The Chosen


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Texas, USA
I'm creating this thread in Christianity because I am curious as to what fellow believers feel about this show. If it garners attention from other faiths please move to another section.

I love it. I love the storylines fictionalized as they are. I love imagining the humanity of Jesus and have done so my whole life and to see my imaginings on screen makes my heart happy. I always believed Jesus must have had a brilliant sense of humor with a beautiful laugh.. the actor portraying Jesus does this so beautifully.

I love that they made Matthew on the autism spectrum.. the actor is amazing.

The intimacy of the relationships with the disciples and with Jesus is what I imagine it would be. I've cried many times during the three seasons as it's touched me emotionally on so many levels.

It has also made me go into the gospels with new interest as the research done on the culture of the times makes it more fresh for me and provides more insight.
Not familiar with this, it seems to be a serial?
I'm creating this thread in Christianity because I am curious as to what fellow believers feel about this show. If it garners attention from other faiths please move to another section.

I love it. I love the storylines fictionalized as they are. I love imagining the humanity of Jesus and have done so my whole life and to see my imaginings on screen makes my heart happy. I always believed Jesus must have had a brilliant sense of humor with a beautiful laugh.. the actor portraying Jesus does this so beautifully.

I love that they made Matthew on the autism spectrum.. the actor is amazing.

The intimacy of the relationships with the disciples and with Jesus is what I imagine it would be. I've cried many times during the three seasons as it's touched me emotionally on so many levels.

It has also made me go into the gospels with new interest as the research done on the culture of the times makes it more fresh for me and provides more insight.
Thanks for the info. I shall watch it.
I note it is playing on Netflix. @Thomas @Cino
(Netflix offer the first month free, then the option to cancel.)
Yes you can watch the first season for free on Netflix. They also have an app called the Chosen app where you can watch all three seasons for free. This whole show was funded by investors and donations. No involvement by Hollywood. Acting as consultants are Messianic rabbi Jason Sobel from Fusion Global Ministries, Catholic priest and national director of Family Theater Productions Father David Guffey, and professor of New Testament at Biola University Dr. Doug Huffman.
Is it not called a preacher?

The only folks that think otherwise are Christians. I have yet to meet a Jew who believes Jews for Jesus are anything other than Christians acting quite non Christ like
And that would be offensive to a Jewish Rabbi or Messianic Jew who accepts that Jesus was their Messiah. They still attend synagogues and follow the holy days and traditions of their fathers. They are still Jewish. You need to do some more research or meet some new people for dialogue. I actually expect more from you.
And that would be offensive to a Jewish Rabbi or Messianic Jew who accepts that Jesus was their Messiah. They still attend synagogues and follow the holy days and traditions of their fathers. They are still Jewish. You need to do some more research or meet some new people for dialogue. I actually expect more from you.
How do I do more research?

Again, every Jew I have discussed this with feels J4J is not Jewish, and exactly the opposite, acting as traitors to Judaism basically by claiming Judaism and Jesus.

The only folks that think J4J otherwise are Christians and J4Js. I am totally willing to have a new understanding from a reliable Jewish source (one that does not believe Jesus is their saviour)
And that would be offensive to a Jewish Rabbi or Messianic Jew who accepts that Jesus was their Messiah. They still attend synagogues and follow the holy days and traditions of their fathers. They are still Jewish. You need to do some more research or meet some new people for dialogue. I actually expect more from you.
Messianic Jews, who hold squarely Christian beliefs in Jesus, may self-identify as Jewish, but that doesn't mean this self-assessment is shared by other Jews.

There is a long, and rather dark history of Christians deciding who is a Jew.

I think that even without the history, it is just basic courtesy not to explain to people of other faiths whom they should accept as their own.

Or would you count the Manichaeans as Christian? They believed their religion to be compatible, a fulfillment of Christianity. Christians were horrified at the thought of being mistaken for Manichaeans. "Manichaean" is still an insult in Christian discussions about the nature of the universe.

Enough from me. For transparency, I'm not a Jew, but my wife is (if not a very devout one), and so is my child.
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I can understand this being offensive if it was on the Judaism forum but it's not.

I don't know what a Manichaean is. Regardless anyone can claim Christianity here and able to post freely without recrimination.. I've seen it since I have been back. I don't care if they do because I am secure in my faith and beliefs and have no problems having dialogue.

I think it's interesting that everyone is so careful about hurting Jews feelings. All the Jews I have met especially on this forum have been more than willing and perfectly capable of handling business as they see fit. Very intelligently and even scathingly on occasion.

The Messianic Jews I have known are ethnically Jewish not converts to a religion. They worship on Shabbat they speak Hebrew.. Jesus came for His people first why can't they be recognized as legitimate on a Christian sub forum if not on Judaism sub forum? Are they outcast? This is literally breaking my heart.
I think it's interesting that everyone is so careful about hurting Jews feelings. All the Jews I have met especially on this forum have been more than willing and perfectly capable of handling business as they see fit. Very intelligently and even scathingly on occasion.

I was speaking about my own feelings, actually. Don't they count? I even bear two Christian names, literally. And I was baptized at birth. Is that Christian enough for my feelings to count here in this subforum, in your opinion?
I feel like this is personal to me because I lost a very dear friend to cancer. She was a Jewish lady who embraced her Hebrew roots and faithfully observed all the Holy Days and Sabbaths. She just also happened to love Jesus. To have someone not accept her because she is a supposed traitor? Or because she observed Judaism and Christianity?
I was speaking about my own feelings, actually. Don't they count? I even bear two Christian names, literally. And I was baptized at birth. Is that Christian enough for my feelings to count here in this subforum, in your opinion?
That part was mostly directed at Wil.. his intolerance on behalf of another's beliefs was rearing it's head.

The Manchurian or whatever.. I don't know who they are.. but lumping all people into boxes is not constructive. Jews are not a religion.. they are a people descended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The religion is Judaism.

I'm just a gentile.. not worthy but extremely grateful.

I don't care who posts here cino. But to disparage a group of people that are Jewish but accept Jesus as their Messiah is not right.

This thread was about a show.. and look what happened to it.
That part was mostly directed at Wil.. his intolerance on behalf of another's beliefs was rearing it's head.

The Manchurian or whatever.. I don't know who they are.. but lumping all people into boxes is not constructive. Jews are not a religion.. they are a people descended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The religion is Judaism.

I'm just a gentile.. not worthy but extremely grateful.

I don't care who posts here cino. But to disparage a group of people that are Jewish but accept Jesus as their Messiah is not right.

This thread was about a show.. and look what happened to it.

I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

The Manichaeans were a religious group who coexisted with the early Christians in the Roman empire. They were also present in the Persian Empire at the same time, and in central Asia, all ge way to China. One of the great early Christian theologians, St Augustine, was a Manichaean prior to converting to Christianity. They may have believed in two (almost) equally powerful Gods, a good one and an evil one, and to them, Jesus was sent by the good God to rescue the souls imprisoned in the physical world, dominated by the evil God. The religion does not exist any more, but to this day, "Manichaeism" is another word for "dualism", and any Christian pastor or theologian who spent any time at a seminary will be extremely careful to distance themselves from any such teaching. After all Christians believe in one God, not two.

I hope I did not make any crass mistakes explaining these points of belief, @Thomas please step in if I misrepresented anything.
This thread was about a show.. and look what happened to it.
Back on topic, then!

I have not watched the show you recommended yet.

Initially, I thought you were referring to a book of the same name which we read at school in the 80'ies, and which had been turned into a movie. That book is about two 20th century kids, though.

I love that they made Matthew on the autism spectrum.. the actor is amazing.

Intriguing. I never imagined Matthew like that. What is it that makes it work, do you think?
Cino I don't care to know the history of the church. I focus on the word of God. In doing that I know where my authority is as it's God's known will for me. Man mucks everything up from the very beginning and will to the very end. I don't want to debate these things... I leave it to much smarter people than me like Thomas!

My verses on how I TRY to live my life

1 Corinthians 13:13
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
Back on topic, then!

I have not watched the show you recommended yet.

Initially, I thought you were referring to a book of the same name which we read at school in the 80'ies, and which had been turned into a movie. That book is about two 20th century kids, though.

Intriguing. I never imagined Matthew like that. What is it that makes it work, do you think?
It works because Matthew was so detailed in his writings and imagine being Jewish and becoming a tax collector.. it would take someone that was not socially connected to their people. When Simon the zealot joined the group? wow! Also in the show he had a lot of interactions with others like Simon Peter and Andrew as he had to collect taxes from them.

You don't have to be a believer to watch this. It would be no different than watching a historical era series like Outlander.. which I love btw!

This show was crowd funded and all the actors are so good and the stories are so good. I really want people to watch it.