Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women.


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Was talking to Juantoo and he used the model of yin and yang, how yin is the shadow, the opposite, evil, disorder, and feminine. The yang is order. good, the light but that is not how G-d says where women and men are they are all light with him. He and I were talking about this but wanted to add this about women's part in the plan of G-d.

Juantoo is not depicting nothing negative he made model but was talking about something else but I brought this up. He is A good friend Juantoo.

What are gifts G-d gave to the women.

1. Gift the one of birth, the power of creation man does not have it only women have it. A gift only women have and authority it is never meant to have pains and suffer to give birth. But original before the devil interfered we were never meant to suffer.

2. G-d said he will give powers of visions and dreams. There women prophets like deborah and Huldah.

this is just A start so tell me what gifts or powers G-d gives woman ;D.
yin is the shadow, the opposite, evil, disorder, and feminine. The yang is order, good, the light
No offence, but that is wrong.

The yin/yang Primal Opposites of the I Ching are NOT an explanation of good and evil.

Is a positive proton good, and is a negative electron evil?

I Ching Introduction

'The second theme fundamental to the Book of Changes is its theory of ideas. The eight trigrams are images not so much of objects as of states of change. This view is associated with the concept expressed in the teachings of Lao-tse, as also in those of Confucius, that every event in the visible world is the effect of an "image," that is, of an idea in the unseen world.

Accordingly, everything that happens on earth is only a reproduction, as it were, of an event in a world beyond our sense perception, as regards its occurrence in time, it is later than the suprasensible event. The holy men and sages, who are in contact with those higher spheres, have access to these ideas through direct intuition and are therefore able to intervene decisively in events in the world.

Thus man is linked with heaven, the suprasensible world of ideas, and with earth, the material world of visible things, to form with these a trinity of the primal powers.'
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The vertical yin/yang polarity of the early heaven or primal/spirit arrangement of the trigrams (on the right) has the opposites of fire and water on the horizontal axis.

In the later heaven/nature arrangement of the trigrams (on the left), the fire/water axis changes to become the vertical, and the other trigrams become scattered from their original primal polarities.

Spirit surrounds and imbues nature, as the two arrangements weave and change and interact.

The I Ching/Book of Changes is a fascinating study, imo

Much more here:
Search under I Ching/Yijing links
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Okay i just did it fast there is more to yin and yang i'm just making good arguments about women and thier part in the bible which is important and there is misconception and A lot of women I know go to third eye and all that stuff thinking they find thier purpose in life and it is not their but in the bible. Get the thing that women can't do anything and the law only serves men and they don't ahve part or recieve nothing.

Just do simple things in life but G-d used women to save Israel and guide it and they have A part that is important and G-d wants it done. So I drft of many things and soon will post it believe will be good for all to help women get to heaven.
Was talking to Juantoo and he used the model of yin and yang, how yin is the shadow, the opposite, evil, disorder, and feminine. The yang is order. good, the light but that is not how G-d says where women and men are they are all light with him. He and I were talking about this but wanted to add this about women's part in the plan of G-d.

Juantoo is not depicting nothing negative he made model but was talking about something else but I brought this up.
I want to believe you mean well, and I do understand that sometimes people misunderstand....but I went to lengths, even repeated the quote specifically for your benefit, about Yin/Yang *not* being about Good and Evil. I want that to be absolutely clear.

Think of electricity...is the positive pole "good" and the negative pole "evil?" No. Yin/Yang is like electricity in that sense. Attributing something to me I specifically *did not say* is the same as lying about me.

What are gifts G-d gave to the women.

1. Gift the one of birth, the power of creation man does not have it only women have it. A gift only women have and authority it is never meant to have pains and suffer to give birth. But original before the devil interfered we were never meant to suffer.

2. G-d said he will give powers of visions and dreams. There women prophets like deborah and Huldah.

this is just A start so tell me what gifts or powers G-d gives woman ;D.
G!d gave many gifts to many humans. Did you read of the construction of the Jewish Temple?

"The pillar on the south of the entrance which was called Jachin, and one on the north named Boaz."

Boaz means Strength, Jachin means Beauty. Those are the two fundamental attributes among humans. Women were given beauty as their attribute (when in most cases among higher animals in nature it is the male that is more attractive looking - quite contrary to evolution I should think), Men were given strength as their attribute.

This is only a hint into the deeper study that begins in Judaism. Nothing intrinsically evil about it.

Isaiah 45:7 Context

4For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. 5I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: 6That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. 7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. 8Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it. 9Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? 10Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?
Quick question for you, David:

5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Deuteronomy 22:5 KJV

So, if a woman is not supposed to wear a man's garment, and men wore skirts when this was written, are women allowed to wear skirts today?
Okay i just did it fast there is more to yin and yang i'm just making good arguments about women and their part in the bible which is important and there is misconception and A lot of women I know go to third eye and all that stuff thinking they find their purpose in life and it is not their but in the bible. Get the thing that women can't do anything and the law only serves men and they don't have part or receive nothing.
Ah, I understand what you mean. Women feel excluded by scripture. I suppose much stems from the tribal times it was written, when sons added strength to the military, etc. Nowadays there are women in government, and in most professions – and even captain of the Starship Enterprise, lol -- yet still given a secondary and inferior role by religion.

It’s a big subject. Do you have some verses, to kick off with?
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i'm just making good arguments about women
Who determines if you are making good arguments?

How about a few questions so I can understand where you are coming from.

*should women receive the same salary as men for same job?

*are there jobs that should be reserved for only men or only women?

*should women be in charge of their own health care decisions?
*are there jobs that should be reserved for only men or only women?
I've met women who seem to think so. I know of a gay man who went through the schooling to be a midwife, and when the time came women in labor refused to have him assist. Does that make those women homophobic? Does that make those women discriminatory?

Show me (not just tell) ten women willing to get grungy dirty *every day* to earn a living. Show me women willing to slog through mud on a regular basis to earn a paycheck, or willing to climb ladders to be on a hot roof in the middle of summer with mandatory hard hats because Superman might fly over and spit on them, breathing noxious fumes for hours at a time, and come home with grunge that refuses to scrub off. Show me women willing to get elbow deep in feces fixing toilets for a living. Show me women willing to be past their elbows in axle grease or brake fluid while rolling around on a creeper underneath a car and who can't get the last bit of grunge from under their fingernails no matter how many times they wash their hands...every day, for a paycheck. Show me women willing to ooomph 1/2 inch plywood two sheets at a time up a gangplank and two sets of stairs, or ten 2x4 studs on their shoulder all day long stacking up a framing job.

You will find one or two, out to prove some kind of point. But most women, if they can't wear makeup and heels, they aren't about to do it to earn a paycheck. Such work is beneath them. That's discrimination...
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Show me (not just tell) ten women willing to get grungy dirty *every day* to earn a living.
Come on over here, then. More than ten on my block alone.

Edit: a carpenter, a car mechanic (oil and all), a metal worker (arc welding etc), a couple of truck drivers and construction workers, and an all-women house project where they are renovating everything themselves.

Then there are those who, while working office jobs, have vegetable gardens, or are in larger garden projects.

I guess I shouldn't generalize these, judging from your report women in your environment behave differently.
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You will find one or two, out to prove some kind of point. But most women, if they can't wear makeup and heels, they aren't about to do it to earn a paycheck. Such work is beneath them. That's discrimination...
Never been in a field of migrants picking crops?

I have worked with women plumbers, pile drivers, carpenters and electricians. It is true they dont all have the muscle and brawn to do the job...but some sure do. Ya oughta to to a womens football game in the rain...sweat and mud.

Whew, I am surprised at that post dude.
Well as someone with a Catholic heritage as far as misogyny goes, I've not got a leg to stand on.

St Simon Stylites, for one. Would stand on his pillar and preach for hours to the crowd, but heaven help her if a woman passed his sightline, he'd get apoplectic with rage against her and all women..

My daughter, who did her degree in Philosophy & Religion, once listed incidents of casual misogyny in the Fathers and later Scholastics.

Curiously, I was reading about an odd Buddhist practice: the contemplation of a deceased and decomposing body – a lesson in the transience of all things – and there was a commentary on how the feminine came to embody the transience and ephemerality of beauty, and thence a short step to the feminine embodying everything that was wrong and disgusting, so menstruation, childbirth – dirty. Women are there to tempt men to sin, etc., etc.

It's evident in all traditions that the onus is on the woman to hide herself, while men are treated as poor, helpless, innocent victims of their evil wiles ...

Yesterday looking at Shinto mythology and the role of the female shaman, notably the medium, a means by which women saw to empower themselves, and as a mouthpiece of the Gods, became seen by men as representing a dark and dangerous 'feminine power', so they were hounded out, marginalised, silenced by the state.

... Everywhere in the religious traditions, East and West, we can readily find examples of men who evidently felt threatened by womanhood and took active steps to curtail and control the female expression ... Patriarchy and Power ...

(And wasn't Crowley dependent upon a woman as the source for his philosophical musings?)
As I said before ...

The angel Gabriel appears to Mary and says she will bear a child.

Mary consents.

He does not appear to Joseph at all, in fact Joseph only learns of things through dreams ... that should signal something.

(Not least that the testimony of Mary would carry no weight whatsoever as two witnesses were required when women give evidence. Her own witness would be insufficient. Had Mary been put on trial for blasphemy, she'd have lost... )

The risen Christ appears to Mary Magdalene before anyone else, and tells her to tell the others. She is called 'the Apostle to the Apostles', but there is no apostolic role for women in the hierarchy.

The portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute derives from a sermon delivered by Pope Gregory I in 591, when he conflated Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and the unnamed "sinful woman" who anointed Jesus's feet (Luke 7:36–50).

This gave rise to the common belief that she was a repentant prostitute or at least a promiscuous woman.

In fact Mary Magdalene was a woman of some wealth who funded Jesus' ministry. No sin is imputed to her, although she was healed and exorcised of 'seven devils' by Jesus (Mark 16:9), but as Luke notes, these demons could be infirmities of which she is healed (Luke 8:2), rather than evil temperament or sinful ways.

During the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the church emphasised Mary Magdalene as a symbol of penance...

Not until 1969 was the misidentification of Mary Magdalene as the "sinful woman" removed from the Roman Calendar, but the view of her as a former prostitute persists in popular culture.

Seems to me that when it comes to women and the Bible, we should acknowledge there is a degree of 'mixed messaging', or perhaps that men have ignored the implication of Scripture, but rather revert to longstanding tribal norms.
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Never been in a field of migrants picking crops?
Yes I have, have you?

And for the record, dirt washes off. A home garden is quaint, but that is not getting filthy for a paycheck with the kind of dirt that doesn't wash off.

So, if I were to stop by, you could introduce me personally to every one of these women...they aren't some imaginary thing pulled out of a hat just to discredit me? As I said, I've known a few (as in exactly 3, out of how many thousands I've been acquainted with over the years), none live in my neighborhood now...and my neighborhood is nothing exceptional, nothing fancy, standard mixed-race working lower middle class neighborhood.

And for the record, I see no comment regarding women discriminating against a male midwife - so you agree it is OK for women to prejudicially discriminate? I'm surprised you agree with this.

In my book it doesn't matter gender, it doesn't matter color of skin, it doesn't matter socio-economic status, it doesn't matter intellect or education, it doesn't matter ability or disability....discrimination is discrimination, and it is wrong.
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Thomas said:
(And wasn't Crowley dependent upon a woman as the source for his philosophical musings?)

I understand Crowley was more interested in same-sex to work his "experiments." At least one of his early students left over that issue.
And for the record, I see no comment regarding women discriminating against a male midwife - so you agree it is OK for women to prejudicially discriminate? I'm surprised you agree with this.

they aren't some imaginary thing pulled out of a hat just to discredit me?

Relax. No-one's out to get you. You set that double bind up all by yourself, you sprang it yourself. Feeling better?
lets think about the special thing there is substantial verses and stories and gives women her important stuff. I'm looking at verses and finding more information will make A special argument if you have anything of verses ;d be so kindly to share.
123 I have not been around migrant farmworkers in decades...but in the 70s in California I saw quite a few living in the housing farmers provided...and that dirt does wash off...but when you are out sorting and picking in fields that dirt is under the fingernails for months at a time..dirty job.

I know plenty of women that choose a female gyno over a male. It is employers that cant discriminate...not customers...we do that all the time.

Women were our computer programmers because typing was beneath men to do...until they pushed women out and back into the secretarial pool.

Again this entire thread seems to be defending the patriarchy with biblical passages...same way we justified abusing immigrants, blacks, slaves, women, the poor for centuries....the bible tells me so...

Sorry this is exactly the reason religions are losing and will continue to lose their global percentages. And the reason missionaries have to go to developing nations to recruit more....cause that crap aint flying no more.
Mostly I agree with you.

My step-Father was Mexican, yes, I have been in the fields to earn some money when I was in High School, and I have lived for a time in that "migrant farm worker housing." I've also watched that same step-Father, whom I hold in highest regard, do some things for a paycheck that make my stomach curdle...exactly the kind of work I'm on about.