Off limits discussion?

I actually meant do you want to report the 1on1 thread, that you referred to above? Do you want it closed?
No, I don't want it closed.

There are times I am mistaken. I don't think this is one of those times, but I am not so arrogant to think that others may see things differently than myself. I may have missed something that could, in theory, change my view.

I will say that the "rules" as laid out would require serious revision, for a start. But I still think it would lead to hurt feelings and bad attitudes spilling over onto the main boards.
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Ok. I do take your comments very seriously, Juan. I have the wrong temperament for this, really.

That is why in thread discussions I wish I could be treated just another poster, open to correction and complaint. I am too easily triggered.

The admin involves a bit of office work, approving new members, spam filters, emails and so on, as you know. And there is staff room discussion. But 'captaining the ship' is a different function.

Thanks for your help ;)
Just to speak as one who is not in a leadership position, early on I deferred to the judgement of the list leader and mods and asked them to delete and correct when I am not fully in control of my emotions. As far as I am concerned this is still in place.
I'm ok with it.

A short ban would be tough but I would understand and would continue to come here to read. A lifetime band however would be much harder... What am I trying to say... Over time I have come to love this list very much and really don't think I could do without it for long. I hate to admit it, but need to admit it, that I need the list a lot. :(
Agreed, but I see you dodged my questions.

How does cancelling or labelling as hatred encourage discussion?
This just speaks to my inability to get a point dont see your
I will say that the "rules" as laid out would require serious revision, for a start. But I still think it would lead to hurt feelings and bad
Therein lies the rub eh?
What am I trying to say... Over time I have come to love this list very much and really don't think I could do without it for long
This is what we are looking for...not pleasing everyone...but folks who are working on growing in understanding and providing that place for them.

Ya can please some of the people some of the time...
This just speaks to my inability to get a point dont see your

Therein lies the rub eh?

This is what we are looking for...not pleasing everyone...but folks who are working on growing in understanding and providing that place for them.
In my best Mad Hatter voice:

Contrariwise...apples and oranges.

I am speaking of and advocating for "peaceful, polite" discussion, and advocating against an aggressive "gladiatorial" combative method that is certain to cause ill will and hard feelings.

You've known me how long? And you know full well I can conduct myself politely when addressed politely. This person was not here to be polite. I can demonstrate, but it should be self evident. He was another incarnation of a "modern day prophet" here to play his tune and siphon off whatever groupies he could manage. I guarantee, he was not here for polite discussion. He was given opportunities he wanted nothing to do with, and he couldn't even follow his own debate rules. Was I out of line? Perhaps, but that hasn't stopped me before, so it should come as no surprise now.

Bottom line is I was acting to protect this site and the members here, as I have always done. And I will continue to do so.
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He was another incarnation of a "modern day prophet" here to play his tune and siphon off whatever groupies he could manage. I guarantee, he was not here for polite discussion. He was given opportunities he wanted nothing to do with, and he couldn't even follow his own debate rules. Was I out of line? Perhaps, but that hasn't stopped me before, so it should come as no surprise now.

Bottom line is I was acting to protect this site and the members here, as I have always done. And I will continue to do so.

Juan, I get confused here quite a bit, but I think I know who your are talking about... I'm in contact with him, I just can't let anyone go it seems. Someone or someones got to be the catcher in the rye. I might be the next one that needs picking up, hopefully someone will be there for me too. :( I'm not saying I'm better than him, no one is as bad as me, but I have a hard time with other people being lonely and having no place to go.
Again it is the dance eh?

There but bye the grace of G!d go eye!

The choice to weed or fertilize, thin or transplant, prune or clone.

The struggle is real, we've all dealt with the prophets. Know it all's, conspiracy theorists...can we foment change in behaviour?
Bottom line is I was acting to protect this site and the members here, as I have always done. And I will continue to do so.
Big hugz brother...all is appreciated!

But the question is why? Can you put in a few sentences what you dream this site could be/do? And why do you feel it important to participate in tje site as we are now?
I don't have words. Something in my heart told me it was time to check in. I did not know why.

But I think I am beginning to understand. Welcome back. You have been sorely missed.
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Can you put in a few sentences what you dream this site could be/do? And why do you feel it important to participate in the site as we are now?
I have too much invested here to let it go. Too many years. Too many in depth, heartfelt explorations. You can't know the agony of being banned from my own children.

Hopeless romantic that I am, I can hope for a return to something like the old days. I realize that is a fool's hope, the only thing that remains the same is change. But there is still room for thoughtful explorations.

There are too many answers here now, and not enough questions. As I said the other day, questions invite discussion. The flip side is that answers eliminate discussion.
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I have too much invested here to let it go. Too many years. Too many in depth, heartfelt explorations. You can't know the agony of being banned from my own children.

Hopeless romantic that I am, I can hope for a return to something like the old days. I realize that is a fool's hope, the only thing that remains the same is change. But there is still room for thoughtful explorations.

There are too many answers here now, and not enough questions. As I said the other day, questions invite discussion. The flip side is that answers eliminate discussion.

Juan, this has me curious, so I have a question. What in the world could have cause you to be banned? I mean, you are sharp and concise but I have never seen anything in a post of yours that was ban-worthy? I remember reading some of your posts then all of a sudden you were not there... and I'm going, what the hell?

I'm not a part of the original band of misfits herr so sometimes I miss the nuances. I came along at a different time, so in a sense I am still a fairly new member. I am happy to say that my participation is now on the rise, however, and I find more freedom in posting than I ever have before. Some even seem interested in what I have to say? o_O This, as a social phobic, is beyond my ken.
There are many times when I have avoided decorum, gone beyond the pale, and when in the moment been confronted with my infraction due to a report by someone else and I was too stuck on being right rather than the goal of discussion.

It happens...that is why the mission needs to be clear. We have always fought the prophets and pontificators, the teachers and zealots who come here to tell us what the only true and correct interpretation of someones ancient text is.

But sometimes we get caught up on a thread and we become that which we just purported to be wrong a minute or month ago....that which we resist persists...i have seen the enemy and it is me.

It gets tricky sometimes.
But sometimes we get caught up on a thread and we become that which we just purported to be wrong a minute or month ago....that which we resist persists...i have seen the enemy and it is me.

It gets tricky sometimes.
And that's why it's good that someone steps forward and says so. Thanks guys: I'm listening ...
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The problem recently has not been that someone believes what they do, but the obsessive need to dismantle what others believe -- without a reasonably decent knowledge of what they actually do believe or of their scriptures -- backed up by quick forrays into Wikipedia for ammunition.

So the difficulty becomes whether to stand aside and see mistruths and half-truths about a faith/religion propagated on the internet, where they will continue to remain and be shared, or to step in and try to correct them?
If the buck doesn't stop here, where does it?
You were buried. We had to work to get you back ...