need your ways. All of them are things which we or our ancestors fasioned in the likeness of gods, and then we devoted ourselves to them. Father Abraham did have many sons. They were all wrong. Silver and gold have i not, but such as i have, i give the in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk. They crucified Jesus because he was a crutch kicker, a reality buster. Life is interfaith dialogue. Now crucify me.

I dont have a roll your eyes reflex, and i do appreciate what experiances you have had with truth. I just dont have time for the illusion. I have seen the wizard he traveled here in a baloon of hot air, in fact that is all he is, hot air. When he got here he established many illusions to keep us in the dark to the fact that we are greater than he is. He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. But not by birth but by ascension through being known. I could go on and on, but what good would it do if you are not chosen by the one who chooses, you just wont get it. (this is a generalized you, not you Taj) My way cuts to the chase quickly. If you have no light inside of you then you are not mine and i am not yours. Patience is for brothers and sisters not for strangers. I do love my fellow man but if you have no knowledge of the Father and you live in ignorance, i want your house of cards to fall so the captives can be free, i want your reality to be busted, i want the meek and humble to trod upon your dust until it is as if you never existed. The only thing in reality is the all and the absence of the all. Knowledge of the father and ignorance of the father. There is no good and evil, only is and is not, is not ends, is always has been and will always be. It seems ive gone on anyways. Taj you have made it clear to me i am not for interfaith dialogue, i just dont have time for people who believe in more than one truth, or that there is no way to gnow the truth, or that truth is realitive.
Hey Taj your symbol is pretty cool, what does the snake represent, what does each direction and its right turns on the swastica represent, if you continued the right turns doesnt it look like a window, with "pains"? If you removed the cross wouldnt it be one crystal clear piece of glass, and then if you removed the right turns what would you be left with? Hey also what happens when the snake is done eating himself. Is there a rosie cross in there also. I dont like secrets they make divisions and subtractions. I like multiplication and addition, they bring unity.