When God came as Jesus ...
God Jesus is an impartial God, hence comes to this world in every human generation to preach and uplift us through His excellent divine knowledge.
Perhaps. But when they worshipped Him, Jesus washed their feet. You say you are the human incarnation of God. Do you wash the feet of your disciples?
Perhaps. But when they worshipped Him, Jesus washed their feet. You say you are the human incarnation of God. Do you wash the feet of your disciples?
God become servant of His servants(devotees), such devotees are Gopikas, Hanuman etc.
God become servant of His servants(devotees), such devotees are Gopikas, Hanuman etc.
But are you the servant of your devotees? Do you wash the feet of your disciples, or do you prefer them to worship at your feet?

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There is some reason why My photo is superimposed on past human forms of God. There are two reasons ... etc ...
Long paste up (non) reply removed.
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... you cannot compare God to an ordinary human ... the divine bliss of God is far far higher (/quote).
I would say 'variety of entertainment' is a category error. It's assuming human desires within the Godhead.

I am not refuting Vedic texts. You cite Ekākī na ramate sa dvitīyamaicchat
Where is that from, I'd like to look at it in context?

In the bliss of monism, He is loving Himself. In the bliss of dualism...
Again, I would say error.

God knows neither 'monism' or 'dualism' as these are numeric distinctions. All 'isms' are as one, undifferentiated, or without distinction, in God. For us, God is Infinite, and all in contained within God.

(This us a deeper understanding of the Christian Holy Trinity in regard to Itself.)

Prahlada, Meera etc., are such examples of climax love without aspiration of any fruit in return.
We call it agape.
God needs for nothing.

Why should we love God?

Nearly all living things seek light, seek warmth, seek food.

All living things seek rest.

God is all of that ... therefore He is all that we desire, and He made us, it all, because of that abundance of His love. Not for Himself, but for us.

God's love is the supreme gift of giving all, and asking nothing in return.
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I am not refuting Vedic texts. You cite Ekākī na ramate sa dvitīyamaicchat
Where is that from, I'd like to look at it in context?

General question – I think it's from an Upanishad, so I realise 'in context' presupposes a lifetime's study, but I'd like to see the quote in situ, with an English translation, and then I look for commentaries, and I'll ask you good bods here for pointers ...
Why should we love God?
Nobody asked you to love God!! If love is from your side without any external force that is true devotion on God. In fact God opposes love to Him so that your true colour will be exposed.
(This us a deeper understanding of the Christian Holy Trinity in regard to Itself.)

We call it agape.
(do not delete the following reply. I have typed it)

God is unimaginable and beyond space. Nobody can see Him. Such God first created an energetic form in upper world known as Father of Heaven (other religions call Him as Allah, Yahweh, Narayana etc) and entered into It. Now the departed souls existing in the upperworld can see this Father of Heaven. But we human beings cannot see Him. The same Father of Heaven in whom the unimaginable God merged enters into a selected highly devoted human being known as Son of God to differentiate from other human ordinary human beings; to become Human incarnation of God or God in human form like Jesus(Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Muhammad, Shankara, Sai Baba etc) to preach divine knowledge to uplift the human beings here on this earth.

Now we human beings can see such God in human form. In fact this is the only way we can see Father of Heaven no other way than this way. When Father of Heaven comes to this world in human form, by meeting such alive human form of God we have met Father of Heaven only.

Since God is impartial He comes to this world in human form in every human generation to preach and uplift us. When God enters energy it is called Holy Spirit.

Thus we can say that

Unimaginable God = Father of Heaven= God in human form or Human incarnation of God(Son of God)= Holy Spirit.

Whoever see present human form of God has seen the Father of Heaven.
Nobody asked you to love God!! If love is from your side without any external force that is true devotion on God. In fact God opposes love to Him so that your true colour will be exposed.
Why did you omit the rest of @Thomas post. Why did you only address the first sentence?
God needs for nothing.

Why should we love God?

Nearly all living things seek light, seek warmth, seek food.

All living things seek rest.

God is all of that ... therefore He is all that we desire, and He made us, it all, because of that abundance of His love. Not for Himself, but for us.

God's love is the supreme gift of giving all, and asking nothing in return.
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God needs for nothing.

God's love is the supreme gift of giving all, and asking nothing in return.
(do not delete the following reply. I have typed it)

Thinking that one shall not become lazy. One shall work for God. For this purpose God Himself comes down to this world in human form to preach the divine knowledge. Participating in His mission of divine knowledge propagation proves the love of a person to God. We love our relatives and do everything for them, such practical love shall be formed on God. That is the true love. God loves all. But loving God in return is more important.
God needs for nothing.

Why should we love God?
(do not delete the following reply. I have typed it)

God need nothing even love. A grandfather brought a packet of biscuit and given it to his daughter. The daughter gave it to her child. Now grand father came to the child and asked a piece of biscuit from the child. Here grand father did not tell the child that he has brought the biscuit initially and gave to the mother. He did not reveal that truth to the child. Thus child was tested for the love to the grandfather. Grandfather do not need any biscuit.
Nearly all living things seek light, seek warmth, seek food.

All living things seek rest.

God is all of that ... therefore He is all that we desire, and He made us, it all, because of that abundance of His love. Not for Himself, but for us.

(do not delete the following reply. I have typed it)

God is not the creation. Creation is imaginable and defined by spatial coordinates, God is unimaginable and beyond space. We shall show gratefulness to God for this cosmic facilities given to us by Him. Atleast one shall follow justice and avoid injustice in this world.
I am not refuting Vedic texts. You cite Ekākī na ramate sa dvitīyamaicchat
Where is that from, I'd like to look at it in context?

General question – I think it's from an Upanishad, so I realise 'in context' presupposes a lifetime's study, but I'd like to see the quote in situ, with an English translation, and then I look for commentaries, and I'll ask you good bods here for pointers ...

(do not delete the following reply. I have typed it)

This entertainment appears as it is started to get rid of boredom due to loneliness of God (Ekākī na ramate...—Veda) something like going to see a drama for entertainment. But we also know that God is already the self-contented (Āptakāmasya...—Veda) and is an ocean of bliss (Sa eko Brahmaṇa Ānandaḥ...—Veda). Then why this entertainment at all?

I will give an example. Even a self-contented king goes for hunting to get entertainment. But God is not like such a human being also there for His aim of creation must be even greater than this. The aim of this highest level of God is to enjoy the unimaginable real and pure love of His devotees in this creation.
Now we human beings can see such God in human form. In fact this is the only way we can see Father of Heaven no other way than this way. When Father of Heaven comes to this world in human form, by meeting such alive human form of God we have met Father of Heaven only.

Since God is impartial He comes to this world in human form in every human generation to preach and uplift us. When God enters energy it is called Holy Spirit.

Thus we can say that

Unimaginable God = Father of Heaven= God in human form or Human incarnation of God(Son of God)= Holy Spirit.

Whoever see present human form of God has seen the Father of Heaven.
And this is YOU?
God in human form never says to public that He is God in human form!
No you just impose your own face upon the faces of Jesus, Krisna and Muhammad (pbuh) -- a picture worth 1909 words hey? If you don't want to declare your intention in public to be worshipped AS GOD why do you troll around public forums looking for gullible people to play your con-man story with?

You're just another internet troll, imo
dattaswami2 banned
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A person with any real wisdom would never behave in that way, imo