Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women.

Said it before ...
The Annunciation was to a woman, not a man,
The Resurrection was declared first to a woman, not a man.

That says something to me ...

Patriarchal misogyny has played these down ever since.
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Imo Christ never disparaged women, or any other group of people. The only people Christ spoke strongly against were religious hypocrites -- as he would probably do today? It is Paul who wanted to keep women 'in their place' drawing from the Old Testament imo?
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Imo Christ never disparaged women, or any other group of people.
Mt 15:22 and following hits close to both marks... comparing the Canaanite woman to a dog and refusing to help her daughter. Her faith and persistence (and good humor at the insult) makes him change his mind.
Mt 15:22 and following hits close to both marks... comparing the Canaanite woman to a dog and refusing to help her daughter. Her faith and persistence (and good humor at the insult) makes him change his mind.
Ok. It's rather cryptic. But I don't see Jesus calling the woman a dog because she was a woman -- as a Cananite or as a non-Jew perhaps, but even then ...?
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Agreed. It was the closest I could think of.
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My various contemplations on the text.

Jesus said he was only here to work with house of Israel....did she awaken/quicken his understanding that he was here to save the world?

That our mission is not so narrow? That we need to look beyond what we deem as our scope?

Metaphysical meaning of Cainan (mbd)
Cainan (more properly Kenan), cå-i'nan (Heb.)--possessor; acquisitor; centralizer; one who fixes and establishes his center; acquisition.

Named twice in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Luke 3:36, 37); the second Cainan in this genealogy is called Kenan in Genesis 5:9.

Meta. Cainan, named in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, and meaning possessor, centralizer, one who fixes and establishes his center, symbolizes the establishing of one's outer consciousness and organism in the truth that the whole man, even the body, is in essence spiritual. Thus does one prepare oneself for the new or Christ birth. Through this new birth, even the very outermost phase of man's organism undergoes a change from seeming material to spiritual expression and manifestation--the body takes on its real spiritual nature.

That seems to apply...

Some wiki insights

The word "Canaanites" serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations—both settled and nomadic-pastoral groups—throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan.[2] It is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible.[3]In the Book of Joshua, Canaanites are included in a list of nations to exterminate,[4] and later described as a group which the Israelites had annihilated

Looks like we have been holding indigenous peoples in low regard for quite a while...the Jewish colonists were no different when it came to taking over the land of milk and honey?

Again I see this as a watershed moment for our saviour...seeing there is more to his mission.

I tend to view all of this happening in my head, opening my mind (Paul admonishes us to put Christ mind in our mind) raising up my mind to understand there is more for me to do as well, personal ingrained or old barriers to be taken down. All valuable as we struggle with BLM, Me too, LGTBQIA+ rights....AND our past actions with indigenous peoples.

Coincidence or correlation we still refer to those perceived as lesser than us dogs....er canines.

I never know where the circumambulation of a passage will take me...but thoroughly enjoy the twists and turns and internal growth that stacks up.

Is it time to make an adjustment to the center of my being based on what I am encountering in life and thought? Thanx for this rabbit hole!
This incident is recorded in Mark (7:21-28) and Matthew (15:25-30).

Matthew uses the older name, Canaan, whereas Matthew uses the more modern Syrophenicia. She is a Gentile. As Mark explains, Jesus has left his normal mission-grounds and gone, in the hope of seeking anonymity, around Tyre and Sidon, but He is recognised and crowds gather.

She seeks Him out, and asks for a healing. His disciples ask Him to send her away, she's a Gentile. He says:
"Suffer first the children to be filled: for it is not good to take the bread of the children, and cast it to the dogs."

The 'children' is Isreal; the 'dogs' is a reference used by Jewish writers with regard to Gentiles – so it's not against the woman, so much as the people. I would not read any kind of misogyny into this response.

Jesus' response would seem to fit with Jesus self-identification as the saviour of Isreal. However, she comes back with"
"Yea, Lord; for the whelps also eat under the table of the crumbs of the children."
She addresses Him as 'Lord', which one might not expect a Gentile to do, but it's clear she knows He's a wonder-worker. She also uses the diminutive term for dogs – puppies – and seems to accept that the table is laid for Isreal, but the Gentile can benefit by it, it's the one Lord over all.

He, in turn, admires her for her faith – in Matthew it is 'great is thy faith'. He accedes to her request and the child is healed, apparently instantaneously.

The question then devolves to, does she, as a non-Jew, enlighten Jesus to the idea that His mission is to the world, and not just the Jews? I don't think so, as Jesus had cured the Centurion's daughter previously, and again because the man showed faith in His authority.

I wonder was this a lesson more for the benefit of the disciples, and us, to remind us that no-one is denied the love of God.
i'm finish with the script of the episode vey soon going to unleash A very powerful episode it will reveal important things from since genesis to the before the mosaic law of how women do the plan of G-d, to in the middle of the mosaic law and then after the mosaic law to Jesus. Sorry but women and their part is very complicated not as so much as episode 12 that one was 12 years of hard studying to show that. But the most improtant thing and what is their power will be shown ;D.
Why they have hair, gift of birth, gift of singing, and the law. Know that God gave laws to protect women and made A huge research about it took me 4 months of research. Know that very serious about it. And why women in proverbs 8-9 chapters women represent wisdom and are part of God characters. God says he is A woman, Hen mother covering his chicklings which is Israel, A mother Bear, and A mother eagle. God uses hammers, arrows, lightning, and consuming to represent himself in the bible. The high points in the law, the equal points in the law like selling property is the one thing that makes men and women equal.

Women and men can own slaves well those are equal parts of the law of moses. And the low status parts in the law like only men can file for divorce, men can go to war women can’t, women can’t be priestess, women can’t be judges in court systems , and women can’t be queens but their have been one exception of one women been queen in Israel history in 2 kings book. Also it explains the heart why the heart to have the heart God wants for it we must have 6 things.

The laws of genesis 1:26-28 and another one in genesis which are his commandments, the other is the law of moses written your heart, later how love is fulfillment of the law jesus says. The section will reveal what is the will of the lord and it is his commandments psalm 40:8 his laws are in your heart and so his will is his commandments and all of it the laws, prophecies, and what is his word is his commandments. So what else does he says are his commandments in order to complete the law he gave in genesis and the mosaic law ? He said fulfill them you love god and your neighbor and you will fulfill the law. Simple as that to have the heart of A child matthew 18:2-4 you want to enter heaven you must be like A child. What is the will 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks, to have A heart of A child, A heart of thanks, to have the laws of genesis, and the law of moses and another 2 things more.

And fulfill them with love and love thy father and neighbors you completed the law it is very complete what is in the episode it has more stuff like the hard things women do to fullfil the law, the singing and praising, and more.
Know that their is more information and property A women can have it their is a law that if a man dies and brother does not want to marry. The wife goes to council they remove his sandal and the women slaps that brother and she keeps the property. Know A women can have property and keep it. Many things the bible has influence the english in the magna carta and other things in laws in western culture.

And also God originally is not man or women he says he is consuming fire originally when created the universe but bear, hammer, arrows, thunder as his voice, coming as Jesus as A man, being A women who gave birth, and mother hen are things that represent him and his character for he is a mysterious God. And he only lets us know few things about all of him because he is powerful and his ways are mysterious.

Their many more things like the hardships women face in the bible and thanks to their wise decisions like rebekah treachery and things they help men to complete the law and the heart things throughout history. Women have sacrificied everything if it weren’t for women like Esther to save her people, women like Deborah even though she killed, and women like the daughter in law of Judah who lost his sons but her daughter in law trick her to sleep with him. And save the bloodline of Judah for he was old. The kingdoms of Israel would of not existed and the state of Israel would of not of existed. Thanks to those brave women even though it brings debate and contradiction of tieir actions remember Abraham lied, Jacob lied and tricked Laban and other prophets did the same in order to accomplish the will of God.

We are no one to judge he will judge it all but everything in life wether bad or good will work in the end to make great things like Israel and the path for Israel to teach and give the word of God to all. Women have important part in the will of God and his plan. Read about the plan of God that the will is to make his plan A reality.
So you think women's hair naturally grows longer than men's?

Me thinks it is called style.

If that is not the case...why did Jesus wear his hair like a woman?
The guy second from our left, auburn hair and white outfit ... I have a curious aversion to that image.
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Yes it is interesting all the images of the long hair Jesus...much more common than shorn.

Still wanna know with all the long hair in antiquity how it became a female thing.
He had Nazarite vow like samson why and women can keep that too.
Jesus drank wine, so he was not a Nazarite, although he was a Nazarene, from Nazareth. John the Baptist was probably a Nazarite, imo
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made A huge research about it took me 4 months of research. Know that very serious about it.

Awesome, thanks for sharing your results!

Further down, you mention the feminine aspects of God, the protective, nurturing ones and also the fierce feminine ones like the bear. Are you familiar with the term "Shechinah"? It also draws on scripture such as these.

We are no one to judge he will judge it all but everything in life wether bad or good will work in the end to make great things like Israel and the path for Israel to teach and give the word of God to all. Women have important part in the will of God and his plan. Read about the plan of God that the will is to make his plan A reality.

Abraham argued with God about one of his plans. So did Moses. So did others, Jonah, Job famously. So did Jesus, in the garden, sort of. How did the modern idea of following God's plans unquestioningly come about?

Not questioning your faith, but interested in your opinion.