All Earthly Creatures

This from Milwaukee (Warning: might 😡 y'all off royally): 112 exotic animals rescued from a hoarder

A local (to me) house was raided by law enforcement after a report of over 100 animals were pretty much crammed into the house. Some of the animals were a baby aligator, a turkey, and a mountain goat. There were dead quail carcasses and small animal skelatons, too.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

A photo of two wolf pups along with an adult, howling.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
This from Milwaukee (Warning: might 😡 y'all off royally): 112 exotic animals rescued from a hoarder

A local (to me) house was raided by law enforcement after a report of over 100 animals were pretty much crammed into the house. Some of the animals were a baby aligator, a turkey, and a mountain goat. There were dead quail carcasses and small animal skelatons, too.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Whenever I read about people's pets, one incident always comes to mind. At a place that I worked, we had one guy, a nice man but not the sharpest tool in the box. One day he came to work in a foul mood and told us that he had been forced to give away his pet. Keeping pets was against the tenancy agreement, and somebody had reported him. "What did you have" we asked. "A Chinese monkey cat" he said adding that he had paid a lot of money for it.
So now we are really curious and asked what it looked like. His description was as follows. Looks like an ordinary cat but has stripes. Sometimes walks sideways like a crab and when there is a full moon it excretes (not the word he used) on the carpet and attacks the curtains.
It was the subject of many conversations but we never worked out what his pet was.
A 19-foot Burmese python was removed from the Everglades: 19-foot python removed from Everglades

In case the article is taken down, two men wrestled a record-breaking Burmese python, measuring 19-feet long. One of the men told reporters that they were heading back home at the end of their workday when they spotted what they thought was a 10-footer. Anyway, the duo donated the snake's carcass to a friend who works with the Florida Department of Wildlife.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine