The war of China ? what are the triggers, what are the potential threats?


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1: Economy of China if it ever plummets and the stock market goes into crisis because of China’s bad decision their leaders make of course they won’t right now. But indeed such things do happen reccesion happens and A turmoil happens in all the country. China is obligated to do martial law and replace the leaders. Food crisis follows and people can buy anything. In such conditions they will have to invade another small counrty, cut government budgets, and military will control.

2:Military Industrial Complex of China grows without stop and exceed that of the whole world combining creates techonlogy that government uses to apply control and Orson Welles worst vision/nightmare goes to new boundaries talking like Gattaca but using drones to control the entire population and millions of drones are airborne. Making all nations near china edgy and considering to be to powerful that all nations unite to invade it.

3:Bio Terorrist or International Hackers level try to provoke war between the neighbors cliaming all cyber threats and bio-attacks come from China making it the scapegoat. Bio attacks claiming between India and China and saying India is fault so China attack it or viceversa.

A Natural Disaster of huge proportions like Tsunami that devastates the Coasts of China and was caused by A country to provoke war.

This are simple still but in your opinion what can stop this events ? in your experience and create solutions to stop all this promblems from ever occuring.
What can China do to stop this promblems ?

I give that China doesn’t go full police state and doesn’t use drones as excessively but instead gives Green projects A neccesary thing in all of China to create A new form of money involving green energy such building solar panels cheap and giving grants to business to build them for all of China. Create new system of water for all of China there is techonlogy where machines can get water from air and will do enourmous of good for the population that way civil unrest and food crisis can be averted. There is the techonlogy and people can have it make A system that is not digita and find ways to still give analog systems control to people isntead of government.

Create new internet that cannot be online but need of smaller devices that can connect like lasers between each other satelite internet uses laser to send on top of houses that way control can be applied. Some same device and tactic so Hackers can be limited to take down dams or power plants. Finally create new type of machines with fans that can throw antibiotics in the air making the passing of bacteria in the air to drop drastically. That way diseas can be stopped and create harder checkpoints in all cities.

This is one about being invaded by neightbours part of number three, they build around thier counrty nuclear powerplants. Yes, indeed seems like an extreme decision but if 1000 of plants are placed around China. Russia and India will not go to war with China and indeed do everything to stop such attack and protecting China.
Find solutions for two and three but in your opinon what could and stop any method of War in China ?
The time to invade China for USA was back in World War 2 that was the best time to occupy it, what happen after the 60’s the chinese had help from the Russians and if Russia sees USA and the allies it wouldn’t allow another front to it’s border. After world war 2 everything was going to go to the atomic age and when that happen technology would gave China and India the power to defend it’s borders. No, USA and the allies to have all conquered it was during world war 2 if they had invaded it all and conquered Germany before the Sovite Union they would of subjugated all of Asia.
But technology changes it all.
Albert Einstien said “I do not know what weapons world war lll will be fough, but world war lV will be fought with sticks and stones” Their is no future with war with India, USA, China, and Russia will all end into nuclear war.
The time to invade China for USA was back in World War 2 that was the best time to occupy it,
I think that the USA was already very busy during World War 2.
after the 60’s the chinese had help from the Russians
China was receiving Soviet aid long before the 1960's.
if they had invaded it all and conquered Germany before the Sovite Union
"If" is a very big word. In this case, it is neither supported by history nor logic.
just remember " Operation Unthinkable " British were prepare for the war agaisnt the soviets if it wasn't Germany that started the war it was Stalin that could invade Europe different scenario but I mean the technology era of that time they could invade China and Russia without therisk of nuclear war like now. The ww1 also A time that USA could invade both countries. Everything was possible in those times.
just remember " Operation Unthinkable
I am familiar with it. It was not really a preparation, it was little more than a desktop exercise/feasibility study. Neither was it a plan for an invasion of the Soviet Union.
There are two matters that you do not appear to be considering: The sheer size of the U.S.S.R. and China and their populations. China had at least once stated that as its population was largely rural it could take multiple hits in a nuclear war and still fight back.
Secondly that the U.S. and the U.K. are democracies. At the end of both world wars, I think it is very unlikely that war-weary electorates would be too enthusiastic about launching major conflicts upon allies or neutral states.
If A war started by USA in any scenario has the money to build first atomic bombs the russian had help from the allies in their effort against the nazi's, in A " What if " scenario they would be first in building bombs that will determine A winner A war. People i'm only saying nothing can be proving it can all go the in different ways they have to have A leader that has the tenacaity to do it and understand how to win that war. They needed to have someone smart like Patton and brutal like him. Really this is just hypothesis but still in the same way the USSR, Nazi Germany, the French any could be A nation winning in that war ! Possibilit because of the technology they will discover they were peaceful times if the people of those times knew how nuclear weapons will work really if they just would of launch one nuke by USA like Japan they would give up and the same to USSR.

Russians would of given up back when operation Barbarossa was effective and Hitler was at the Kremnlin if not for the cold and the suprise attack by Hitler Soviets would of given up so many stories say Stalin was ready to leave and run for it ! If USA had better preparation and rush thier manhattan project before and given A whole year using nukes they would of won and they would dominate in A scenario but like I say it A hypothesis any country knowing how to use nukes and devastate A part of thier country would surrender in the attack.

No technology to defend from those attack no missile defense any country will give up.
Lots more of those "if"s. I am not really interested in matters bereft of actual facts. I like to learn from history, I do not try to fictionalize it.
To go back to your original post I like your mentioning of "green projects" I too have hopes for China to make moves in that direction.
The time to invade China for USA was back in World War 2 that was the best time to occupy it, what happen after the 60’s the chinese had help from the Russians and if Russia sees USA and the allies it wouldn’t allow another front to it’s border. After world war 2 everything was going to go to the atomic age and when that happen technology would gave China and India the power to defend it’s borders. No, USA and the allies to have all conquered it was during world war 2 if they had invaded it all and conquered Germany before the Sovite Union they would of subjugated all of Asia.
But technology changes it all.

There's no way America could have invaded China and occupied it during World War II. Where would we have found enough American soldiers for that during that time? Also, China's territory is too vast for any occupation by one country alone or even the US and its allies. It's over 14 times larger than Afghanistan.
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we are talking we are discussing and wise to realize all corners of the truth know we have insight of this worldy affairs of politics and wise to know just what could happen back in those times and the potential of what would of happen and those times ? It gives us answers not trying to fictionalize know we are in A brainstorm talking about the future of China and to look in it's past and it's possibilities can find the solution in politics. Know religion is not politics, and every category of literature is different.

Were here talking about one big promblem USA is having and it's China ! China is not christian it has all the right to exist like any country like USA but we know the future we have now is grim and we can find solutions that all of us can exist and respect our existence.

In The Friends of Voltaire, Hall wrote the phrase: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Know we are not judge but G-d is ! And culture is respected.

China promblem is the same as the North-South Korean conlfict, The Federal Reserve promblem, The population hunger promblem, and more issues we will discuss in the future !

We can find solutions and talk about pelase without offending no one. I write this because it is A touchy issue and like everywhere, everyone is on the defensive .

But know the green projects are what were talking about and new technology and even forbidden technology like Nikolas Tesla free energy incorparated in our system today .
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USA could of done the same as Hannibal did when fighting the romans, when they defeated them " The battle of Cannae " some historians argue if Hannibal after that victory would of march to Rome they would of surrender and Hannibal won !

The same for USA if they would being in A war first with Russia won that war in 1940's time later in the 1960's China would of never built nukes in time but the same position Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, France, and even Japan would be dominating in factors that would be advantages for them liek technology and Gold.

We are now in the scenario in world politics, the geopolitics of now are have almost the same settings for us to look for green ways and free energy Nikolas Tesla talk about it and stop World War 3 from happening give me your best answer and discuss without been offended.
Ways to defend from bioterrosim since Covid we know it was A bioterrorist and it could of being Putin, Xi jin Ping himself to do it, Europe and any other !

Creating ideas like A city that has A wall that is like glass and around dome like features !


One idea.

To do green projects is another.

This are solutions to stopping war coming !
Free energy without conflict with oil companies and energy complanies can happena nd we live in A world where freedom exists ! Can China create A system where magnets, generators, or chemical algae can give you free energy without central banks and oil companies but they participate and create A dollar based system with all that ? Yes, China can also do it and everyone will do ti later being Europe, USA, Russia, China and modern countries in the dilemna of giving freedom of people to choose thier own energies and not told what they can do in thier life. Yes it is possible !
Were talking about systems.

This just the concept and this things are the future that was suppresed we cannot not stop human evolution but decisions can be amde to ensure our survival in it and not the make the mistake of World War 2 without it's death we are now advance enough to explore and solve this promblems.
Imagine if oil companies did this and instead they build in your backyard A system charge decent price or system with internet to work with it many will be scared but we are now in the future and we can make A solution. And you get paid for it and better solutions decreasing cost in your mortgage of your house or rent !
We should fight for that even for some this is an error the system cannot be change !
America is doing it's part and other also part of that future !

Think of A system where palladium coins are used and change it so people can use this and create new systems of economy where people win and world banks cannot take it from you and using free energy in your house make new system to improve the future and geopolitical situation world-wide. Doing this give more jobs in the future and system where machines, robots, and drones don't take your jobs and place. A future where man technology is still control by man and not the A.I.
Is their A way to stop Machine A.I. in the future ? Yes their is.

See of the discussion world-wide can A system be created ? Yes !

One way is to make A new internet we know the internet is plagued and has hacks but also doing this will give independence from big companies, an internet that is not based on electricity in the fossil way but solar energy or free energy nikolas tesla. And new coding also to build an anolog structure by using lasers people are saying the future are laser in internet.

That way new methods of control and to put them in your house. Also simple by making small copies of internet with data that could be 200 terrabytes and keeping it that way in your hard disk. That way you save that information of wikipedia, physics, and history and thus you changing into A new system in your country you connect to A safe and secure internet without hacking allowed. New measure of anti-hacking will be created.

And third option fighitng A.I. and automation is building other fields to use A.I and expanding it by making it too difficult for it to control it all. Many more things to explain but will post later.

But fourth option to make laws in our countries that limit A.I. and even make it illegal.

There is more options in the future and A world where man can build A future wihout A.I. ruling over it is possible.
We see this just part for we must see the war of South-Korea is also A factor ! Ask youself what wars also trigger this nuclear armageddon.
Is their A way to stop Machine A.I. in the future ? Yes their is.

See of the discussion world-wide can A system be created ? Yes !

One way is to make A new internet we know the internet is plagued and has hacks but also doing this will give independence from big companies, an internet that is not based on electricity in the fossil way but solar energy or free energy nikolas tesla. And new coding also to build an anolog structure by using lasers people are saying the future are laser in internet.

That way new methods of control and to put them in your house. Also simple by making small copies of internet with data that could be 200 terrabytes and keeping it that way in your hard disk. That way you save that information of wikipedia, physics, and history and thus you changing into A new system in your country you connect to A safe and secure internet without hacking allowed. New measure of anti-hacking will be created.

And third option fighitng A.I. and automation is building other fields to use A.I and expanding it by making it too difficult for it to control it all. Many more things to explain but will post later.

But fourth option to make laws in our countries that limit A.I. and even make it illegal.

There is more options in the future and A world where man can build A future wihout A.I. ruling over it is possible.
There's a lot of stuff on you tube and the internet. A lot of it is wrong, half-truth, lies, exaggeration, etc. How do you know the stuff you're posting here is true?

Why should people take time out of their lives to follow all these strings of internet links and videos? I don't have time for all this. Anyone can post links and videos.

There are other forums if you want to do that. This isn't the place for that. This forum isn't a paste-up exchange for links and videos

Sorry @davidsheep88
No offence ;)
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I did not mean to offend anyone, don't want videos okay. Won't post them. ;D.
I did not mean to offend anyone, don't want videos okay. Won't post them. ;D.
No worries. Personal discussion is the aim -- a link or video now and then as reference or support ... but on this forum there is the reasonable expectation that you have checked out your sources before posting them? :)
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