COVID Vax thoughts

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Thinking out loud. I couldn't find the journal forum I think someone mentioned awhile back. I couldn't find if I mentioned this before in the 84 posts on this forum so far.

Where did the negativity between vax/unvax come from from a "ground level" perspective?

I see it the government, news, and social media but in person it makes me wonder.

1. My friend tells me she loathes anyone who doesn't get the covid vaccine without legitimate excuse. I never known her to be like that.

2. I called a warm line (talk line but not for suicidal intentions) and wanted to get things out and the first thing the lady ask was "why aren't you vaccinated?"

3. Likewise when I saw my last therapist before quitting altogether (long story), he asked as if I made the wrong decision, but his ethics prevented him to go any further.

4. My mother had to get vaccinated (she is against it) to keep her job. When she went to the pharmacy she said after she got her vax everyone clapped and said she made the right decision

I know people fear getting COVID so getting the vax is worth the relief in anxiety. I know people fear the vaccine.... in both cases I believe a lot of it is media fueled. However, I know I'm not the only one sitting in observation. I know I said its media fueled but to me that's a cop out answer. I know we're trying to save the world (no pun) but sometimes I think many of us are contradicting our morals because of this. I read questions on social media asking if a non-religious person (in this context, morals that arent spiritually motivated) can have morals just as a religious person. The non-religious quoted "do unto others..." and similar neutral sentiments that may be shared by all faiths bible included.

However, I don't see that these COVID vaccination mentality interactions. I mean, Walmart doesn't require masks and some stranger just interrupted my conversation and said, "wear a mask." I know there is fear but I'm sure that's not the only answer-or at least its deeper than that, right?
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Where did the negativity between vax/unvax come from from a "ground level" perspective?
There is a growing tendency to vociferousness on all sides of all arguments, I think it's an unfortunate side-effect of social media, the anonymity of which allows prejudice free rein, and then this permeates outward ... local circumstance, Trump in the US and Johnson in the UK have polarised issues more.

1. My friend tells me she loathes anyone who doesn't get the covid vaccine without legitimate excuse. I never known her to be like that.
That's the kind of thing I mean.

the first thing the lady ask was "why aren't you vaccinated?"
I think this is a general question. As far as I know, there is no good reason not to. There was a lot of talk about side-effects, but unfounded and/or just made up. So far no serious side effects have emerged, and none in significant number?

People with genuine anti-vax views may well be misled or misinformed, but a lot, and often the most vocifierous, are also angry about everything, the vaccine is just something else to latch on to. So a noisy proportion belong to conspiracy-theory fantasyland.

My mother had to get vaccinated (she is against it) to keep her job. When she went to the pharmacy she said after she got her vax everyone clapped and said she made the right decision.
Well even now, the majority by far of ICU and hospital admissions are taken up by people who have not vaccinated.

So while some medics are against enforced vaccination, they're still for it.

I know people fear the vaccine.... in both cases I believe a lot of it is media fueled.
Yes, but it's largely ill-informed and unregulated media – social media platforms – the science says otherwise.

A problem with anti-vax is it increases the chances of infection, and thereby of spreading to and infecting others – so there's a social responsibility element to it, whereas my religious belief is my own affair.

The vax debate plays into the fake news playbook.
Anyway, they're removing all covid restrictions in England in 2 weeks, so hopefully there'll no longer be need for arguments -- though no doubt the determined will still find a way
There is a growing tendency to vociferousness on all sides of all arguments, I think it's an unfortunate side-effect of social media, the anonymity of which allows prejudice free rein, and then this permeates outward ... local circumstance, Trump in the US and Johnson in the UK have polarised issues more.

That's the kind of thing I mean.

I think this is a general question. As far as I know, there is no good reason not to. There was a lot of talk about side-effects, but unfounded and/or just made up. So far no serious side effects have emerged, and none in significant number?

People with genuine anti-vax views may well be misled or misinformed, but a lot, and often the most vocifierous, are also angry about everything, the vaccine is just something else to latch on to. So a noisy proportion belong to conspiracy-theory fantasyland.

Well even now, the majority by far of ICU and hospital admissions are taken up by people who have not vaccinated.

So while some medics are against enforced vaccination, they're still for it.

Yes, but it's largely ill-informed and unregulated media – social media platforms – the science says otherwise.

A problem with anti-vax is it increases the chances of infection, and thereby of spreading to and infecting others – so there's a social responsibility element to it, whereas my religious belief is my own affair.

The vax debate plays into the fake news playbook.

Media does have an influence for sure. My friend doesn't use social media given her job. However, news tend to highlight getting the vax and devalue the opposite. It's very one sided I'm genuinely surprised people don't see it (or it supports their beliefs?)

I get "why didn't you..." a lot in conversation. Mostly because of a combination of things...surprise/wrong decision/you're not one of us. It influenced the nature of the conversation. What confirmed it was when I called again weeks later she asked and I was talking of so mething else. Kind of like feeling she had an unanswered question. It reminds me of many theist who don't understand how a person doesn't believe in God.

I understand the common reasons to vax from vaccinated individuals, but the underlining negativity passive or aggressive is on both sides...but if it's solely media do people see it for themselves the infection?

Both vax and unvax?
(Least from an in person perspective?)
Anyway, they're removing all covid restrictions in England in 2 weeks, so hopefully there'll no longer be need for arguments -- though no doubt the determined will still find a way

Some of the states are lifting mask restrictions. There's a huge issue with children wearing masks. Our governor lifted mandatory masks and let the decision be made by parents. The schools took him to court. I agree with letting the parents decide. Most parents would, I'm assuming.
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Anyway, they're removing all covid restrictions in England in 2 weeks, so hopefully there'll no longer be need for arguments -- though no doubt the determined will still find a way

We like to argue...

Vax or no vax is just about our acceptable level of deaths vs our freedom.

We do the same with cars, guns, tobacco, alcohol...
We have achieved the acceptable level now...but unfortunately the unvaxxed will continual to fill hospital beds for years to come and that knee or hip replacement will wait.
..unfortunately the unvaxxed will continual to fill hospital beds for years to come and that knee or hip replacement will wait..
That's rather dramatic..
This type of "blame game" is a favorite of satan, who was the one to bring the infection to us all in the first place. :(
The greatest supporters of being vaccinated are often the ones who travel the most.

They still carry infections, you know.
Why can't everybody just keep away and mind their own business. ;)

We like to argue...

Vax or no vax is just about our acceptable level of deaths vs our freedom.

We do the same with cars, guns, tobacco, alcohol...
We have achieved the acceptable level now...but unfortunately the unvaxxed will continual to fill hospital beds for years to come and that knee or hip replacement will wait.

I never got that dynamic. Unvaccinated don't go to hospitals by choice. There's a fallacy involved and media keeps blaming things on unvaxed and like in my OP it causes negativity and people fall for it. Its saying that unvax should get vax or they'd suffer discrimination cause it's their fault.

I've read that people want to kick unvax out of hospital beds and since most are unvax that's majority of patients.

Why do we just take up these media comments as facts...the intention behind it?

The risk of getting COVID needs to be higher that the need for the vaccine is warranted because of the risk. We are told whose at fault, told whose in hospital beds,and even told how to feel and behave. We are being told the risk but do we ascertain these things for ourselves?

It's like watching media and government throwing anything and everything and people just soup it up, and the problem is how people are treated when they are mindfully skeptical.

This is one of the things I see per my OP.
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Simply put: Though small, the risk of permanent heart damage to young men from vaccination side effects, far exceeds their risk of health damage from covid.
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Hypothetical example: As an elder person in the vulnerable demographic, is it ethical I advise young men to risk vaccination side effects to increase my own chances of living beyond life expectancy?
Have no doubt it is possible to post 24 hrs of accounts of verified vaccination side effects ...

The fact they're uncommon has to be balanced against the fact that damaging covid health effects are uncommon too, in the majority of people
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We have it well established I believe that the vax does not stop the bug....we AI t figured that out yet.

But if you get the bug your chances of hospitalization or death are greatly reduced...vs. Unvaxxed.

That obviously reduces burden on hospital staff. I choose to reduce their burden, they have been dying to help us.

None of the folx I have met with long covid symptoms are happy either. Choices (he says at a festival with 5k vs vaxxed folks)
We have it well established I believe that the vax does not stop the bug....we AI t figured that out yet.

But if you get the bug your chances of hospitalization or death are greatly reduced...vs. Unvaxxed.

That obviously reduces burden on hospital staff. I choose to reduce their burden, they have been dying to help us.

None of the folx I have met with long covid symptoms are happy either. Choices (he says at a festival with 5k vs vaxxed folks)

How do you literally reduce the burden unless you're already sick and they said get the vax...and you do so you can give the bed to someone who needs it. But if your risk of getting COVID is low and you're not in the hospital how are you lessening the burden?

Mentally, yes. It's human to emphasize and believe we're doing right for humanity as a whole by our actions (no pun), but this question is are you lessening the burden?

I mean, as unvaxed I can say I'm lessening the burden by taking other precautions to not get sick.

What's the difference between the two given we aren't in the hospital taking up beds?
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Since we cannot nail down any claims of validity coming from either side of the vaccine debate.

One observance that I have been seeing a lot is heart attacks amongst the vaccinated groups. This lifts the strain on hospitals, but has anyone thought about the funeral homes and the strain they have placed on them.

I have lost several friends, vaccinated friends and so much more to this vaccine, I hope all of this comes to light one day and those involved get what’s coming to them.

Vaxxed or unvaxxed is (or should be) a personal choice (unless you are a public servant or a health care provider.) What I see people losing their minds over is the masks.

