The war of China ? what are the triggers, what are the potential threats?

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1: Economy of China if it ever plummets and the stock market goes into crisis because of China’s bad decision their leaders make of course they won’t right now. But indeed such things do happen reccesion happens and A turmoil happens in all the country. China is obligated to do martial law and replace the leaders. Food crisis follows and people can buy anything. In such conditions they will have to invade another small counrty, cut government budgets, and military will control.
I think you are saying that under extreme economic stress China will be forced to invade another country.

It is already under economic strain with its zero Covid policy and its housing crisis. Most Chinese are heavily invested in housing. The entire Chinese economy would suffer dire consequences with the collapse of housing. Food shortages have already been experienced by people under lockdown.

This ferments a lot of anger in some places - as we have been shown in Chinese social media. Perhaps a war would rally a large portion of the Chinese people and redirect their anger elsewhere. It's a possibility that China's economic woes could start a war.
1: Economy of China if it ever plummets and the stock market goes into crisis .......................................

2:Military Industrial Complex of China grows without stop and exceed that of the whole world ..........................

3:Bio Terorrist or International Hackers level try to provoke war between the neighbors.......................

A Natural Disaster of huge proportions ...........................
Let us all remember Afghanistan..........
Let us see how Putin is managing today in Ukraine.............
So (more or less) nobody is going to invade anywhere with soldiers.....

Big countries can raze other countries to the ground, but then nobody can have that ground.......

If anybody wants to win a war now, then they had better go and build stuff to sell. Trade and economics..