Your Daily Rant

To Whom it May Concern,

Why were you trying to steal my laundry? You have enough socks, plus you cannot fit my thermal bottoms!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

You're not the center of my universe. If I'm speaking to a neighbour in Russian, I'm under no obligation to translate, especially if I'm still learning the language! Additionally, I'm under no obligation to risk getting mauled by an angry :kitty: so you can "play" with it! They might get interested if you stopped smoking for about a year (The Trio don't like the smell of tobacco smoke.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

You have been warned about letting just anyone into the complex, and not just by neighbours! Everyone received the same notice! If you cannot read it yourself, ask someone to read/explain it to you! (Two other neighbours have restraining orders out on rather violent exes, and the rest of us don't need the "excitement"!)

To Whom it May Concern #2,

Recycling goes into special recycling bags. Certain papers don't get thrown out (she threw out the forms for The Trio, allowing them to remain in my flat.) Oh, and check to see if you turned on the coffeemaker (she could've caused a fire if I hadn't seen the little light turned on without having any water in the machine!)

To Whom it May Concern #3,

You aren't my "master". I don't need to tell you where I go and/or what I do with my time (I went to a live taping of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me in Milwaukee last Thursday that was broadcast this past weekend.) Leave me alone!

To Whom it May Concern #4,

I cannot drink Clammato juice due to allergies and the rabbi won't due to religious reasons (the rabbi is ultra-Orthodox Jewish.) Ditto the lady I had over last week (who is a practicing Muslim.) The product contains clam juice which can kill me!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

How difficult is it to empty your refrigerator? I emptied mine in less than an hour (found several items that I disposed of or need to soon.) You need to empty the refrigerator so it can be replaced. Hell, it took me longer to undo my computer setup so the person removing/setting up the new refrigerator could do what he needed to do than it took to do what was required.

You say that you didn't ask for one? Neither did I!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I don't qualify for Medicare due to being on the wrong side of sixty. Get it through your thick skulls and stop phoning me!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

I don't want to attend your wedding! Hell, I'd rather attend an autopsy!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

I don't want a free Easter meal delivery, I didn't want one for Christmas and I didn't want one for American Thanksgiving. Oh, and I don't qualify for them, either plus I'm allergic to the entree (which is often ham.) Just pass by my flat!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

Stop advertising that y'all are selling the recycling garbage bags if you don't carry them! I need them for my flat, and other people might need them, too!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

I'm not going to give you money that I don't have, plus I haven't had problems getting a refund for something I didn't actually purchase. Leave me the hell alone if you don't want to listen to my stories about interesting autopsies and/or train v automobile wrecks!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

You're a cismale. I appreciate that you're wearing a t-shirt, but cover your lower half too! I got scratched up a fair bit by The Trio who wanted to "play with the dangly bits"! The Trio have their full set of armament, which can be rather painful!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I can think of an easier way to save a bit of money every month: cut down on your cigarettes little by little. You won't need to "borrow" money from neighbours, plus your medical bills will be lower! Win-win situation!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

I had a fresh roll of quarters for my laundry in an old prescription bottle. You were the last human in my flat before it went missing.
You remind me of my older siblings who would "borrow" both my medications and my funds. That is not a compliment. I won't be getting my next roll until Thursday!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Mother Nature,

Make up your bloody mind!

Temperatures in Milwaukee today reached 66F. The meteorologists expect that tomorrow's high is going to be 27F. Perfect/Purrfect pneumonia weather! Oh, and they're expecting the four-letter-word-that-causes-more-four-letter-words this week!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

Milk chocolate contains an allergen: milk.

I'd expect complaints if there was undeclared milk in semisweet, bittersweet or unsweetened chocolate because it's not in the designation, therefore there ought to be a warning involving those (like when plain M&Ms had to issue a warning about peanuts for those who have peanut allergies.)

I cannot facepalmheaddeskwallbuilding enough for this!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

I had four dollars in quarters set aside for laundry.It's missing since you "visited" me (yes, she bloody entered my flat without my permission!)
Next time you cross my threshold, consider yourself defenestrated with your mouth taped shut so you cannot complain about how my clothes reek I don't have anyone who I can ask to use their washer/dryer (my friends, Tyler and America, used to let me use theirs when they lived in Milwaukee if I needed to.) Oh, and half of the other neighbours lose things/money after you "visit" them, as well. If you "need" money that bad, just reduce your cigarette intake. You'll find that you're going to have more money of your own for other things!

To Whom it May Concern #2 (aka Mother Nature,)

It's bloody spring. Why are you "sending"more of the four-letter-word-that-causes-even-more-four-letter-words? I don't need to get deathly ill with all of the stupid changing weather!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

I had four dollars in quarters set aside for laundry.It's missing since you "visited" me (yes, she bloody entered my flat without my permission!)
Next time you cross my threshold, consider yourself defenestrated with your mouth taped shut so you cannot complain about how my clothes reek I don't have anyone who I can ask to use their washer/dryer (my friends, Tyler and America, used to let me use theirs when they lived in Milwaukee if I needed to.) Oh, and half of the other neighbours lose things/money after you "visit" them, as well. If you "need" money that bad, just reduce your cigarette intake. You'll find that you're going to have more money of your own for other things!
Sorry that happened to you @Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine :(
To Whom it May Concern,

If youwon't put a blouse/top on, please close your robe! We don't need to see your "attributes""!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

If you don't want to listen to someone who actually is keeping up on the news, avoid talking to anyone in the building, especially me!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

I prefer to spend Passover alone. Leave me alone! Oh, and the sodas in the vending machine aren't for Passover, either (it was why I picked up a 2-liter and two boxes of tea yesterday.) The cap on the soda "told" me that it was okay to purchase!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

When I tell you that I'm feeling nauseous, you might want to let me by. Don't kvetch when I show you what I had just now. Oh, and I'm not able to have soda crackers due to it being Passover (RabbiO can explain why when he's back.)

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I understand that you want to see The Trio. They are beautiful :kitty:s, but they aren't like your stuffed animals. They are, to put it into Buddhist terms, sentient! Back off!!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

When you use the laundry room, put one load in at a time! One load doesn't mean stuff everything that you own in in one fell swoop. The fire department is getting sick and tired of putting out the fires that you're starting by having three loads in at a time! If you really need to do three loads at a time and you don't know how much is in a load, go down to the laundromat a few blocks away. They have the equipment to deal with triple loads!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

Why are you kveching about my broken blinds? I bloody demanded blackout blinds to block out the bloody flashing lights that appear outside my flat! And the lights go through the cheap blinds that are provided by the bloody PtBs! No, I don't open said blinds at night, no matter how often The Trio complain!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I wouldn't be a fair juror even if I lived in New York. I follow the news online, and I've followed Tangerine Palpatine's fiascos since before what happened in The Capitol back in 2021 Have you even bloody voted since registration?

To Whom it May Concern #3

You claim to want my assistance in getting a Pride flag, yet you don't want anything that isn't from the GOP. You say that all of my sources are anti-GOP and that they are "triggering". Make up your bloody MIND!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

You're not my mother, nor my owner. Back off!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

The person you were lecturing is an ESL, and his English is rather poor. If you cannot speak his first language, shut up! I was ready to knock you flat out to stop your diatribe! Oh, and The Trio is puking hairballs right now, so I'm guessing other nonhuman companions are, too.The ESL guy owns a service dog (a longhaired German Shepherd iirc.) If you really need to use a dryer, there are two others in the building that you can use.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

You nearly killed several neighbours by putting a mixture of chlorine bleach and some drain opener in your loo. Management had to call HazMat to deal with it!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

Why do y'all let the dangerous/"dangerous" neighbours remain in their flats? They're going to bloody kill either another neighbour or one of the nonhuman neighbours at some point! I want to keep The Trio for as long as possible, okay!?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

Where the fluff did you put my purse/bag? It has my wallet in it, which has my bus pass/health insurance card/university ID/state ID and my AARP card. Thank the PtBs that my social security card is in my "bank"'s file or I'd be royally screwed! I need the IDs in case I need to "powder my nose" and I get stopped by police and/or security to prove that I am legally allowed in a particular "loo" without submitting to a bloody strip search. You were the only person in my flat before it vanished

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I didn't "drop a dime" to INS about you I'm classier than that. Oh, and INS is interested in several neighbours for the same reason. I don't qualify for their scrutiny due to being a second generation American on dad's side and third generation American on mom's side. The same cannot be said about you!!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

Where the fluff did you put my purse/bag? It has my wallet in it, which has my bus pass/health insurance card/university ID/state ID and my AARP card. Thank the PtBs that my social security card is in my "bank"'s file or I'd be royally screwed! I need the IDs in case I need to "powder my nose" and I get stopped by police and/or security to prove that I am legally allowed in a particular "loo" without submitting to a bloody strip search. You were the only person in my flat before it vanished

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I didn't "drop a dime" to INS about you I'm classier than that. Oh, and INS is interested in several neighbours for the same reason. I don't qualify for their scrutiny due to being a second generation American on dad's side and third generation American on mom's side. The same cannot be said about you!!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Wow! Did you get your purse and cards back @Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine?