
Concerning Ego, the LHP religions differ greatly from the RHP ones in that Ego is essential.

The start of Luciferian gnosis is the realization that all gods are created by man, all religions are established by man, all “holy” books are written by man, and all temples are built by man... there is nothing spiritual, there is nothing holy.

Man creates God in the image of himself and the devil in the image of his enemy. God is a projection of man’s ego. Why worship a god someone else has created, and which represents someone else’s ego, when you can recognize a god of your own creation… a god which has your best interests at heart?

Right Hand Path religions attempt to suppress the human ego by making their followers feel guilt and shame for every natural inclination and suppress the human intellect by demanding blind faith and obedience. By suppressing the human ego these religions makes their followers feel inferior and remain in thrall to the institution.
Concerning Ego, the LHP religions differ greatly from the RHP ones in that Ego is essential.

The start of Luciferian gnosis is the realization that all gods are created by man, all religions are established by man, all “holy” books are written by man, and all temples are built by man... there is nothing spiritual, there is nothing holy.

Man creates God in the image of himself and the devil in the image of his enemy. God is a projection of man’s ego. Why worship a god someone else has created, and which represents someone else’s ego, when you can recognize a god of your own creation… a god which has your best interests at heart?
Where does conscience and compassion fit into all this?

Right Hand Path religions attempt to suppress the human ego by making their followers feel guilt and shame for every natural inclination and suppress the human intellect by demanding blind faith and obedience. By suppressing the human ego these religions makes their followers feel inferior and remain in thrall to the institution.
Sounds more like politics than spirituality--battle of collective superego. (Our Father....) ;)
Where does conscience and compassion fit into all this?
I'd say that conscience is a moral judgment and will differ from time period to time period / culture to culture and that compassion in Luciferianism is that of humanity as a whole, not necessarily for select individuals :)D if you get my drift?).
I'd say that conscience is a moral judgment and will differ from time period to time period / culture to culture and that compassion in Luciferianism is that of humanity as a whole, not necessarily for select individuals :)D if you get my drift?).
A collective soul? :eek:
Ahh, but that's how you're treating it. ;)
Let me put it this way then;
The True Self exists as a god, when looking outward it sees a Subjective Universe of Individual Gods, not the Creations of these Gods. One machine sees another machine, Creators see other Creators.
Let me put it this way then;
The True Self exists as a god, when looking outward it sees a Subjective Universe of Individual Gods, not the Creations of these Gods. One machine sees another machine, Creators see other Creators.
...thereby continuing the descent into the objective? :cool:
...thereby continuing the descent into the objective? :cool:
LHP/Luciferians seek to remove themselves from 'the' objective universe as much as possible and enter 'their' subjective universe often by way of the Arts, altering consciousness, rituals and ceremonial work.
There is, it is Apotheosis, Individuation . . . separating from the objective / material universe / god and becoming a god yourself.

Sounds very lofty and egocentric, I know, but when put into psychological, philosophical terms, it is not irrational in the least bit.

Apotheosis (from Greek "to deify"; in Latin deificatio "making divine") is the glorification of a subject to divine level. In theology, the term apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature.

Individuation (Latin: principium individuationis) is the process through which a person becomes his/her 'true self'. Hence it is the process whereby the innate elements of personality; the different experiences of a person's life and the different aspects and components of the immature psyche become integrated over time into a well-functioning whole. Individuation might thus be summarized as the stabilizing of the personality.
Since man was created in the image and likeness of god I do not believe the goal is to become a god. Arent men already like little gods being in his image. I believe the goal is the union of body soul and spirit lost because of the fall.
Since man was created in the image and likeness of god I do not believe the goal is to become a god. Arent men already like little gods being in his image. I believe the goal is the union of body soul and spirit lost because of the fall.

Psalm 82:6

King James Version (KJV)

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Just a little biblical proof to back up what I said.
Psalm 82:6

King James Version (KJV)

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Just a little biblical proof to back up what I said.
Union of body, soul, and spirit? Your body, once finished from entropy is done . . . finito. The soul consists of the spirit along with other aspects of the Self as well. The idea behind Right Hand & Left Hand Paths is that they are both possible, it now depends on what the adherent wishes to do.

You can either atone/absolve into what people refer to as God = RHP
Or you can separate from this and Become your own Free Spirit/God = LHP
Neither is good nor evil, right or wrong . . . it is a matter of choice.

And here's a little biblical proof to back up what I said:

Statement of Leviathan 8:3-4-5
3 Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his mastery of the
Black Flame, for only thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.
4 Heaven must perish, Hell must perish, and man alone must remain ere the Black
Flame becomes Red in the glory of its perfection.
5 Then the Red magus shall behold only Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he
has become the perfect mind, who shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of
his Satanic Will.
Union of body, soul, and spirit? Your body, once finished from entropy is done . . . finito. The soul consists of the spirit along with other aspects of the Self as well. The idea behind Right Hand & Left Hand Paths is that they are both possible, it now depends on what the adherent wishes to do.

You can either atone/absolve into what people refer to as God = RHP
Or you can separate from this and Become your own Free Spirit/God = LHP
Neither is good nor evil, right or wrong . . . it is a matter of choice.

And here's a little biblical proof to back up what I said:

Statement of Leviathan 8:3-4-5
3 Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his mastery of the
Black Flame, for only thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.
4 Heaven must perish, Hell must perish, and man alone must remain ere the Black
Flame becomes Red in the glory of its perfection.
5 Then the Red magus shall behold only Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he
has become the perfect mind, who shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of
his Satanic Will.

The body is an important part that makes up a being. It is the senses part of the whole of an existence . Its like the skin for the spirits and soul parts. Jesus body rose from the dead which proves this fact. His body became one with the soul and spirit parts leading him to immortality of the human body. His body is a testimony to the fact that the body is included in immortal existence. The fall caused a sealing away of the soul and spirit parts and the bodies became mortal when they once were immortal. They didnt age and were beings , human beings, that were love literally. Without the other parts being one with the body you age, get sick ect.
Union of body, soul, and spirit? Your body, once finished from entropy is done . . . finito. The soul consists of the spirit along with other aspects of the Self as well. The idea behind Right Hand & Left Hand Paths is that they are both possible, it now depends on what the adherent wishes to do.

You can either atone/absolve into what people refer to as God = RHP
Or you can separate from this and Become your own Free Spirit/God = LHP
Neither is good nor evil, right or wrong . . . it is a matter of choice.

And here's a little biblical proof to back up what I said:

Statement of Leviathan 8:3-4-5
3 Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his mastery of the
Black Flame, for only thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.
4 Heaven must perish, Hell must perish, and man alone must remain ere the Black
Flame becomes Red in the glory of its perfection.
5 Then the Red magus shall behold only Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he
has become the perfect mind, who shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of
his Satanic Will.
Here is where you run into the problem of solipsism and god. What sort of mechanism is there whereby a creator (red magus or god) can be assured that its creations are not delusion--a product of the creator's all-powerful mind? Wouldn't this problem necessitate giving some of the creation a Will of their own, to create something that couldn't possibly be a creation of the omnipotent ones all-powerful mind? Proof against delusion would require a suspension of ones omnipotence. (Ironically, becoming a creator oneself would be proof against total delusion of a pantheistic god.)
The body is an important part that makes up a being. It is the senses part of the whole of an existence . Its like the skin for the spirits and soul parts.
The physical is the corporeal manifestation of the Higher Self.

Jesus body rose from the dead which proves this fact.
None of that statement is fact, it is conjecture.

His body became one with the soul and spirit parts leading him to immortality of the human body. His body is a testimony to the fact that the body is included in immortal existence. The fall caused a sealing away of the soul and spirit parts and the bodies became mortal when they once were immortal. They didnt age and were beings , human beings, that were love literally. Without the other parts being one with the body you age, get sick ect.
The majority of religious beliefs do not connect the physical body with the rest, after death the physical body is but a rotting shell that once housed the Spirit. This type of "resurrection" is almost completely unique to Christianity.
Here is where you run into the problem of solipsism and god.
Luciferian philosophy is somewhere more between these two "isms" :rolleyes:

Subjective Idealism is the monistic metaphysical doctrine that only minds and mental contents exist. It entails and is generally identified or associated with immaterialism, the doctrine that material things do not exist. Subjective idealism rejects dualism, neutral monism, and materialism. This form of idealism is "subjective" not because it denies that there is an objective reality, but because it asserts that this reality is completely dependent upon the minds of the subjects that perceive it.

Transcendental Idealism is a doctrine founded by German philosopher Immanuel Kant in the 18th century. Kant's doctrine maintains that human experience of things is similar to the way they appear to us — implying a fundamentally subject-based component, rather than being an activity that directly (and therefore without any obvious causal link) comprehends the things as they are in and of themselves.

What sort of mechanism is there whereby a creator (red magus or god) can be assured that its creations are not delusion--a product of the creator's all-powerful mind? Wouldn't this problem necessitate giving some of the creation a Will of their own, to create something that couldn't possibly be a creation of the omnipotent ones all-powerful mind? Proof against delusion would require a suspension of ones omnipotence. (Ironically, becoming a creator oneself would be proof against total delusion of a pantheistic god.)
You assign way too much power to the objective reality, to you it seems (correct me if I'm wrong) that creation and reality must be objectively tangible? . . . a "product" as you mentioned.

Objectivity aside and focusing on Creation, indeed creations would and 'should' enjoy Wills of their own (which is the LHP's major gripe against the RHP). Unfortunately, the objective universe does not permit such omnipotence . . . hence no Abrahamic god.

"becoming a creator oneself would be proof against total delusion of a pantheistic god."
- this statement I need to wrap my head around more.

Luciferianism does not agree that nature is identical with the divine.

"There is one Universe, consisting of the totality of existence. Within it are the objective universe (whose components occupy time and space) and each sentient beings subjective universe. The subjective universe may be thought of as one's personal perspective on the objective universe, together with any self-created phenomena one wishes to add to it."

- from Quantum Psychology of the Herald of the Dawn
Luciferian philosophy is somewhere more between these two "isms" :rolleyes:

Subjective Idealism is the monistic metaphysical doctrine that only minds and mental contents exist. It entails and is generally identified or associated with immaterialism, the doctrine that material things do not exist. Subjective idealism rejects dualism, neutral monism, and materialism. This form of idealism is "subjective" not because it denies that there is an objective reality, but because it asserts that this reality is completely dependent upon the minds of the subjects that perceive it.

Transcendental Idealism is a doctrine founded by German philosopher Immanuel Kant in the 18th century. Kant's doctrine maintains that human experience of things is similar to the way they appear to us — implying a fundamentally subject-based component, rather than being an activity that directly (and therefore without any obvious causal link) comprehends the things as they are in and of themselves.

You assign way too much power to the objective reality, to you it seems (correct me if I'm wrong) that creation and reality must be objectively tangible? . . . a "product" as you mentioned.

Objectivity aside and focusing on Creation, indeed creations would and 'should' enjoy Wills of their own (which is the LHP's major gripe against the RHP). Unfortunately, the objective universe does not permit such omnipotence . . . hence no Abrahamic god.

"becoming a creator oneself would be proof against total delusion of a pantheistic god."
- this statement I need to wrap my head around more.

Luciferianism does not agree that nature is identical with the divine.

"There is one Universe, consisting of the totality of existence. Within it are the objective universe (whose components occupy time and space) and each sentient beings subjective universe. The subjective universe may be thought of as one's personal perspective on the objective universe, together with any self-created phenomena one wishes to add to it."

- from Quantum Psychology of the Herald of the Dawn
Actually it was this line that lead me onto this line of thought:
5 Then the Red magus shall behold only Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he has become the perfect mind, who shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of
his Satanic Will.​
A "perfect mind" would be free from delusion, no? How's the Red magus supposed to recognize this so-called "perfect mind?"
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Let me see if I can communicate this a bit more clearly: "I think, therefore I am" doesn't cut the muster when it comes to "perfect mind." From the perspective of a questionably "perfectly minded" creator, there must be some sort of criteria for "perfect mind" {in order for the term to hold any meaning.} With criteria, there must be some sort of checklist/mechanism to test this criteria. If you wish to avoid a self-referencing paradox fallacy (or fantasy-delusion,) this criteria/mechanism would then have to be independent of "perfect mind." (Does the term "perfect" leave any room for a possible self-referencing paradox fallacy? Does the term "perfect" leave any room for any sort of fallacy at all?)

Therefore, my conclusion, from the theoretical and conjectural perspective of a so-called "perfectly minded" creator, the only way to meet this criteria would be to create a free-willed being, not dependent upon the Creator's mind, who can then create independently from its creator, and confirm that the original "perfectly minded" creator is not delusional.

{I hope this makes sense. I'm under the influence of hormones, sugar, and Alice in Chains atm, so it might not be clear. I've also noticed I've been skipping words here and there, so clarity might be quite difficult for me to achieve right now.} :p