Scientific Proofs Authenticating GOD Is PERSONALITY and Physical Proofs of GOD's Living Reality!...


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Mexico City
by LuisMarco (38, born and living in Mexico City):

Hey Everyone (!)

My name is luis marco figueroa conde, age 38, and I am from Mexico City.

Somehow the existence of GOD has already been proven cientifically.

On the Urantia Papers (Urantia Revelation) we are revealed that the God of our Creation, the God of our universe of universes, is a finite, evolving and experiential Deity whose source is the own Trinity of Paradise (GOD): the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.

It has the name, on the Urantia Revelation, of Supreme Being / Supreme God, who (is a Personality) grows and progresses together with all of us his children, and actualizes himself while we all advance in the evolving plan of GOD created by HIM.

It is already know, and this is no secret, that Quantum Physics has demonstrated that everything in the Cosmos has consciousness.. this is already know by scientists (not all), even though it may be denied or rejected..

Science has been discovering the significant coincidences between scientific discoveries-data-info and the revelations of the world´s ancient religions regarding the CREATOR GOD.

So Science has demonstrated and experimentally proven the physical-material aspect of GOD. Let´s see:

Courtesy of Jan Wicherink, author of the online book Souls of Distortion Awakening (emphasis mine) [] --

Torsion waves allow for information transfer across the universe, connecting every atom with every other atom and since torsion waves travel at super luminous speeds they could be the explanation of the non-local effects that were predicted in theory and empirically discovered in quantum physics. The information field created by torsion waves allows for a coherent whole of the universe, connecting every little atom with all other matter in the universe, informing it of its whereabouts and activity. In fact scientists are discovering a very high state of coherence in our physical universe that cannot easily be explained if the universe is a bunch of single individual parts of atoms, molecules, planets and stars that only maintain contact by separate forces such as gravity acting upon them. Quantum entangled particles keep their coherent relation eternally and are not bothered by any distance separating them whether it be a few millimetres or the distance of a galaxy. These coherent relations can only be explained if an invisible field permeates the universe that interconnects them.

The information field described above is termed the A-field by Professor Emeritus Ervin Laszlo. Laszlo in the last four decades developed an integral theory for everything; instead of specialising in one particular field, Laszlo has studied many fields of science and finally developed an integral system theory. According to Laszlo the A-field is more fundamental than energy and matter in the universe. It’s this primordial information field that is the ground of our universe interconnecting everything with everything rendering our view of separate entities in this universe useless. In his system theory there are no separate entities at all; ‘separate’ entities that we observe in our universe are all embedded in one seamless interwoven net of connections.

The A-field of torsion waves may be new to science but its existence has been known for thousands of years in the East. The only new thing about it is that it is being rediscovered by western science. Eastern spiritual tradition has named this field the Akasha field. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning radiating or shining, it’s a synonym for aether. Akasha is the womb of creation bringing forth every physical aspect that can be perceived with the senses according to eastern traditions. In ancient eastern spirituality the history written within the Akasha field are called the Akashic chronicles, the book of life that records everything that has ever happened or will happen in the universe. The Akashic chronicles or Akashic records contain the story of every soul that ever lived on this planet.

So, it´s false that GOD does not exist...

HE was revealed through ancient civilizations (for example the Akashic field) and we did not pay any attention.

For more, see the two links above...


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... It is already know, and this is no secret, that Quantum Physics has demonstrated that everything in the Cosmos has consciousness.. this is already know by scientists (not all), even though it may be denied or rejected..

Science has been discovering the significant coincidences between scientific discoveries-data-info and the revelations of the world´s ancient religions regarding the CREATOR GOD.

So Science has demonstrated and experimentally proven the physical-material aspect of GOD ....
Real scientists dismiss these sort of statements. They do not reflect the actuality of quantum theory or entanglement, etc. Scientists are annoyed by 'pseudoscience woo'

These may be interesting ideas on their own, but it is not accurate to claim they are supported by science, imo
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Regarding the book you post above, would you be able to briefly explain the 'three scientific discoveries that reveal the mind behind the universe' for folks following this thread, who are unlikely to undertake the whole book at this stage?
It is already know, and this is no secret, that Quantum Physics has demonstrated that everything in the Cosmos has consciousness.. this is already know by scientists (not all), even though it may be denied or rejected..

QM is amazing, and it's been a couple of decades since I studied it academically, but I really can't remember any time we discussed consciousness in the context of QM, not even to deny or reject it. It simply did not occur in any of the concepts or equations.

Where do you see the presence of consciousness in QM?

Edited to add: I'm not saying that consciousness doesn't play a role in science - it obviously does, science being a conscious effort. I'm interested why you chose QM, of all theories and disciplines, as an example.
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QM is amazing, and it's been a couple of decades since I studied it academically, but I really can't remember any time we discussed consciousness in the context of QM, not even to deny or reject it. It simply did not occur in any of the concepts or equations.

Where do you see the presence of consciousness in QM?

Edited to add: I'm not saying that consciousness doesn't play a role in science - it obviously does, science being a conscious effort. I'm interested why you chose QM, of all theories and disciplines, as an example.

I was explaining to someone (in another forum) that the double-slit experiment has nothing to do with consciousness, when a self-proclaimed gnostic atheist with a bachelor's in math decided to attack me, thinking that I was saying that it did have something to do with consciousness.

Several pages of arguing later, after other atheists initially joined his side (also being needlessly mocking and insulting), most of them realized he was wrong and slipped out, but not him. He continued sending me some of the most vicious and condescending messages I've ever received on a forum. It made me want to quit the internet altogether and almost convinced me that, even online, other people aren't worth talking to.

He never got the hint, either, I just stopped replying in that thread. It reinforced a valuable lesson that, up until then, I had mostly only known intellectually: Even if I arrive at a certain conclusion rationally, not everyone who arrives at that conclusion does so for rational reasons, and even if they do they might not be consistently rational.

To this day, I still see that user pop into threads from time to time to spout some one-liner to the religious, or to make some tangential joke at the expense of their posts. I think that guy in particular was just a total jerk and I have no idea why the other atheists on that board seem to have so much respect for him. It definitely lowered my faith in humanity as a whole.

In his argument, he also used his irrelevant credentials (in mathematics) as an argument from authority to accuse me of not understanding the complexities of quantum physics. He was so mean about it, essentially creating arguments for why I'm an idiot and incapable of any rational thought, that I ended up shaking and crying in real life.

That never happens to me, especially not over an internet altercation. That sole interaction is the major reason why I don't want to talk about science or technical fields online anymore, although I seem to be slowly getting over it. What a capricious bully.

ETA: Just revisiting this has made me upset again, and if I hadn't made so much progress on Stoic practices since then I think I'd cry because I feel like I'm choking back tears.
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Ouch, very sorry this happened to you, @Ella S. The behavior of that person does sound like that of a massive jerk.

Many people seem to understand the "observer" in the double-slit experiment as some unmediated influence of pure consciousness on the wave function of the particles. Many popular science presentations seem to support this misunderstanding. The double-slit experiment does have some pretty deep implications (in my opinion), but direct interaction between consciousness and quantum wave functions is not one of them.
I was explaining to someone (in another forum) that the double-slit experiment has nothing to do with consciousness, when a self-proclaimed gnostic atheist with a bachelor's in math decided to attack me, thinking that I was saying that it did have something to do with consciousness.

Several pages of arguing later, after other atheists initially joined his side (also being needlessly mocking and insulting), most of them realized he was wrong and slipped out, but not him. He continued sending me some of the most vicious and condescending messages I've ever received on a forum. It made me want to quit the internet altogether and almost convinced me that, even online, other people aren't worth talking to.

He never got the hint, either, I just stopped replying in that thread. It reinforced a valuable lesson that, up until then, I had mostly only known intellectually: Even if I arrive at a certain conclusion rationally, not everyone who arrives at that conclusion does so for rational reasons, and even if they do they might not be consistently rational.

To this day, I still see that user pop into threads from time to time to spout some one-liner to the religious, or to make some tangential joke at the expense of their posts. I think that guy in particular was just a total jerk and I have no idea why the other atheists on that board seem to have so much respect for him. It definitely lowered my faith in humanity as a whole.

In his argument, he also used his irrelevant credentials (in mathematics) as an argument from authority to accuse me of not understanding the complexities of quantum physics. He was so mean about it, essentially creating arguments for why I'm an idiot and incapable of any rational thought, that I ended up shaking and crying in real life.

That never happens to me, especially not over an internet altercation. That sole interaction is the major reason why I don't want to talk about science or technical fields online anymore, although I seem to be slowly getting over it. What a capricious bully.

ETA: Just revisiting this has made me upset again, and if I hadn't made so much progress on Stoic practices since then I think I'd cry because I feel like I'm choking back tears.
Ouch, very sorry this happened to you, @Ella S. The behavior of that person does sound like that of a massive jerk.
If it is the forum I think it is, there are some very rude and insulting atheists -- to the point of trolling -- that often ruin the discussions with their superior snark ...
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Hi all,
I remember a few years back when a colleague of mine with a BSc Physics, did some tests on freezing products. He wanted to understand how fast meat will freeze in a -40 Deg c environment, with a wind speed of 20 Meters per second to a deep core temperature of - 15. that was with a standard mass he predetermined for his test.

he determined the initial core temperatures, and after 10 or so tests, he determined an average of 80 minutes with an initial core temp of 10 Deg Celsius for his samples.

I could see by mere observation, that that was correct because I worked in that department for a few years.
Observation and experience made me realize that what he was doing is to get the scientific operations of a practical process documented in Mathematics, and measurements.
I knew it not because of what he concluded, but because I knew from experience.

However, he then continued with his experiment, and wanted to know how quick this product will defrost if moved into an area with an ambient temperature of + 10 Deg Celsius to a core temperature of 0 deg Celcius.

After about 20 tests or so, he concluded that it takes less than 5 minutes.

I knew he was wrong when he gave a presentation to Management on what the efficiencies if the process plant is, and how we can improve it with a capital layout of half a million dollars.

To my amazement, no one asked any questions, and accepted what he said, and the director of the company even agreed that the capex spent will be worth our while.

I asked the Gentlemen if I am wrong to say that meat will never defrost from minus 15 to 0 in 3 minutes, and if he can explain how he got to his conclusion, because my logical thinking and experience does not agree with his claim.

He told me in front of everyone present that it is Thermo-dynamics 101, and I can go and learn it before making any claims.

I could see that I was not a favorite in the meeting due to the only person without a degree.

Anyhow, I decided to investigate why my common sense and his science does not correlate.

It took me a few days, but eventually I discovered that the Temperature loggers he used in his second round, did not only measure the deep core, but had a second Chanel which measured the environment too.
He made a huge mistake, He did not enable the probe channel to measure the deep core, but enabled only the environment.

So, what he did was to actually measure how fast the logger heated up out of the freezer to the +10 deg ambient environment.

needless to say, the next meeting was mine to taste its sweetness.

The conclusion is, if science and experience does not relate to each other, and your observation tells you something is amiss, go and find out why!
Never think you have all the knowledge, and other people are stupid because they dont have your degrees of education.

Forget about these people who think they somehow have the authority to tell you to shut up.
It is the empty cans that makes the loudest noise.
I will add,
Not all educated people are so arrogant. but a whole bunch think they dont need intellect, and education is everything.
LuisMarco, I did not intend to accuse you of what some atheist said to EllaS.
I merely wanted to tel EllaS my experience on how some arrogant people act, thinking they are better than the rest.
I liked your post.
If it is the forum I think it is, there are some very rude and insulting atheists -- to the point of trolling -- that often ruin the discussions with their superior snark ...
Are there? And when they mention their view point, is it trolling? RJM, I think you are not being fair to atheists.
Are there? And when they mention their view point, is it trolling? RJM, I think you are not being fair to atheists.
To be fair to RJM, he seems to be referring to a specific group on a specific forum. In no way do I perceive this as a general attack.
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by LuisMarco (38, born and living in Mexico City):

Hey Everyone (!)

My name is luis marco figueroa conde, age 38, and I am from Mexico City.

Somehow the existence of GOD has already been proven cientifically.

On the Urantia Papers (Urantia Revelation) we are revealed that the God of our Creation, the God of our universe of universes, is a finite, evolving and experiential Deity whose source is the own Trinity of Paradise (GOD): the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.

It has the name, on the Urantia Revelation, of Supreme Being / Supreme God, who (is a Personality) grows and progresses together with all of us his children, and actualizes himself while we all advance in the evolving plan of GOD created by HIM.

It is already know, and this is no secret, that Quantum Physics has demonstrated that everything in the Cosmos has consciousness.. this is already know by scientists (not all), even though it may be denied or rejected..

Science has been discovering the significant coincidences between scientific discoveries-data-info and the revelations of the world´s ancient religions regarding the CREATOR GOD.

So Science has demonstrated and experimentally proven the physical-material aspect of GOD. Let´s see:

Courtesy of Jan Wicherink, author of the online book Souls of Distortion Awakening (emphasis mine) [] --

Torsion waves allow for information transfer across the universe, connecting every atom with every other atom and since torsion waves travel at super luminous speeds they could be the explanation of the non-local effects that were predicted in theory and empirically discovered in quantum physics. The information field created by torsion waves allows for a coherent whole of the universe, connecting every little atom with all other matter in the universe, informing it of its whereabouts and activity. In fact scientists are discovering a very high state of coherence in our physical universe that cannot easily be explained if the universe is a bunch of single individual parts of atoms, molecules, planets and stars that only maintain contact by separate forces such as gravity acting upon them. Quantum entangled particles keep their coherent relation eternally and are not bothered by any distance separating them whether it be a few millimetres or the distance of a galaxy. These coherent relations can only be explained if an invisible field permeates the universe that interconnects them.

The information field described above is termed the A-field by Professor Emeritus Ervin Laszlo. Laszlo in the last four decades developed an integral theory for everything; instead of specialising in one particular field, Laszlo has studied many fields of science and finally developed an integral system theory. According to Laszlo the A-field is more fundamental than energy and matter in the universe. It’s this primordial information field that is the ground of our universe interconnecting everything with everything rendering our view of separate entities in this universe useless. In his system theory there are no separate entities at all; ‘separate’ entities that we observe in our universe are all embedded in one seamless interwoven net of connections.

The A-field of torsion waves may be new to science but its existence has been known for thousands of years in the East. The only new thing about it is that it is being rediscovered by western science. Eastern spiritual tradition has named this field the Akasha field. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning radiating or shining, it’s a synonym for aether. Akasha is the womb of creation bringing forth every physical aspect that can be perceived with the senses according to eastern traditions. In ancient eastern spirituality the history written within the Akasha field are called the Akashic chronicles, the book of life that records everything that has ever happened or will happen in the universe. The Akashic chronicles or Akashic records contain the story of every soul that ever lived on this planet.

So, it´s false that GOD does not exist...

HE was revealed through ancient civilizations (for example the Akashic field) and we did not pay any attention.

For more, see the two links above...



Reply removed at user's own request
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Are there? And when they mention their view point, is it trolling? RJM, I think you are not being fair to atheists.
I think there's a difference between someone coming onto a faith forum to converse and discuss -- or coming to dismiss and spurn theist beliefs, with personal ridicule. It's like a person who sleeps without dreams coming onto a 'dreams' forum in order to sneer and jeer at those who do dream as ignorant and deluded etc, because their dreams cannot be empirically demonstrated or proven to be real.

I'm not saying theists are dreamers -- it's just a loose analogy -- because to me there's nothing more real than Spirit. It's the true reality that weaves the material world.

There's no concrete reality beyond our sensory perception of the world and the universe. If an atomic nucleus was the size of a golf ball, the electron would be about a mile and a half away, smaller than a pinhead -- and both the nucleons and electrons are really just probability waves, that fill all space until we 'observe' them. All our scientific microscopes and telescopes etc, are really just ingenious extensions of our human animal senses of hearing, sight and so on.

Who's to say the universe limits itself to what our own animal physical senses can detect and perceive? I think it's a ridiculous idea. Antitheists have no call to be smug in their certainty that there's no 'God' imo
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Who's to say the universe limits itself to what our own animal physical senses can detect and perceive? I think it's a ridiculous idea. Antitheists have no call to be smug in their certainty that there's no 'God' imo
I agree with you. That is why Dharmic religions do not go by what our senses say about life and universe. I have always said that even existence and consequently non-existence too, could be a quirk of reality.
I am not anti-theist, I am an atheist. It is just that I do not find any evidence for God or soul.
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am not anti-theist, I am an atheist. It is just that I do not find any evidence for God or soul.
I know Aup. I meant aggressive antitheists on other religious forums
There can be no empirical evidence of an existence beyond nature, space and time that are the limit of what our animal senses and the instruments created to extend those senses.

But it's not logical to assume the universe limits itself to the nature of what we are able to perceive and measure.