Let's Question the Western Left Hand Path!

Why is that left? Or I guess I am on the left hand path?
If I understand your first question correctly you are asking about the historicity of the term Left Hand Path, is that correct?

Be still and know that I am G!d....put the mind of Christ in your mind....
Not sure what you meant by this, but to instill the 'mind' (consciousness) of another (e.g. Christ/Jesus) is antithetical to the Western Left Hand Path which seeks to instill our own GodSelf into our human self.
If I understand your first question correctly you are asking about the historicity of the term Left Hand Path, is that correct?
Nope.just the statement I quoted.
Not sure what you meant by this, but to instill the 'mind' (consciousness) of another (e.g. Christ/Jesus) is antithetical to the Western Left Hand Path which seeks to instill our own GodSelf into our human self.

It is metaphor eh? Maybe not metaphor you?

If the left hand path is about becoming your best self, striving to act here as your higher self...believing as Jesus said I and.the father are one, and that I can do as he and more...

I think many of the transcendentalists and new thought practioners would agree on that point.
It is metaphor eh? Maybe not metaphor you?
Is what a metaphor?

If the left hand path is about becoming your best self, striving to act here as your higher self...believing as Jesus said I and.the father are one, and that I can do as he and more...
What on earth are you talking about? There is NO Yesuah the Nazarene in this world anywhere. From what you said: Yeshua is confessing to be One with what authors believe he is referring to as the Father/God/Absolute/etc. This is ANTITHETICAL to the Western Left Hand Path. There is no ABSOLUTE/GOD.

So, why are you insisting there is?

I think many of the transcendentalists and new thought practioners would agree on that point.
Agree on what point? And what does any of that have to do with the Western Left Hand Path?

You seem to me to be one of those people that insist their religion is the only religion on earth and thus every other religion must be confusing your religion with some delusion.
The connecting factor between lesser self (human self) and one's Greater Self is our Dæmon a.k.a. Holy Guardian Angel, the Logos. When you are in daily contact with your Dæmon decisions that benefit your life on earth are easier to make and become clearer as to which direction to take when confronted with adversities. This enriches your physical life in many ways and enables you to live a productive and meaningful life as well as assisting you in making those around you live a more productive and meaningful life.
How did you discover all this? Was it a book that you read, or a meeting that you went to, or was it from members of a saytanist forum?

Yes, we all do ordinary things on a daily basis.
Fair enough.

I have never met another person's GodSelf and am not sure it is possible given our limited human perception. It would be equivalent to knowing the soul of another or being able to experience their consciousness, which we can't.
OK, so you live a secluded and alone existence, cannot meet with others or find out about them.

An existence after this physical life is a primary principle of the western left hand path and particularly the Path I follow (The Æ0N 0f IBLĪS ŠAYTĀN) where we prepare and train ourselves to be able to transfer our consciousness, upon physical death, into the subjective universe we have designed over our lifetime, to which we become the Deity of.
You mention 'We', so you do have some meetings together, I'm guessing.....
How did you all learn about all this?
Seeking to become your own deities in your own after lives does look like some kind of megalomania.

Good questions, thank you.
And Thank you.....
When broken down into its core foundation. The Western Left Hand Path is an antinomian process of externalizing your True Self. The way it works is that we have this ability to experience our True Self, our Full Potential Being, this can be referred to as our GodSelf. It is the perfected you and is your Psyche/Soul/Greater Self. What is referred to as Apotheosis on the Western Left Hand Path does not entail 'becoming' a god per se, it entails realizing one's Greater Self, and bringing this Self into your everyday life in order to become more than Human.

We don't have Divine texts, Messianic heroes, dogma, or an exclusive claim to truth, we are not outdated, harmful to the individual, harmful to society, an impediment to the progress of science or humanity, a source of immoral acts, or customs, or a political tool for social control.

So, what do you find misleading or possibly invalid with Western Left Hand Path spirituality/philosophy?

My only objection would be if you make rejection of divine texts, messianic heroes, and dogma part of your definition of your path.

For example, if a person is following some people's messianic hero as a spiritual teacher, and using some religious scriptures, language and ways of thinking, as ways of being in daily contact with their Daemon, would that be a reason for you all by itself, without any question or investigation, for you to think that they are not in an antinomian process of externalizing their True Self?

Also, is believing that we will be able to transfer our consciousness, upon physical death, into the subjective universe we have designed over our lifetime, to which we will become the Deity, a requirement for following a Western Left Hand Path?
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When broken down into its core foundation. The Western Left Hand Path is an antinomian process of externalizing your True Self. The way it works is that we have this ability to experience our True Self, our Full Potential Being, this can be referred to as our GodSelf. It is the perfected you and is your Psyche/Soul/Greater Self. What is referred to as Apotheosis on the Western Left Hand Path does not entail 'becoming' a god per se, it entails realizing one's Greater Self, and bringing this Self into your everyday life in order to become more than Human.

We don't have Divine texts, Messianic heroes, dogma, or an exclusive claim to truth, we are not outdated, harmful to the individual, harmful to society, an impediment to the progress of science or humanity, a source of immoral acts, or customs, or a political tool for social control.

So, what do you find misleading or possibly invalid with Western Left Hand Path spirituality/philosophy?

God self, higher/ greater self, True self interesting.

A few years back I was in meditation and was pulled into this room where Several people were standing around this man sitting in a chair. At first glance the person seemed to be sleeping, but those around him suddenly placed a electronic device on his head as I arrived. I was immediately pulled into this man’s yourself/ higher self/ god self and As I entered into his yourself I could see the beginnings of a world only partially formed from most likely the lack of time he needed to form a true world inside himself. This man lacked the time he needed to become himself again and was trapped within himself.

In the world of minds there is also another interesting phenomenon that happens, referred to as time leftover. This problem I think happens primarily due to the limited amount of time a mind can have inside themselves. The mind is not a endless pit of time it has limitations depending on how old your mind is or how long it has existed. I assume since you have to know who he is “ satan or whatever” your mind is limited and it will then find time inside of him. Everything in this universe is inside of something else to become something again after death or you don’t become something again. Even Jesus said you have to know who he is to enter into the kingdom of god.

The Egyptians also believed in finding time and preparing for the afterlife. What I have problems with is how are you bringing time across when you are not inside yourself. What I mean by this is your godself has to bring this time across to create your after life.

I suppose the part for me that is hardest to understand is how you can figure anything out when there is nothing teaching you anything at all. I experience things 24/7 as they teach me things, I bring time across and can see the results of this time.

the interesting thing is before the minds and voices I just did not care about any of this stuff it meant absolutely nothing to me. I had thousands and thousands of obes and experiences I already understood myself before all of this. The only god thoughts I had before any of this is that I am god of my own mind nothing else.

sorry for the rambling on just thought I would add my two cents worth to this conversation.

Dou you have teaching traditions, or books or manuals which are particularly useful or well-regarded? Or does every LHP practitioner start from scratch?
My only objection would be if you make rejection of divine texts, messianic heroes, and dogma part of your definition of your path.

For example, if a person is following some people's messianic hero as a spiritual teacher, and using some religious scriptures, language and ways of thinking, as ways of being in daily contact with their Daemon, would that be a reason for you all by itself, without any question or investigation, for you to think that they are not in an antinomian process of externalizing their True Self?
You cannot be doing the bidding of both the Right Hand Path and the Left Hand Path, you are either on one or the other.


The Right Hand Path is the path of union with a Universal Reality (God/Absolute/Supreme Being etc.). When this union is completed the individual self is annihilated, and the individual Will becomes one with that alleged Divine order.

The Left Hand Path is the path of non-union with the Universal Reality, the Path of isolating consciousness within one's Subjective Universe(s) and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the Soul/Psyche to increasingly perfect levels.The Universal Reality or Objective Universe is then made to Harmonize itself with the Will of the Individual Psyche. To absolve oneself self into the Univeral Reality/Objective Universe is antithetic to the LHP goals of Individuation and Self-Deification.

Also, is believing that we will be able to transfer our consciousness, upon physical death, into the subjective universe we have designed over our lifetime, to which we will become the Deity, a requirement for following a Western Left Hand Path?
You will not automatically be capable of transferring consciousness where you want it upon physical death, that is why we do the Work throughout our lifetime.

To answer your second question, no, the transference of consciousness is not a requirement as the Path itself is the conscious effort to realize and embrace one's Greater Self and to bring this Self into one's mundane self as often as possible thus coming to know one's true Self while incarnate.
How did you discover all this? Was it a book that you read, or a meeting that you went to, or was it from members of a saytanist forum?
I'm 62 and have been on this Path for 30-40 years, studied most of the world's religions, read many philosophers (old and new), have been a member of several occult organizations, discussed these ideas with countless authorities from several religions, and sat in deep meditation for decades pondering these ideas as they evolved. My conclusions and theories came about by putting these ideas into practice and discovering what worked, was repeatable, and what didn't work.

OK, so you live a secluded and alone existence, cannot meet with others or find out about them.
That's not what I'm saying. Just as we cannot experience someone else's consciousness, we don't seem to be able to experience someone else's Greater Self either. It's an individual subjective experience. However, we can relate that experience to one another and compare it.

You mention 'We', so you do have some meetings together, I'm guessing.....
How did you all learn about all this?
Seeking to become your own deities in your own after lives does look like some kind of megalomania.

And Thank you.....
The Western Left Hand Path has many organizations and many adherents. Some of us work together in these organizations. I don't see the LHP as megalomania or the result of an unbalanced Ego (Superego), rather it is a desire to disconnect from the herd mentality, realize and nurture the truest aspect of ourselves and design our Bliss to which we may exist in after this earthly journey.

People come to the LHP because they no longer want to be under the Will of another, they no longer see the reason to exist inside a paradigm that someone else designed, they prefer to design their own and enjoy a world that is their own.
The Left Hand Path is the path of non-union with the Universal Reality, the Path of isolating consciousness within one's Subjective Universe(s) and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the Soul/Psyche to increasingly perfect levels.The Universal Reality or Objective Universe is then made to Harmonize itself with the Will of the Individual Psyche. To absolve oneself self into the Univeral Reality/Objective Universe is antithetic to the LHP goals of Individuation and Self-Deification.
Sounds to me like new thought is lhp by your definition...
TAn existence after this physical life is a primary principle of the western left hand path and particularly the Path I follow (The Æ0N 0f IBLĪS ŠAYTĀN) where we prepare and train ourselves to be able to transfer our consciousness, upon physical death, into the subjective universe we have designed over our lifetime, to which we become the Deity of.

Does anyone's subjective universe have conscious beings in it? If not, won't that be lonely?
Does anyone's subjective universe have conscious beings in it? If not, won't that be lonely?
My belief is that Reality is what we perceive to be real, there is no underlying true reality that exists independently of perception. “The observer creates their reality.” Conceptual thought begins from the pure, unsupported apprehension of one’s conscious self as an existential reality: e.g. The Ba of ancient Egypt, the psyche of the Greeks, and the Golden Flower of Tao.

"Reality is a controlled hallucination (our mind puts the information that we receive from outside in the frame of our inner knowledge to form a picture of reality.)" - Anil Seth (Neuroscientist )
My belief is that Reality is what we perceive to be real, there is no underlying true reality that exists independently of perception. “The observer creates their reality.” Conceptual thought begins from the pure, unsupported apprehension of one’s conscious self as an existential reality: e.g. The Ba of ancient Egypt, the psyche of the Greeks, and the Golden Flower of Tao.

"Reality is a controlled hallucination (our mind puts the information that we receive from outside in the frame of our inner knowledge to form a picture of reality.)" - Anil Seth (Neuroscientist )

That looks like saying that you're real but I'm not real, I'm just a figment of your imagination. Doesn't that feel lonely? Of course, feeling lonely doesn't make it not true, but honestly, I don't think you really believe that in any meaningful or consequential way. All of us who are responding to your posts are only saying what you want us to say?
I'm thinking that a person on an LHP and a person on an RHP could be doing all the same practices with all the same benefits, and just be thinking about them in different ways.
I'm thinking that a person on an LHP and a person on an RHP could be doing all the same practices with all the same benefits, and just be thinking about them in different ways.

Yeah... though good Christians tend not to evoke Demons, so there is that.
That looks like saying that you're real but I'm not real, I'm just a figment of your imagination. Doesn't that feel lonely? Of course, feeling lonely doesn't make it not true, but honestly, I don't think you really believe that in any meaningful or consequential way. All of us who are responding to your posts are only saying what you want us to say?
Not at all, it's a matter of perception, we are all a part of 'this' reality, each having their own reality creating a collective reality. The LHP is indeed a lonely path, it is not for everyone.
Not at all, it's a matter of perception, we are all a part of 'this' reality, each having their own reality creating a collective reality. The LHP is indeed a lonely path, it is not for everyone.

Now I’m thinking that maybe I was getting some of your personal views mixed up with the Western LHP. Maybe a person doesn’t have to believe everything you do about reality and what happens after death, and the line you’re drawing in your mind between LHP and RHP, to be in daily contact with their Daemon in an antinomian process of externalizing their GodSelf.
Not everyone on the LHP practices magic, in fact, most do not. As for demons, they only have a negative attachment under the Abrahamic veil. On the LHP, Demons are Spiritual Creatures that are simply aspects of our unconscious mind.

You are right, of course.

I chose the example of Ceremonial Magic to respond to @Longfellow's question whether the practices were the same between (W)LHP and RHP.

OTOH, I seem to remember that you put Crowley et. al. firmly on the RHP, so that is food for thought.